Collin Lensink
Sig is trying to get over the death of his father throughout the story. He finally gets over it at the end of the book. “Even the dead tell stories. As Sig looked across the cabin at where his father lay, waiting for him to speak.”(10)
The setting takes place in three different places Grion and Nome which are both north of the arctic circle, and the third place is New York at the Warwick Hotel. The main setting of the book is in two different cities North of the Arctic Circle and then at the end in New York City. At the beginning of the book it takes place in Giron in 1910 during that day Sigs Father Einar Andersson who died that morning because of falling through the ice on the frozen lake outside their cabin.
Sig Andersson-Anna Anderson- Nadya Andersson Einar Andersson
Symbol The important symbol in my book is the colt revolver. It expresses the theme because Sigs father didn’t take the colt revolver into town.