School in France
The Different Levels At School The children in France have to go to school from 6 years old to 16 years old. But they can begin before. LEVELAGE “maternelle”3 – 5 years old Primary School6 – 11 years old Secondary School12 – 15 years old High School16 – 18 years old
Primary School Secondary School Maternelle High School
The School Holidays beginning of the school year2 sept. Toussaint18 oct. – 2 nov. Christmas20 dec. – 4 jan. Winter21 feb. – 8 march Springtime25 april – 10 may Summer holidays4 july – 2sept.
The children go to maternelle from 3 years old to 5 years old. They learn to : _ use a pen, _ write their name, _ live and talk together, _ move in space _ open their mind and be creative MATERNELLE
LevelsAge Little section3-4 years old Middle section4-5 years old High section5-6 years old They go to school from 8:30am to 4:00pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. And from 8:30am to 12:00am on Wednesday.
Primary School
The children go to the Primary School from 6 years old to 11 years old. They learn to : _ write and read _ calculate and solve problems They have music, physical education and visual arts. They can begin to learn english.
Cours Préparatoire (CP) 6-7 years old Cours élémentaire 1re année (CE1) 7-8 years old Cours élémentaire 2e année (CE2) 8-9 years old Cours moyen 1re année (CM1) 9-10 years old Cours moyen 2e année (CM2) years old
Secondary School (collège)
The Different Classes and Cycles of Secondary School (Collège) LEVELSAGE 6ème11 – 12 years old 5ème12 – 13 years old 4ème13 – 14 years old 3ème14 – 15 years old The Adaptation Cycle Orientation Cycle Central Cycle
In the secondary school, we have : ≡ French ≡ mathematics ≡ modern languages ≡ languages and cultures of Antiquity (option) ≡ history geography ≡ civic education ≡ biology ≡ Physics + chemistry ≡ Information technology ≡ musical education ≡ visual arts ≡ physical education ≡ history of art
mondaythursdaywednesdaytuesdayfriday 8h15 IT PE French 9h15 Mathematics Histoiry Geography 10h25 PE English Mathematics EnglishMusical Education 11h20 Mathematics Histoiry Geography BiologyVisual Arts 12h15 LUNCH 13h30 Physics Chemistry ITSpanish Physics Chemistry 14h25 English French Mathematics Spanish 15h35 BiologyFrench 16h30 Spanish Example of Timetable for 4ème
At the end of 3ème, the students take a big exam called BREVET. They take mathematics, french and history + geography tests. There are about 25 students by class. The school year is divided into 3 trimesters. At the end of every trimester the parents go talk with the teacher to follow the progress of their child.
Here is the log book used for writing important information and communication between teachers and families.
High School (lycée)
The current high school mainly corresponds to the last three years of secondary education (second, first and final) for teenagers usually from years old (seconde) to years old (terminale). The point of High School is to prepare to the exam called BAC (baccalauréat). The students have : French Mathematics History Geography ECJS Physical Education Two Foreign Languages Physics Chemistry Biology-Geology
There are different kinds of BAC, the choice depends on the job we want to do. General BACTechnologic BAC BAC LBAC STI2D BAC ESBAC STD2A BAC SBAC STMG BAC STL BAC ST2S BAC STAV BAC Hôtellerie BAC TMD
WELCOME TO OUR SCHOOL !!! Have a nice day !! Eloïse BOURBIER, Guewen LOMBARD, Gwenaël LOMBARD, Mariana FERNANDES, Lahcen AMAHANE