To access the “My Dairy Concept” template, visit Enter Farm Name Here Enter Contact Information Enter Date
To access the “My Dairy Concept” template, visit
Problem/Need CLEARLY DEFINE YOUR PROBLEM/NEED Example: “This loan of $300,000 is necessary to finance a milking parlor and 12 additional jersey cows.
To access the “My Dairy Concept” template, visit Solution State what you believe is the solution from the problem stated in the previous slide State briefly how this remedy will to help you reach your business objectives Example: “This loan will allow the farm to increase revenues to a projected $XXX annually with net profits of $XX 6 months after the completed installation.
To access the “My Dairy Concept” template, visit Rationale Explain your 3-4 most important objectives & goals under each objective
To access the “My Dairy Concept” template, visit Farm Profile Categories: Your Farm Data: Cow Type & Number: Enter Data Here Average lbs. of milk/day Enter Data Here Price per CWT Enter Data Here Average pounds of milk/cow/year Enter Data Here Pregnancy rate Enter Data Here Cows in milk/month Enter Data Here Other statistics? Enter Data Here
To access the “My Dairy Concept” template, visit Farm Management Team Describe company ownership and management structure Strengths & weaknesses Discuss any gaps/problem in manpower or management Sample Farm Management Diagram John Doe, Owner Jane Doe, Owner Jack Smith Herds Manager
To access the “My Dairy Concept” template, visit Constraints/Problems of your Dairy Business List 3-4 of the most important barriers to change in order of importance Example: “Because of the volatility of milk prices, there is potential for lower revenue and no profitability next year.”
To access the “My Dairy Concept” template, visit Constraints/Problems of your Dairy Business List 3-4 of the most important barriers to change in order of importance Example: “Because of the volatility of milk prices, there is potential for lower revenue and no profitability next year.”
To access the “My Dairy Concept” template, visit Brief SWOT Analysis Strengths: Enter your strengths here Weaknesses: Enter your weaknesses here Opportunities: Enter your opportunities here Threats: Enter your threats here
To access the “My Dairy Concept” template, visit Long-Term Plan Long-term strategy Plans of expansion and growth Future ownership/management
To access the “My Dairy Concept” template, visit Thank You for Your Consideration. Enter Partners’ Names Enter Farm Name