Nutrition Done By Keaton Edwards Computers 8
Carbohydrates major source of energy found in grains, fruit, milk, etc. simple sugars found in juices, lollipops, etc. cause blood sugar level to rise two major types simple carbohydrates sugars get hungry quickly complex carbohydrates starches get hungry slowly
Dietary Fats helps kids bodies grow helps absorb some vitamins found in meats, dairy, nuts, oils, etc. should be 30% daily calories unsaturated fats best kind saturated fats raise cholesterol trans fats worst kind, raise cholesterol
Proteins builds up, maintains, repairs tissues in body found in meat, dairy, nuts, veggies, etc. muscles, organs, immune system mostly protein make specialized protein molecules in body works red blood cells, heart animal sources complete contain nine amino acids vegetable sources incomplete do not
Fibre slows down absorption of sugar in bloodstream lowers blood cholesterol found in fruits & veggies, grains, etc. fights diseases, good for digestive system can not be cooked out of food soluble fibre reduce cholesterol level in blood insoluble fibre speeds food through digestive tract
Vitamins build every part of your body meat, dairy, fruits & veggies, alternatives, etc. substances found in food we eat different foods contain different vitamins Thirteen essential vitamins (A – E, K) fat soluble stored in fat tissues in body water soluble travel through bloodstream
Minerals help body grow, develop stay healthy meat, dairy, fruits & veggies, alternatives, etc. are inorganic compounds macro minerals need large amounts calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, sulfur trace (micro) minerals body needs smaller amounts iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluoride, selenium
Water helps you fight off illnesses digest food & get rid of waste carries oxygen to all cells in body more than half your body weight only survive three days without dying drinking too much water can kill you without, not as quick/sharp as normal