Literature Sources in Pharmacovigilance Sten Olsson WHO-Uppsala Monitoring Centre Sweden
Original journals Positive Fast Comprehensive information Negative Expensive Low coverage JAMA Therapie New Engl J of Med Brit Med Journal The Lancet
Journals of special interest Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety Drug Safety Risk & Safety in Medicine
Bibliographic titles review Positive Fast High coverage Negative Minimal detail Current Contents
Secondary review journals Positive - Quite fast - Some detail - High coverage Negative - Lack of detail - Difficult to search systematically - (Cost) Reactions Weekly
Expert annotated review Positive - Assessment of significance - Easy access Negative - Lack of detail - Not completely up-to-date Meyler's Side Effects of Drugs Side Effects of Drugs Annual Adverse Drug Reaction Bulletin Prescrire Expert Opinion on Drug Safety
Reference books Martindale – the extra Pharmacopoea Meyler’s Side Effects of Drugs Pharmacovigilance from A-Z Dictionary of Pharmacovigilance
Textbooks Drug induced diseases –Textbook of Adverse Drug Reactions (Davies, 1998) –Avery's Drug Treatment (Speight, 1997) –Drug Benefits and Risks (van Boxtel, Santoso, Edwards, 2002) –Adverse Drug Reactions (Lee, 2001)
Methodology –Pharmacovigilance (Mann, Andrews, 2002) –Pharmacoepidemiology (Strom, 2000) –Stephens’ Detection of New Adverse Drug Reactions (Talbot, Waller, 2004) –Adverse Drug Reactions: A practical guide to Diagnosis and Management (Bénichou, 1996)
Reference books Addressing specific problem areas Adverse Drug Interactions (Griffin, D'Arcy, 1997) Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation (Briggs, Freeman,Yaffe, 1998) Drug-induced Ocular Side Effects (Fraunfelder, 2002) Adverse Effects of Herbal Drugs (De Smet et al 1992) Adverse Events Associated with childhood vaccines (Instit of Med, 1994) Responsibility for Drug- induced Injury (Dukes, Mildred, Swartz, 1998) Safety of Anaesthetic Drugs (Naguib, 1998) To Heal And Harm: An economic view on drug safety (Silcock and Pritchard, 2003)
References online Micromedex –Includes Martindale, PDR, Alternative Medicines and Index Nominum Merck Manual –Includes: The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy SAM=Scientific American Medicine
Computerized literature screening (1/2) Positive –High coverage –High specificity of search Negative –Requires equipment & skill –Lack of detail
Computerized literature screening (2/2) Medline –Pubmed is using the MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) terminology. EMBASE Current Contents on CD Reactions Weekly on-line
WHO Publications WHO Pharmaceuticals Newsletter WHO Drug Information Dialogue in Pharmacovigilance Viewpoint 1 & 2 Expecting the Worst Uppsala Reports
NATIONAL ADR BULLETINS Presciber Update, New Zealand Australian Adverse Reactions Bulletin Signals in Adverse Drug Reactions Monitoring, The Philippines Butlletí Groc and many other regional bulletins, Spain Information från Läkemedelsverket, Sweden Drug Information Bulletin, Tanzania
NATIONAL ADR BULLETINS (2) Berita Ubat-Ubatan, Malaysia Folia Pharmacoterapeutica, Belgium Canadian Adverse Drug Reaction Newsletter TABU, Finland Drug Safety Newsletter, Ireland Information on Adverse Reactions to Drugs, Japan Adverse Drug Reaction News, Singapore