Slide 1 FastFacts Feature Presentation November 6, 2008 We are using audio during this session, so please dial in to our conference line… Phone number: Participant code:
Slide 2 Todays Topic Well be taking a look at… SMART
Slide 3 Todays Presenter Debi Artist SAP Support Team
Slide 4 Session Segments Presentation Debi will address SMART. During Debis presentation, your phone will be muted. Q&A After the presentation, well hold a Q&A session. Well open up the phone lines, and youll be able to ask questions. Sam Press will answer as many of your questions as time allows.
Slide 5 Contact Us If you would like to submit a question during the presentation or if youre having technical difficulties, you can us at: You can also send us an instant message! GoogleTalk – AOL Instant Messenger – HopkinsFastFacts MSN –
Slide 6 Survey At the end of this FastFacts session, well ask you to complete a short survey. Your honest comments will help us to enhance and improve future FastFacts sessions.
Slide 7 SMART
Slide 8 Agenda Today we will cover: What is SMART? What does SMART do? A demonstration of SMART Questions and answers
Slide 9 What is SMART?
Slide 10 What is SMART? S AP M apping A ssistance R ecommendation T ool
Slide 11 Purpose of SMART Help employees responsible for assigning SAP roles and security, enhance their knowledge of SAP roles Users understand the functionality of SAP roles Users understand how SAP roles are secured To Access SMART:
Slide 12 What does SMART do?
Slide 13 What Does SMART Do? The SMART application provides two methods of seeking information. 1.Interactive Interview Process SMART prompts you with a series of questions Questions grouped by major functions (i.e. Supply Chain) Displays a list of recommended roles 2.Role Explanation Lookup Quick way of obtaining information about SAP roles Select by technical name or display name Provides detailed explanation of the role
Slide 14 What SMART Does Not Do The SMART application will NOT: Assign SAP roles to an employee Prevent you from selecting inappropriate business areas or entities, and certain combinations of roles that may cause security conflicts
Slide 15 Lets See SMART
Slide 16 SMART Scenario Complete an interview for another user Add travel roles Remove the travel and Business Expense Assistant role Preview the results Finalize the roles Display a printable version of the results Print the results to excel
Slide 17 SMART Welcome Page The SMART welcome page allows you to access the SMART Interactive Interview process or the Role Explanation Lookup. Click the to look up a role.
Slide 18 Role Explanation Lookup by Technical Name The Role Explanation Lookup function allows you to look up a role either by the technical name or the display name (role name). When you select the Technical Name option, a drop down list of technical names displays.
Slide 19 When you look up a role by Technical Name, the display name (role name) and a description of the role displays. Role Explanation Lookup by Technical Name
Slide 20 Role Explanation Lookup by Display Name When you select the Display Name option, a drop down list of role names displays.
Slide 21 When you look up a role by Display Name, the Technical Name and a description of the role displays. Role Explanation Lookup by Display Name
Slide 22 Interactive Interview For Yourself The SMART Interactive Interview allows you to obtain recommended roles for yourself or for another SAP user.
Slide 23 Interactive Interview For Another SAP User When obtaining information for another SAP user, you must enter your information and the information for the user you are completing the interview for.
