Gangrene by Dr. Nimer Khraim DVMS,BVMS, MVSc
Gangrene Gangrene It’s a death and putrefaction while attached to living body Necrosis Death of T. with absence of infection
Gangrene Gangrene result from direct damage to the T. cause by mechanical, physical or chemical agent or by bacteria Like malignant edema, black leg dis. Strept. and staph. Infection
Gangrene Some time infiltration of T. with certain liquid may lead to gangrene formation like bile and urine
Clinically gangrene classified to
Dry gangrene This is mostly due to arterial occlusion Its like mummification of the T. which it become dry and reduced in volume Putrefaction is always absent
Clinically gangrene classified to Moist gangrene This mostly due to venous occlusion The dis. T. Become disintegrated and liquefied the lesion contain volatile products of very bad odor
Clinically gangrene classified to Also moist gangrene contain soluble poison when it is absorbed to the circulation it will cause a fatal toxemia
Clinically gangrene classified to Gas gangrene Its caused by many types of anaerobic spore forming bacteria They produce gas from the lyses of dead T. which appear as babble In the infected T. Like malignant edema and black leg
Clinically gangrene classified to Prognosis of gangrene Depend in the natural of the lesion which may vary from a simple ulcer to the sloughing of a large mass of a T. Gangrene is dangerous when the toxemia is severe which may cause death due to 24h
Local symptoms of gangrene
Dry gangrene The T. become change in appearance and diminish in volume The skin become shriveled The hair become dry and erect
Local symptoms of gangrene Moist gangrene The T. is become purple, greenish, blackish in color and increase in volume with engorged in blood and serum Pain is severe before death of the affected part
Local symptoms of gangrene The affected part become cold and insensitive There is a zone of demarcation between he health and affected T.
Treatment of gangrene
Removal of the T. In case of moist gangrene we can make scarification of T. with knife or puncture the gangrenous T. to permit the escape of toxic liquid and allowing the introduction of antiseptic inside the lesion
Treatment of gangrene Application of counter-irritant at the periphery of the affected part This will cause increasing of hyperemia and phagocytosis near the affected T. which accelerate the separation of the moist or dry gangrene from the health T.
Treatment of gangrene The best treatment of gangrene is amputation of the part from the body