الإسكندرية By Dominick Rubino
Αλεξάνδρεια Basic Info Second largest city مدينة in في Egypt Population is 4.1 million It stretches along the Mediterranean sea for 20 miles Largest city مدين مدينة in the mediterranean Largest place in في Egypt for trading (80%) Three ٣ main ethnic groups are Egyptians, Greeks, and Jewish.
Alessandria History Founded April 331 BC Founder is Alexander the great Was once the capital of Egypt Alexandria was supposed to be the city مدينة that connected the Great Nile Valley to Greece A few years after Alexandria was founded Alexander left and never returned back to Egypt
After he left he left Cleomenes was put in charge of seeing the development of Alexandria The city مدينة wasn't also a big Hellenic(Greek) area in Egypt but was the largest Jewish community In80 BC Alexandria was put under the control of the Roman empire In AD 113 most of Alexandria was destroyed in the Kitos War After the war it gave the architects an opportunity to rebuild the wonderful city
On July AD the city مدينة suffered a terrible earthquake and tsunami This is known as the day of horror In 619 AD the city مدينة was Attacked by Persians. In 641 AD the city مدينة was put under Muslim control In 1798 the French took control of the city مدينة In 1801 the British had taken over Then it was put back under muslim control in 1954
Climate Has an arid climate Usual Mediterranean climate The coldest months are January and February which reach 54 to 64 degrees The hottest months are July and August reaching temperatures of 84 degrees Alexandria experiences crazy storms and hail It rains 195 inches per year The sun sees the city for 3,307 hours a year
Ալեքսանդրիա Ancient Remains Most of the ancient remains are intact One of the remains that was not kept intact was the library On the site of the old library stands a new modern library Some ancient remains that are intact are Pompeii's pillar, the sphinx and a lighthouse.
Александрыя Fun Facts Alexandria is home to many great colleges and schools The city is broken up into separate parts The city also has many libraries
Credits Collage_Alexandria.png Collage_Alexandria.png oramio.com/photos/original/ jpg oramio.com/photos/original/ jpg g g destinations.com/egypt/images/alexandria/mosques-c- torie.jpg
destinations.com/egypt/images/alexandria/library/library-water- c-torie.jpg destinations.com/egypt/images/alexandria/library/library-water- c-torie.jpg ia_egypt.jpg ia_egypt.jpg at.jpg at.jpg
CeKPZm5E apple.com DlaI/AAAAAAAADYo/bdPD_ccqyJo/s1600/alexmed itbeach.jpg DlaI/AAAAAAAADYo/bdPD_ccqyJo/s1600/alexmed itbeach.jpg