Watershed Management Program Topographic Information Watershed Evaluation Watershed Management Plan Implementation of Best Management Practices Maintenance of Watershed Parameters and Models
Project Development Project issues and approach outline Project timeline, and staff allocation and cost spreadsheet Project communication and quality assurance plan
Digital Topographic Information –Horizontal and vertical datum establishment; –Collection of existing topographic information and generation of topographic feature classes necessary for building a DTM of the watershed; –Datum conversion; –Identification of topographic voids; –Acquisition of topographic information using aerial methods or other approved methods; –Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for Watershed Evaluation processing; –Project management and quality control; and –Final approved deliverables for Digital Topographic Information.
Watershed Evaluation –Generic watershed feature assembly, evaluation, and processing from existing data sources; –Field data acquisition approach to refine DTM and hydraulic features (locations, methods, and accuracy); –Public Notification –Field reconnaissance and acquisition of additional spatial (xyz) information and attributes for DTM and hydraulic feature refinement; –TIN and DEM refinement based on added information from desktop evaluation and field reconnaissance; –Generic hydrologic features; –Generic hydraulic features; –Surface water resource assessment analysis approach; –Project management and quality control; and –Final approved deliverables for the Watershed Evaluation.
Watershed Management Plan –Refined generic and semi-generic geodatabase, and parameterization for specific use geodatabase or database; –Watershed computer simulation model development and verification; –Floodplain analysis and delineation; –Public notification, public meeting and 90 day review and comment period; –Revised floodplain analysis and delineation based on public comment and review; –Level of service determination; –Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRM) generation; –Surface water resource assessment; –Best Management Practices (BMP) alternative analysis; –Project management and quality control; –Final approved deliverables for Watershed Management Plan; and –Conceptual Environmental Resource Permit application(s) for Selected BMP(s). (optional)
Issues Rainfall excess method for Floodplains –SCS/NRCS not reasonable for floodplains in watersheds with deep type A soils –Dynamics of saturation excess and level of detail –S or total retention storage, including initial soil storage. –Storage threshold for Initial abstraction in the hydrology and storage threshold for dynamic storage (explicit in the model) One day ERP, Five day for floodplains Percolation as an outfall for storage areas QA/QC, Public review and comment Maintenance and FIRMs effective flood hazard zones Event Based rainfall. Spatial and temporal distribution of the design event
Overland Weirs in 1-D unsteady state models –Connected reservoirs or channel to a reserviors Storage threshold for Initial abstraction in the hydrology and storage threshold for dynamic storage (explicit in the model) The G&S is not an excuse, not to think.