Balancing Teacher and Student Talk in the Classroom Chris Thompson and Kaye Brockbank Spanish Fork Junior High, Nebo District
Nobody wants to be this guy, or (worse) his students!
Engage all students Encourage use of academic and general vocabulary (ELL focus) Accountability doesn’t have to be written Create a safe environment Manage (don’t just tolerate) noise Model Expectation Give Guided Response Templates
Get to know your neighbors! (see handout and ppt.)
Students pair and share a piece of content-based reading twice, then listen carefully to their third partner and teach what they just HEARD in the fourth pairing. This is tough! NOTE: This is the only way to watch Top Gun as the music spares us of any and all 80s corniness. When you hear the music, wander and find a new sharing buddy.
Read 3 short stories in a unit Diagram plot (review) Plot tweaking (just change the setting) Brainstorm in groups the new plot ideas Share with the class (vote) Decide on our own plots and diagram Share in pairs
Do they have to write to be accountable? Turn taking Listening Safety in Sharing Would this have been as effective had there not been a common text?
Note the excitement and the use of academic vocabulary. Remember, these are 8 th graders who are tweaking well established plotlines in an attempt to outdo one another. A discussion regarding animal cruelty and the politically incorrect use of the word “hobo” ensued.
Finally, We write our own plotlines and share.
Let’s give it a try! See Book Chat ppts.
Let’s use student-generated allusions and see how we do! See Allusion ppt.
IRONY The audience knows _____________, but ____________ is unaware of it.—dramatic ________________ says “______________” but means the opposite.—verbal One would expect _____________ BECAUSE ____________________, but INSTEAD the opposite occurs.—situational
Theme As humans we often... In life we sometimes... It is human nature to... At some point in life everyone... Moral People should(n’t)... It is not a good idea to...
Our Students Want to Share! Get Them Talking!