An Article by Dr. Adolfo F. Acuna Truth and Objectivity and Chicano History
Contents Objectivity in Chicano History The Myth and Truth of Objectivity Who’s Truth? Truth an Objectivity and Moral History Choices Conclusion
Objectivity in Chicano History Dr. Acuna explains the fallacies behind teaching and learning Chicano history. He is disappointed with other scholars and their take on Chicano studies through his education but is taught to respect it by his colleagues Learning a subject such as history is taken seriously by scholars but Chicano History is considered to be “lacking a consistent theoretical framework” History is not an “objective moral truth”.History represents a point of view.
Objectivity in Chicano History The historian is necessarily selective: “The historian’s life experiences play a determine role in their selection of facts which may prevent him or her from understanding the truth of others” The historian is given fact on history to teach his/her students. It is up to the historian on how to present them and from which side to teach from. This has created strife in Asian American studies, Latino studies, and African American studies.
Objectivity in Chicano History What is Chicano History? Chicano history and Chicano studies differ in that they are the study of facts and the study of the working class and current situation. The development of Chicano studies is seen as flawed and the reason why it is not taken seriously. Dr. Acuna points out the study is confrontational. It is believed the surname makes a Chicano studies expert an expert but it is in fact the ability to get his or her feet “wet” so to speak. Interaction with working class Ability to speak spanish Ability to identify with the struggle of the middle class Ability to break away from eurocentrism
The Myth of Truth and Objectivity Dr. Acuna speaks out about the action to not hire him by the University of California Santa Barbara and its scholars that regarded his studies as being “too political” The truth is obscured by the objectivity of the scholars being hired. History is controlled by the Eurocentric society and by the people that educate our youth. This is the way our youth is educated and it is how we learn.
Truth and Objectivity and Moral Authority Part of then reason why we study history is so we can learn about our future… this is what most historians tell us. Cultural revolution is always taking place in the Chicano scholars studies, this is what is constantly changing in the study. Without Chicano studies we cannot learn about our past and our present. There has always been resistance to the learning of different culture because knowledge breeds power.
Truth and Objectivity and Moral Authority Dr. Acuna is an advocate for the learning and education of Chicano studies because as he puts it “history has not stood still since the 1950’s” there is still miscommunication and ignorance for different races that are not anglo-saxon. The video shown on the next slide remarks on what taking away multicultural education will do to our youth:
Protest of Ethnic Studies Closure _closure_of_mexican_american
Truth and Objectivity and Moral Authority As of now there is resistance to the learning of Chicano culture this has brought on a whole new type of protest with Dr. Acuna speaking as an advocate for the education of Chicanos and ethnic studies There are magazines and blogs circulating against the resistance to ban the education of our youth in ethnic studies.
Choices Scholars most often seek the path of least resistance because they do not look to protest but to be scholars Dr. Acuna speaks our against the injustices of the uneducated chicanos because he is once of the voices for the youth He reiterates how he chooses a path of resistance in order to fight for what he thinks is the correct way of education and truth.
Conclusion Dr. Acuna goes on to talk about a scholar that has spoken our about the education of specifically Chicano studies. That it seems as if it is a biased study and is breeding discrimination. It seems like a consensus within the Chicano community that universities that are as diverse as Arizona or even CSUN have a right to teach and make sure everyone is educated on the culture they want to be educated on regardless of race.
Chicano Movement This is a magazine/ blog that reiterates all of the injustices done to the chicano community and how by peaceful and loud protest we can change it.
The silence of the education system
Sources papers/oc09.pdf papers/oc09.pdf