My personal ditales Name: Jane Surname: Filippova Age: 15 Hobbies: English, Painting Favorite subjects at school: English, Russian Favorite occupation: playing piano, reading books
Section: «English language» Bol ’ shemurashkinskaya secondary ordinary school Scientific and Practical Conference Presented by: student of 8th grade Filippova Yana Superintendent: teacher of English language Shahtanova Elena 2015
The test of my classmates The results of the test Introduction 4 chapters 1. Interlanguage homonyms 2. Linguistic cognates 3. Reasons of Cognates and homonyms 4. Homonymy in language and worldview Conclusion List of the literature Content
I fond of international languages I was interested in interlanguige homonyms and linguistic cognates I wanted to differ means of words in different languages I have chosen this topic because:
Have you ever listened and known the mean of the word «homonyms»? Do you think this topic is important? Do you have problems with learning words in English? Have you ever listened to the same words in different languages? Do you have problems with translation? Test
Results of the test
The aims of my work To learn the topic «Interlanguage homonyms and linguistic cognates» for myself. To argue my classmates that this topic is very important for learning and for translation in English. To differ….. To practice my English
Linguistics — science that studies languages. linguistics scientific practical
Interlanguage homonyms Interlanguage homonyms — a couple of words in two languages, similar in spelling and / or pronunciation, often with a common origin, but differ in meaning.
Bulgarian «bulka» (bride)Russian «Bulka» (bread products) Japanese «kaban» (bag)Russian «kaban» (name of the animal) Spanish «Come» (eat) Japanese « コ メ » (rice) French «Comment?» (How?)English «common» Russian «Rossia» (Russia) Japanese « 露西 亜 » (road, blurred rain) Polish «miasto» (place;место)Ukrainian «мiсто» (city;город) Spanish «libro» (book;книга)French «libre» (free;бесплатный)
English -«aggressive» - means “energetic" «aggressive» English - “Water” – means “ to water” “water” Spanish – “naranjo” – means “orange” (оранжевый) “Naranjos”- means “orange” (апельсин)
Linguistic cognates Cognates – words with the same mean, pronunciation, writing in different languages and they are divided into 2 groups. Cognates Connected Not historical connected historical
Spanish «Bien»French «Bon»English «Good»German «Gut» Spanish «Mal»French «Mal»Italian «Male»English «Bad» Spanish «Como?»French «Comment?» English «How?»German «Wie?» Spanish «Si»Italian «Si»English «Yes»German «Ja» Spanish «No»Italian «No»German «Nein»English «No» Spanish «La madre» Italian «Mamma»German «Mutter»English «Mother» French «Parler»Italian «Parlare»English «Talk»German «Sprechen»
Reasons of origin homonyms and cognates 1. In the process of historical development of lexical meaning of a word can expand or shrink. Slavic word «vonjati» (пахнуть) Russian «вонять» 2. Change of connotative meaning Polish word «uroda», which is translated into Russian as "beauty". 3. Change in the phonetic system of language: Word night means «Night» (ночь) - knight «Knight» (рыцарь)
Borrowing words
Сross-language synonymy
Homonymy in the language and worldview «Transfer of wordplay and folk etymologies is a very specific case in the field of translation» A.V. Fyodorov «Передача игры слов и народной этимологии является очень особым случаем в области перевода» А.В. Фёдоров
For the French language is characterized by an abundance of homophones as actual speech-homonyms, which is associated with the historical phonetics of the French language. For example, «le tour» - "circular motion, circle, circle around" and «la tour» - “Tower, Rook."
Conclusion Interlanguage homonyms — a couple of words in two languages, similar in spelling and / or pronunciation, often with a common origin, but differ in meaning. There are two types of homonyms. Cognates – words with the same mean, pronunciation, writing in different languages and they are divided into 2 groups. Cognates can be even in unrelated languages. There are several reasons of origin homonyms and cognates.
Thank you for your attention!!!