Perspective on the ASTM Roadmap for Supporting Civil Nuclear Energy Plants Workshop on Emerging Trends in Nuclear Energy – The Standards Component June 15, 2011
Introduction NESCC formed to support Nuclear Energy –ASTM and NRC are participants. January 2011 ASTM survey to gain members input on needed standards actions. Next steps: Create the ASTM Roadmap or providing the needed support 2 ASTM Roadmap for Civil Nuclear Energy Plants
Background In the early 1980s, NRC (Chuck Serpan) asked ASTM E10 (Len Steele) to address list of issues via development of standards. 25 years later, the Nuclear Renaissance is on the horizon and NESCC has been formed to assist it. 3 ASTM Roadmap for Civil Nuclear Energy Plants
Background (continued) NESCC established (4/30/09) to foster needed standards and technology –included NRC/ASTM goal to identify key actions by ASTM to address critical NRC needs in support of current and future nuclear plant designs. 4 ASTM Roadmap for Civil Nuclear Energy Plants
Objectives 1.Review perspective on what SDOs need to do in order to create the ASTM Roadmap. 2.Summarize points from ASTM survey as they pertain to the ASTM Roadmap. 5 ASTM Roadmap for Civil Nuclear Energy Plants
First Objective Identify what likely has to be done in order to create the ASTM Roadmap. 6 Perspective on ASTM Roadmap
Purpose of the Roadmap Literally, the roadmap provides a strategic plan for getting to the intended destination. The strategic plan should have: –A vision statement. –Goals and aspirations for the near term (e.g., 1-3 years), medium term (e.g., 3-5 years) and long term (e.g., 5-10 years). –Specific assigned actions with metrics to judge success in attaining each defined goal and aspiration. 7 Perspective on ASTM Roadmap
Purpose of the Roadmap (continued) Start with the long term vision. Then build the list of goals and aspirations. –The Roadmap needs to be unique to ASTM and specific to nuclear power. Critical that vision be shared with NRC –Also important to get buy-in from other NESCC participants that ASTM is appropriate organization to undertake those items. 8 Perspective on ASTM Roadmap
Roadmap Process Initial step: Define vision. Identify ASTM Committees with expertise involved with issue. Identify needs: –Get input from NRC and ASTM committees, via ASTM membership survey –Compile list of ASTM standards cited in NRC Regulations, Nuclear Codes and Standards. 9 Perspective on ASTM Roadmap
Vision ASTM and NRC should define this together to serve as basis for the eventual Roadmap. [For example, ASTM working with NRC to assist Nuclear Renaissance via standards development.] Goals and Aspirations Will be specific to Nuclear Power and must be unique to ASTM. Should be shared between ASTM and NRC, and acknowledged by other stakeholders. Roadmap Inputs ASTM survey results and follow-up. List of ASTM citations in NRC Guides and Regulations, as well as in Nuclear Codes and Standards. Advice provided by cognizant ASTM subcommittees. 10 ASTM Roadmap - Summary
Outputs Establish specificity to gaps (new vs. updated standard or technology). Rank order based on relevance, significance, likelihood and time criticality. Action Plan Create plan for each gap. Assign to specific ASTM S/C. Establish schedule for completion. Roadmap Generation Assign sponsor and establish funding, and coordinate with NESCC. Communicate regularly with ASTM/NRC team. Mange Roadmap once created and Respond to emerging issues. 11 ASTM Roadmap - Summary
Second Objective Summarize points from January 2011 ASTM survey as they pertain to the ASTM Roadmap. 12 Overview of ASTM Survey
Committees responding to or cited in ASTM Survey A01 (A01.06) Steel and Stainless Steel B5 Copper and Copper Alloys D18 Soil and Rock D19 (D19.04) Water/Radiochemical Analysis D33 Protective Coating and Lining/Power Gen. E08 Fatigue and Fracture E10 (E10.02 and E10.05) Nuclear Technology and Applications. E48 Biotechnology 13 Overview of ASTM Survey
Potential Resources Vessel forging specifications (A508, A541, A723, A965) are responsibility of subcommittee A Fracture and fatigue standards with nuclear applications are responsibility of Committee E08. Reactor vessel integrity and neutron metrology standards are responsibility of Committee E10, and previously has worked with NRC on regulatory needs. D33 is working on NIST/NESCC project for concrete codes and standards. 14 Overview of ASTM Survey
General Observations Various subcommittees (D19.04, E10, D33) reported active involvement or representation by NRC; often reported desire for more NRC participation. 15 Overview of ASTM Survey
Potential ASTM Actions - New Plant Designs For passive reactor designs (e.g., AP1000), some follow- up suggested on containment vessel coatings for thermal conductivity or coating weight; and technology with respect to treatment of corrosion product buildup on coating. Consideration of buried piping, modular design, torsional shear testing, and aging of coatings. Consideration of component material specifications for international applications – clarity of interpretation by non-English speaking fabricator. Consideration of specifications for new material applications (since cannot base performance on current plant experience). 16 Overview of ASTM Survey
Potential ASTM Actions – Operating Plants Check for consistency in citing standards between NRC, DOE, EPA and Homeland Security (Agreement States) and for use of current versions of ASTM standards in Nuclear Codes. Assess need to update ASTM specifications on reagent water and for non-destructive fuel assay techniques. Determine need for updated fracture toughness testing standards, nuclear fuel reprocessing and test protocols, neutron detector and radiochemical analysis technology and standards for high strength rebar. 17 Overview of ASTM Survey
Potential Communication Paths Symposiums and workshops with invitations to academics. Certification and training (for which ASTM can add specific value). Collaboration with other organizations (NACE, ASME, ASCE, ASFE, NSSS vendors, academia) in the preceding and to execute the ASTM Roadmap. Recurring theme: The more others are involved, the better the end result. 18 Overview of ASTM Survey
Summary Process underway to identify key ASTM committees involved with standards for the civil nuclear power industry and for examining NRC regulations for citations to ASTM standards. Numerous potential actions identified in ASTM Survey. –Some Subcommittees are already addressing identified gaps. Need to identify potential gaps and to get agreement of their significance to the Nuclear Renaissance and, hence, to their place in the ASTM Roadmap. 19 Perspective on the ASTM Roadmap for Civil Nuclear Energy Plants
Summary (continued) This Workshop is one step in process to create the ASTM Roadmap for civil nuclear energy. It is important for the NRC and ASTM: –to work together to define the gaps and –to create the ASTM Roadmap and manage it to fill key gaps on a timely basis. 20 Perspective on the ASTM Roadmap for Civil Nuclear Energy Plants
21 The more others are involved, the better the end result. Questions? Perspective on the ASTM Roadmap for Civil Nuclear Energy Plants