Slide 24 With the exception of the name of the user you are completing the interview for, all other fields are required. Interactive Interview For Another SAP User
Slide 25 Use the drop down menu to select the appropriate computer type. Be sure to select the computer type as some roles may differ depending upon what type of computer is used. Interactive Interview For Another SAP User
Slide 26 Be sure to select the appropriate Johns Hopkins entity, as some roles may differ between the University and Health Systems. Click the button. Interactive Interview For Another SAP User
Slide 27 Travel Section Screen The interactive interview process automatically begins with the travel section under the Supply Chain heading. The navigation bar is on the left side of the screen. The recommended roles display in the yellow section on the right side of screen. Interactive Interview For Another SAP User
Slide 28 Procurement Section Screen If you click No, skip this section, SMART will take you to the next section under the Supply Chain heading. Interactive Interview For Another SAP User
Slide 29 Personnel Admin Section Screen Or, you can use your mouse to navigate to any section you choose. Simply click on the section name. Interactive Interview For Another SAP User
Slide 30 Travel Section Screen Lets complete an interactive interview for another user who needs the travel roles. Answer Yes to the Travel Section question, confirming that you want to be in the Travel Section and click. Interactive Interview For Another SAP User
Slide 31 Travel Question 1 of 3 The first question in the travel section asks if the user will be submitting their own reimbursement requests in SAP and gives a brief description of the role. Select Yes and click. Interactive Interview For Another SAP User
Slide 32 Travel Question 2 of 3 Based on the response to question 1, the appropriate roles are added to the Recommended Roles section of the screen and the next question displays. Select Yes and click. Interactive Interview For Another SAP User
Slide 33 Based on the response to question 2, the appropriate roles are added to the Recommended Roles section of the screen and the next question displays. Select Yes and click. Travel Question 3 of 3 Interactive Interview For Another SAP User
Slide 34 Review and Complete Based on the response to question 3, the appropriate roles are added to the Recommended Roles section of the screen and the Procurement Section question displays. Lets review and complete this interview. Interactive Interview For Another SAP User
Slide 35 Review and Complete CONGRATULATIONS! Lets preview our results. Click Interactive Interview For Another SAP User
Slide 36 Preview Screen Based on the responses to the 3 questions in the Travel Interactive Interview, the recommended roles for this user displays. It includes the: Role type Technical role name Display role Use this listing to verify your responses to the questions in the Interactive Interview. Interactive Interview For Another SAP User
Slide 37 In this example, it has been determined that the user will not be submitting reimbursements requests for others, so navigate back to the Travel Section, then to Question 2. Change the response from No to Yes and click. Travel Question 2 of 3 Interactive Interview For Another SAP User
Slide 38 Procurement Section Screen The Travel and Business Expense Request Assistant roles are removed from the Recommended Roles section of the screen. Interactive Interview For Another SAP User
Slide 39 When you preview the results now, the Travel and Business Expense Request Assistant roles are removed from here also. Preview Screen Interactive Interview For Another SAP User
Slide 40 Review and Complete Also listed on the Complete and Review screen are questions that you may have about certain roles and why they were assigned. Just click on the question to get the answer. Now lets finalize the results. Click. Interactive Interview For Another SAP User
Slide 41 Finalize Results Screen The Finalize page displays a recap of the recommended roles and the option to Print or Download to Excel. Please note that the roles listed are a recommendation only. The results should be discussed with your manager or supervisor. Remember, an ISR, ISR Lite or ZSR must be processed to assign roles. Interactive Interview For Another SAP User
Slide 42 Interactive Interview Printable Version Screen Click the button to display a printable version of the recommended roles.
Slide 43 Interactive Interview Download to Excel Screen Click the button and then the open button to export the final results to Excel.
Slide 44 Interactive Interview Download to Excel Screen
Slide 45 Resources SMART can be accessed at: For help with the SMART application contact the SAP Support Help Desk at:
Slide 46 Conclusion Today we covered: The definition and purpose of SMART The role of SMART A demonstration of SMART Remember that SMART does not assign SAP roles. An ISR, ISR lite and/or ZSR is still required to actually assign SAP roles and security to an SAP user.
Slide 47 Were going to open the phone lines now! There will be a slight pause, and then a recorded voice will provide instructions on how to ask questions over this conference call line. Well be answering questions in the order that we receive them. Well also be answering the questions that were ed to us during the presentation. If theres a question that we cant answer, well do some research after this session, and then the answer to all participants. Q&A
Slide 48 Thank You! Thank you for participating! We would love to hear from you. Are there certain topics that you would like us to cover in future FastFacts sessions? Would you like to be a FastFacts presenter? Please us at:
Slide 49 Survey Before we close, please take the time to complete a short survey. Your feedback will help us as we plan future FastFacts sessions. Click this link to access the survey… Thanks again!