17.11.2006Warsaw1 Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Hydro-Engineering (IBW PAN), Gdansk Participating in FLOODSite Integrated Project 2004 - 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Warsaw1 Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Hydro-Engineering (IBW PAN), Gdansk Participating in FLOODSite Integrated Project GOCE-CT Danuta Leśniewska

Warsaw2 2 Floods

Warsaw3 3 Integrated Flood Risk Analysis and Management Methodologies An integrated, European, methodology for flood risk analysis and management Consistency of approach to the causes, impacts and control of flooding from rivers, estuaries and the sea Techniques and knowledge to support integrated flood risk management in practice Dissemination of this knowledge Networking and integration with other EC national and international research FLOODsite will deliver

Warsaw4 4 Why have the FLOODsite IP? - Great natural disasters Floods appear to be happening more often  Better publicity or climate change? Flood damages are increasing  Insurance data  Flood risk arises from human activity after Frans Klijn, 2006

Warsaw5 5 Why have the FLOODsite IP? - River floods after: Frans Klijn, 2006, Paul Samuels, 2006 Source: European Environment Agency Floods do not respect administrative or national borders Public intolerance to flooding from whatever source

Warsaw6 6 FLOODsite overview after Frans Klijn, 2006, Paul Samuels 2006 Real Cases Countries Involved EC grant to budget of €9.68 Million (IBW EC budget ~ € ) Complemented by other funds (IBW ~ €80 000) Start March 2004 Duration 5 years 36 Research partners Over 150 research team members (IBW – 5 registered team members, 13 persons partly involved) 13 Countries ( BE, CZ, DE, ES, FR, GR, HU, IT, NL, PL, PT, SE, UK)

Warsaw7 7 Building a project after Paul Samuels, 2006 Starts months before the call (EoI 2002) Get to know the Commission officers and policies EC RTD project experience within the team Partners should offer something unique Achieve a spread geographically and by organisation type Inner management team (about 6 to 8) on large projects Connect to “end-users”

Warsaw8 8 Research set-up: Theme Structure after Frans Klijn, 2006 Theme 3 – Integration (Rivers, Estuaries & Coasts) Theme 1 – Advancing Scientific Knowledge & Understanding Theme 6 - Project Networking & Harmonisation Theme 7 - Project Management Theme 5 – Training Activities Knowledge Transfer, Training and Uptake, Guidance & Tools Theme 4 – Pilot Application Sites Estuaries Rivers & estuaries Coasts & estuaries Risk Analysis 1.1 – Hazard (Sources) 1.2 – Hazard (Pathways) 1.3 – Vulnerability: receptor exposure & consequences Theme 2 – Innovative Mitigation & Sustainable Management Risk Management 2.1 – Pre-Flood Measures 2.2 – Flood Event Management 2.3 – Post-Event Activities - subthemes contibuted by IBW

Warsaw9 9 Objectives and methodology of Theme 1 Improve understanding of the primary drivers of flood risk (waves, surges, river flow, rainfall, etc.), incl. uncertainty Improve understanding, models and techniques for the analysis of the performance of the whole flood defence system and its diverse components Understand the vulnerability of the receptors of risk and to improve the methods to evaluate societal consequences

Warsaw10 Sub-Theme 1.1 Department of Coastal Engineering and Dynamics IBW PAN – participates in Task 2, Activity 2, Action 2 (IBW): Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) - to study whether and how much variations in sea level are coupled with variations of water table in a large river in the conditions of high seasonality and diverse climate patterns.

Warsaw11 Task 2, Activity 2, Action 2: Canonical correlation analysis (CCA)

Warsaw12 Sub-Theme 1.1 Department of Wave Mechanics and Structural Dynamics IBW PAN – participates in Task 2, Action 10 (IBW): Neural Network A nalysis of floods in the area connected to the South Baltic as well as archives of multi-decadal atmospheric, wave and sea level data.

Warsaw13 Neural Network calibrated model OUPUT: 4-hour forecast Significant Wave Height Increase of Sea Level INPUT History of wind and sea level and wave parameters Case study: Baltic Sea NW Mediterranean Task 2, Action 10: Application of neural networks to the storm surges prediction 13

Warsaw14 Sub-Theme 1.1 Department of Wave Mechanics and Structural Dynamics IBW PAN – participates in Task 2, Activity 2, Action 1 (IBW): Review of existing approaches in the Flood Hazard Mapping A review of existing approaches to Flood Hazard Mapping to document how this mapping is being done by national agencies.

Warsaw15 Sub-Theme 1. 2 Department of Geotechnics IBW PAN: participates in Task 4, Geotechnical instability (Activity 2), Action 2, Air trapping phenomenon and cracking (IBW). A nalysis of the role of entrapped air in an embankment body.

Warsaw16 Task 4, Acivity 2, Action 2: Air trapping phenomena and cracking

Warsaw17 Task 4, Acivity 2, Action 2: Air trapping phenomena and cracking

Warsaw18 What more... Except these particular activities, all FLOODsite team members take part in Annual partners meetings Scheduled and organized ad hoc task meetings Also Prepare common task reports and documents Cross-check other team members input to common documents Write scientific papers (some prepare PhD thesis) Take part in panel discussions Have access to unique data bases and other...

Warsaw19 To conclude… It is all challenging but fruitful experience for IBW as a FLOODsite partner and can help to tackle practical flood problems in Poland, as we believe FLOODsite will improve the management of all types of flooding However... Floods are natural and random We cannot eliminate floods but we can prepare for them For further information