Slide 1 FastFacts Feature Presentation April 16, 2012 To dial in, use this phone number and participant code… Phone number: Participant code: To participate via VoIP… You must have a sound card You must have headphones or computer speakers © 2012 The Johns Hopkins University. All rights reserved.
Slide 2 Todays Topic Well be taking a look at… Updated Johns Hopkins University Cell Phone Policy
Slide 3 Todays Presenter Patricia Morley Senior Tax Accountant, Johns Hopkins University Tax Office
Slide 4 Session Segments Presentation Patricia will provide a short explanation of the new Johns Hopkins University policies and procedures that reflect important changes in IRS requirements for cell phone used for business purposes. During Patricias presentation, your phone will be muted. Q&A After the presentation, well hold a Q&A session. Well open up the phone lines, and youll be able to ask questions. Patricia will answer as many of your questions as time allows.
Slide 5 Contact Us If you would like to submit a question during the presentation or if youre having technical difficulties, you can us at: You can also send us an instant message! GoogleTalk – AOL Instant Messenger – HopkinsFastFacts MSN –
Slide 6 Survey At the end of this FastFacts session, well ask you to complete a short survey. Your honest comments will help us to enhance and improve future FastFacts sessions.
Slide 7 How To View Full Screen Click Here
Slide 8 Updated Johns Hopkins University Cell Phone Policy 8
Slide 9 Agenda Today well be covering: Why policy is changing Who needs to understand new policy and procedures University-purchased cell phones Personal cell phones used for University business Procedures, forms and approvals needed 9
Slide 10 Why policy is changing Recent changes to IRS rules allow the University to simplify documentation required to substantiate business use. Detailed documentation of each business call is eliminated. Personal use no longer has to be identified and repaid. 10
Slide 11 History For many years, rules governing tax treatment of employer- provided cell phones have been burdensome and outdated. 9/27/2010, cell phones were removed from listed property, a category requiring extensive recordkeeping. 9/14/2011 – IRS Notice issued guidance on treatment of employer-provided cell phones as a nontaxable fringe benefit. 9/14/2011 – IRS Memorandum for all Field Examination Operations allows employer reimbursement of expenses for business use of personal cell phones to be nontaxable. 11
Slide 12 Requirements When provided to a University employee primarily for noncompensatory business reasons, the business and personal use of the cell phone is nontaxable. Noncompensatory means the cell phone is not provided to increase employee morale, to attract potential employees, or to provide additional compensation to the employee. Arrangements for provision of cell phones or reimbursement for cell- phone use that is not primarily business related remains taxable. Such amounts are reported to recipient employee on W-2. 12
Slide 13 University-purchased cell phones Bona fide business purpose must be documented. Examples: The department needs to be able to speak with faculty or staff member by phone at all times for work-related emergencies. The department requires faculty or staff member to be available by phone when outside the office. Faculty or staff member needs to be able to speak with vendors, faculty and/or staff located in other times zones before or after the normal work day. The department requires faculty or staff to have access to when outside the office. 13
Slide 14 University-purchased cell phones The University purchases corporate cell phones for departments and individuals when needed to conduct University business. All equipment and plan purchases must be made through the Telecommunications Office or other University offices that have an established vendor relationship. The University does not reimburse for equipment purchased by an employee. 14
Slide 15 University-purchased cell phones Departments Responsibilities Identify/determine the business need for a faculty or staff member, including voice and data plans chosen at levels to meet the Universitys needs. Document and retain written justification of the business purpose, including features, using Justification Statement form. The form is PDF fillable The form has information needed by the employee for the purchase including the cost center or internal order Sponsored funds (grants or contracts) cannot be used unless there is specific authorization in the award 15
Slide 16 University-purchased cell phones 16
Slide 17 University-purchased cell phones 17
Slide 18 University-purchased cell phones 18
Slide 19 Implementation A written justification statement is needed for everyone with a University-purchased cell phone. A special implementation format will be available. To facilitate the implementation, pre-fill forms will be provided to departments and offices currently billed by Telecommunications. Written justifications for everyone with a University-purchased cell phone are to be completed by each department or office by June 30,
Slide 20 University-purchased cell phones Departments Responsibilities, continued Telecommunications will charge departments for cell phones. Responsible for review of monthly statements. Unusual activity requires additional documentation of business purpose. Retain documentation for review by auditors, as requested. 20
Slide 21 University-purchased cell phones International calls International calling plans must have a business purpose For occasional international call, calling cards can be used or a calling plan could be added temporarily Discuss with your telecommunications office Upgrades and renewals – a written justification form is required for each upgrade and renewal Cancellations – notify your telecommunications office of any cancellation 21
Slide 22 Reimbursement for business use of personal cell phone The University can reimburse an employee for expenses for cell phone services reasonably related to the business needs of the University. Two scenarios and two forms: The faculty or staff member is approved to use a personal cell phone for business The faculty or staff member is not approved but occasionally makes business calls. Reimbursement must be reasonably calculated so as not to exceed expenses the employee actually incurs. The University does not reimburse for cell phone equipment purchased or early termination. Faculty and staff should consider special rates available for University employees when purchasing a cell phone. 22
Slide 23 Reimbursement for business use of personal cell phone The department identifies and approves employee for reimbursement process using Justification Statement form. Reimbursement request is submitted on properly completed and approved TRIP document supported by: Employees cell phone bill identifying cost of plan Amount to be reimbursed as determined by the department on the justification form 23
Slide 24 Reimbursement for business use of personal cell phone Example Department approves service at 500 minutes. Employee has personal plan covering 2000 minutes. Reimbursement will be 25% of the cost of the basic plan for cell phone service. Data plan reimbursement calculated the same way. 24
Slide 25 Reimbursement for business use of personal cell phone 25
Slide 26 Reimbursement for business use of personal cell phone 26
Slide 27 Reimbursement for business use of personal cell phone – occasional business use The employee is not approved to have a cell phone but has made business calls that can be reimbursed Reimbursement request is submitted on properly completed and approved TRIP document supported by: Employees cell phone bill identifying the actual call(s) Identify who was on the call State the business purpose Amount to be reimbursed as determined the worksheet (provided on the web) 27
Slide 28 Departments – University-purchased cell phones Determine who in your department has a University-purchased cell phone. Complete appropriate Justification Statement by June 30, Review monthly charges. Unusual charges require additional documentation. Retain Justification Statement and additional documentation for review by auditors, as requested. Contact the Tax Office if you have any questions. Conclusion 28
Slide 29 University policy, procedures and forms will be available soon. Departments – Personal cell phones used for University business Determine who in your department needs a cell phone. Complete appropriate Justification Statement by May 1, Review monthly charges. Unusual charges require additional documentation. Retain Justification Statement and additional documentation for review by auditors, as requested. Contact the Tax Office if you have any questions. Conclusion 29
Slide 30 Were going to open the phone lines now! There will be a slight pause, and then a recorded voice will provide instructions on how to ask questions over this conference call line. Well be answering questions in the order that we receive them. Well also be answering the questions that were ed to us during the presentation. If theres a question that we cant answer, well do some research after this session, and then the answer to all participants. Q&A 30
Slide 31 Thank You! Thank you for participating! We would love to hear from you. Are there certain topics that you would like us to cover in future FastFacts sessions? Would you like to be a FastFacts presenter? Please us at: 31
Slide 32 Survey Before we close, please take the time to complete a short survey. Your feedback will help us as we plan future FastFacts sessions. Click this link to access the survey… Thanks again! 32