WHAT IS IMPERIALISM? 1.Imperialism is when a country expands its power through diplomacy or military force. 2.In the late 1800s and early 1900s, the United States began heavily expanding their power outside of its boundaries and into the world.
MAP OF THE UNITED STATES IN The United States in 1783 was a very small and new country but it still wanted to expand and grow. 2.As you can see on the map, they did have quite a few territories that would eventually become states.
UNITED STATES TODAY 1.Today – the United States covers a lot of North America (in blue) and claims a lot of island territories.
UNITED STATES MILITARY IN The United States in 1783 had little military influence on just the North American continent. The army was small and rebuilding from the Revolutionary War that had just ended. 2.Again, look at the map.
OUR MILITARY TODAY 1.Our military influence today
MILITARY AND TERRITORIES 1.We can see by the previous maps just how much the United States has grown in the past few centuries. 2.Let’s dive in to discover how they became more powerful.
DIPLOMACY IMPERIALISM 1.The United States used diplomacy meaning they made deals with many countries in order to trade goods and services.
FOREIGN POLICY 1.Foreign Policy means how the United States interacts with foreign nations. 2.Most of the foreign policy decisions comes from the President of the United States. 3.Example: The United States has open trade with our neighboring country, Canada. 4.Foreign policy can change with new Presidents.
TRADE 1.America was growing very fast through this time period because of the Second Industrial Revolution, Expansion in the West, Technological Advances, etc. all of which we learned about. 2.America wanted to start selling goods and services to the world. They did just that and it was very successful.
TRADE CHART 1.This chart shows the growth of exports and imports from the United States. 2. Exports are goods that are made in a country and shipped out. 3. Imports are goods a country buys from another country.
TRADE MAP 1.The map below shows the trade routes to and from the United States. 2.Where is the main meeting/middle point on this map? 3.That’s right! Hawaii !
HAWAII 1.So if Hawaii is a great rest stop on the trade routes, would this island be very valuable? 2.You bet! 3.The United States claimed Hawaii as a territory in Hawaii became a U.S. State in 1959.
QUICKER TRADE ROUTE? 1.Look at the map and tell me which trade route would be easier to follow. Blue or red? Why?
PANAMA CANAL 1.That blue line cuts through the Panama Canal. 2.In 1904, the United States bought that land from the French. 3.The United States helped cut a canal through that land so that shipping goods during trade routes could save tons of time and money. 4.The United States expanded its power by using this crucial canal.
MILITARY IMPERIALISM 1.The United States used its rising military to help have more influence in the world. 2.Perhaps the biggest example of military force used by the United States around the late 1800s and early 1900s was the Spanish-American War.
SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR BACKGROUND 1.The country of Cuba was owned by Spain. 2.Cuba wanted to be free, just like the United States wanted to be free of British control. 3.Cuba fought and gained the attention of the United States after Yellow Journalism began happening in the United States.
YELLOW JOURNALISM 1.This was when journalists would write stories that were very exaggerated or false. 2.They made the country of Spain look like a bunch of heartless monsters killing innocent people in Cuba.
CLASS ACTIVITY: HOW YELLOW JOURNALISM WORKS 1.Think of a current event currently popular in the news. a)Example: Ebola, ISIS, 2014 elections, Comet landing, etc. 2.Now, think of an exaggerated headline as a class. The headline will bend the truth and often make false claims. The purpose is to gain attention. a)Example: “Ebola Spreads Through Fear of Clowns!” 3.What can you think of?
PRE-WAR 1.The United States send the USS-Maine ship to protect the interests of U.S. citizens in Cuba at the time of war. 2.The ship was near Cuba when it exploded killing 226 American sailors. 3.The American public blamed the Spanish and war was started.
USS MAINE EXPLOSION 1.Reports came in that the explosion was caused by an external force igniting the ammunition inside the ship. 2.Other reports came in that the explosion was caused by an internal force. 3.In 2002, it was concluded that it was internal explosion meaning that the Spanish did not attack. 4.Talk about a terrible time for an explosion to happen! Right in the middle of a war zone. That would be equivalent to having your fireworks accidentally explode right next to a police station. It is a recipe for bad things! 5.However, the American public at the time was convinced it was Spain’s fault.
WAR! 1.The US declared war on the Spanish on April 20, The United States would help Cuba gain its independence. 3.The United States would also fight Spain in the Pacific Ocean, too. 4.The war would last only 10 weeks and end on August 21, A peace treaty was signed by the United States and Spain
POST-WAR 1.So who walked away as a winner ? 2.Spain walked away with nothing. 3.Cuba walked away with its independence from Spain 4.The United States walked away as arguably the winner of this fight. 5.They gained three new territories from Spain: 1.Puerto Rico 2.Philippines 3.Guam 6.Not only that but relations were more healed at home. For the first time since the Civil War – the North and the South had a common enemy and there was not as much bitterness between the two regions in the United States.
WAS WAR THE ANSWER? 1.Do you think war was the right response or do you think the United States should have done something else?