Module 29 Interagency & International Support Program Civil Works Orientation Course - FY 11
Objective: Provide an overview of the Interagency & International Support Program (IISP), formerly known as the Support For Others program.
INTERAGENCY & INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT PROGRAM — Program Customers: – U.S. Federal agencies within the U.S. – State/Local/Other agencies within the U.S. – U.S. Federal agency operations outside the U.S. – Foreign governments and entities
— Accomplishes the same types of activities performed by the Corps in the Civil Works and Military programs, but on a fully reimbursable basis. — Guidance: ER (1992) ER (1997) — Interim Guidance (Section 211, WRDA 2000), CEMP-N Memorandum dated 8 February 2001 INTERAGENCY & INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT PROGRAM
— IISP for other Federal agencies: – Authority: Economy in Government Act – Funding: 100% customer cost, paid routinely – Example: Wastewater treatment plant construction management for USEPA INTERAGENCY & INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT PROGRAM
— IISP for State/Local governments & Others: – Authority: Various – Funding: 100% customer cost, paid in advance – Example: Design and construct environmental Infrastructure improvements (sewers) for the City of Pittsburgh. Evaluation of levees and flood risk management facilities for National Flood Insurance Program purposes. INTERAGENCY & INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT PROGRAM
— IISP for U.S. Federal agencies overseas: – Authority: Economy in Government Act – Funding: 100% customer cost, paid routinely – Example: Embassy construction for the Department of State; facilities construction for the Voice of America and Drug Enforcement Administration INTERAGENCY & INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT PROGRAM
— IISP for Foreign governments, non-governmental organizations (NGO’s), & others: – Authority: MOA/LOA, currently 6-12 months – Funding: 100% customer cost, paid in advance – Example: Save the Children Foundation INTERAGENCY & INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT PROGRAM
— IISP offers the Corps the ability to provide its existing services to virtually anyone. IISP activities happen year round, and are independent of the Civil Works budget cycle. The ASA(CW) has overall programmatic authority INTERAGENCY & INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT PROGRAM
Each Corps district office has an IISP outreach representative who will assist you in developing opportunities you may encounter. COE approval authorities for IISP work: Work for Other Federal Agency Existing Memorandum of Agreement – District Approval Requires new Memorandum of Agreement – HQ Approval Work for State and Local Government Work – HQ Approval if done under Intergovernmental Cooperation Act INTERAGENCY & INTERNATIONAL SERVICES PROGRAM
— HOWEVER: WRDA 2000 Section 211 states: “The Corps of Engineers may provide specialized or technical services…..only if the chief executive of the requesting entity submits to the Secretary….a written request… and a certification ….that the services requested are not reasonably and quickly available through ordinary business channels,” — See interim guidance issued by HQUSACE 08 February 2001 INTERAGENCY & INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT PROGRAM