HydroAsia face-to-face meeting Opening presentation
2010 team Purple Purple team members
2010 team Purple From university of Nice Sophia-Antipolis Major: Hydrology, hydraulics Hobby: Football, music Contact : Sebastien BARRIERE
2010 team Purple From university of Nice Sophia-Antipolis Major: Hydrology, hydraulics Hobby: sport, travel Contact : Sebastien LYONNET
2010 team Purple From Kyoto University Major: urban hydrology, river water and ground water analysis. Hobby: Baseball, travel, archery Contact: Hiroyuki TORII
2010 team Purple From Chuo University Major: Civil engineering Hobby: tennis, table tennis, travel Contact: QIAN CHAOCHAO
2010 team Purple From University of Incheon Major: Hydrology, hydraulics Hobby: Basketball Contact: KIM SEJIN
2010 team Purple Ahn tuan From Beijing University of Technology Major: civil engineering Hobby: music Contact: WENG YAO-YAO
2010 team Purple Ahn tuan From National University of Singapore Major: civil engineering Hobby: Travel, music Contact: DAO AHN TUAN
2010 team Purple From Chuo University Major: Civil engineering Hobby: tennis, table tennis, travel Contact: QIAN CHAOCHAO
2010 team Purple Ahn tuan From University of Incheon Major: Hydrology, hydraulics Hobby: Baseball, football Contact: JANG DONG WOO
2010 team Purple
Triangular Irregular Network Contour Manholes Raster Building and road layers Digital Elevation Model
2010 team Purple
Orde r Date [day, month, year] Precipitation [mm/event] 1 15 th July 2006~19 th July th July 2006~30 th July th July 2006~13 th July th July 2004~17 th July th July 2005~28 th July We organized precipitation data ( Incheon; 2004 ~ 2007) and summarized rainfall events. We picked up the heaviest amount rainfall event and the highest rainfall intensity event. Hydrology Study(1) Orde r Date [day, month, year] Max Intensity [mm/event] 1 27 th July 2005~28 th July th July 2006~30 th July th July 2006~13 th July th Sep 2005~13 th Sep th June 2005~27 th June Table1 : Top5 events of the biggest amount per 1 event. Table2 : Top5 events of the highest rainfall intensity.
2010 team Purple We made both the heaviest rainfall event and the highest rainfall intensity event hyetographs. Hydrology Study(1)
2010 team Purple 1 st step: Intensity‐Duration‐Frequency Estimates Design flows established from: Rainfall intensities for storms of particular duration and return period.
2010 team Purple 2nd step: Develop design hyetograph from IDF curve - We made a 6h storm -by using the alternative block method. Input rainfall data into Mouse boundary conditions. Hydrology Study(2)
2010 team Purple MIKE ZERO DEM MIKE 21 Simulating the surface flow Simulating the sewer network flow MOUSE MIKE FLOOD Coupling MOUSE with MIKE21 Results
2010 team Purple DEM: Boundaries Conditions : Simulation period MIKE 21 Simulating the surface flow ・ buildings ・ roads ・ manholes ・ … ・ sea level ・ pump operations ・ … Rainfall
2010 team Purple MOUSE Sewer Network Boundaries conditions Simulation Period Simulation of the Sewer Network flow
2010 team Purple Analysis of flood damage reduction by green area increase
2010 team Purple Analysis of flood damage reduction by green area increase Green areas allows: ◦ water drainage : runoff decrease Depression shape: additional water storage during rainfall ◦ Relieves sewer system discharge ◦ Slows down the water flow, narrows flood peak Increases well-being and quality of life of the city's inhabitants, environmental friendly
2010 team Purple Determine the location of these green areas ◦ Nature of soil and landuse? ◦ Size? ◦ Dimensions? ◦ Number? Use of ArcGIS to determine potential locations Run the calibrated model again with new catchment characteristics and subsequently choose best solution...
2010 team Purple