MEDARE Workshop, Tarragona, Spain Rescue and Digitization of Climate Records of Cyprus 28 – 30 November 2007 Stelios Pashiardis Meteorological Service of Cyprus
Contents 1. History of Meteorological Observations in Cyprus 2. ENVIS Database System 3. Key – Entry of Meteorological Observations 4. Temperature Records – Inventories Digitization of Thermohydrographs Inventories 5. Precipitation – Inventories Hourly Precipitation and Inventories Daily Precipitation Quality Control Procedures Metadata Info 6. Assistant Required
Map of Cyprus
Meteorological Service History (a) : First meteorological observations 1878: British occupation 1881: Climatilogical Stations in Lefkosia, Ammohostos, Larnaka, Pafos, Keryneia, Lemesos (1882)
Meteorological Service History (b) : The department of Public Work had the responsibility of the meteorological observations 1957: Establishment of Meteorological Service 1967: A scientist (physicist) was employed 1968: A specialist from WMO organizes the Meteorological Service
Meteorological Service History (c) 1970: Decade of intensive development 1976: Establishment of the Meteorological Office (synoptic unit) in Larnaka Airport 1983: Establishment of the radiosonde unit in Athalassa
Meteorological Service History (d) 1984: Establishment of the radiation center in Athalassa 1986: Reception system of radar photos 1990: Establishment of computerized system 1994: Installation of the Meteorological Radar in Kykkos
Meteorological Service History (e) 1997: Installation of an Automatic system for upper air observation measurements 1998: New instruments of measurement for radiation in Athalassa 2000: Establishment of a network of Automatic weather stations 2003: Development of a Climate Database system Key-entry data of existing ASCII or EXCEL files and various meteorological forms.
History of Meteorological Observations Climatological and Rainfall Stations YEAR No of climat. stations No of rainfall stations (a) (b) (a): before Turkish invasion (whole island) (b): after Turkish invasion (areas under government control)
ENVIS- Climatological database
Network of stations
Current Internal Processes and Information Systems 1. Station History Information 2. Meteorological & Climatological Data:(Hourly, Daily, Monthly,Yearly) 3. Statistical Analysis of Met. Data 4. Weather Reports and Studies (ten –days, monthly, yearly) 5. Extreme Events 6. Meteorological Maps 1. Departments of the ministry of Agriculture 2. Department of Civil Aviation 3. Department of Renewable Energy Resources 4. Cyprus Tourist Organizations 5. University of Cyprus INPUT DATA Meteorological Observations through the Network of meteorological stations METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE Climatology and Applied Meteorology OTHER ORGANIZATIONS Local Organizations 1. Rainfall Stations (105) 2. Climatological Stations (45) 3. Synoptic Stations (3) 4. Upper Air Observations (1) 5. Automatic Weather Stations(18) 6. Radiation Stations (1)
Data Entry Key Entry Digitization Procedure (Autographic Charts)
Temperature Hourly temperatures Daily Maximum and minimum Temperatures Mean Daily Temperatures
Digitizing Procedure - Thermograph
Quality Control Air temperature Min Max 08:00 13:00
Inventory of Thermohydrographs
Summary Table Thermohydrographs
Data Entry Form (Met 815) Daily Max & Min Temperatures
Summary Table Daily Maximum and Minimum Temperatures
Precipitation Hourly Precipitation and Intensities Daily Precipitation
Rain Recorder's Chart
Summary Table
Key – Entry Form (ENVIS)
Quality Control Precipitation Rain Recorder Analysis, Plot Daily Data on a Map Draw contour lines
Precipitation Map (contour lines)
Summary of Daily Precipitation Data
Metadata Info E.g. Kato Pyrgos P.S. 01/10/ /03/1920 Actual No records 01/04/ /04/1920 Estimation 01/05/ /03/1956 Actual No records 01/04/ /12/1956 Estimation 01/01/ /05/1964 Actual No records 01/06/ /10/1964 Estimation 01/11/1964-To date Actual
Assistant Required 1. Preparing a strategy plan to rescue the data 2. Employment of Key – Entry personnel 3. Key – Entry of upper air synoptic observations and daily observations of historical records 4. Implementation of metadata procedures 5. Upgrading Climate Database system 6. Installation of AWS Database System 7. Application of Homogenization methods to time – series data