O VERVIEW My Background WisDOT Minnesota Wisconsin Truck and Roundabout Study Take-aways Things to consider regarding trucks and specialized transport when installing roundabouts and other innovative intersections and interchanges
B ACKGROUND 3 Years driving trucks 5 Years at Michigan DOT 1 Year private sector 4 plus years at UW TOPS Lab working on site at WisDOT in Operations TRB Truck Size and Weight TRB Roundabout Committee Subcommittee Chair Trucking and Roundabouts
W IS DOT F REIGHT O PERATIONS P ROGRAM M ANAGER Permit Support OSOW FN Design Support Operations Support Incident Work zones Carrier Risk/Escort Policy Support Outreach Operations focused Truck Size and Weight Study Est OSOW Freight Network Industry Outreach IOH Study
R OUNDABOUTS AND T RUCKING OSOW Community OSOW FN RABs plotted and noted in routing system FDM Design Guidance Check Vehicles Standard Trucking CDL Manual FDM Design Guidance Individual project outreach if they attend Trucking Summit
MN/WI T RUCKS AND R OUNDABOUTS S TUDY Pooled Fund Focus on how to design for standard semi trucks Balance safety with freight mobility Did not focus on OSOW (KDOT same time) Ideal features that preserve safety goals while not creating an impediment for trucks 3 primary outcomes Class I, II, & III
C LASS I E XAMPLE Off tracking upon entry, moving through circulating roadway and exit Typically single lane roundabout
C LASS II E XAMPLE Trucks stay in lane on entry and exit Trucks off track in circulating roadway Could be single or multilane
C LASS III E XAMPLE Truck designed to stay in lane on entry circulation and exit Almost always a multilane roundabout
T HINGS TO CONSIDER Trucks and roundabouts can work Trucking Industry cares about safety too Education is key Effective outreach takes time and the right message
T HINGS TO C ONSIDER ( CONT ) What do you want trucks to do when they approach the intersection? Design based on Percent vs. actual count Design or speed a factor when trucks crash in Roundabouts?
G OVERNORS H IGHWAY S AFETY C ONFERENCE Aug 8th, 2013 Holiday Inn Hotel and Convention Center Stevens Point, Wisconsin ½ day enforcement and industry In depth Presentation and roll up the sleeves and talk about Roundabouts and other design concepts (DDI, SPI, Turbine, etc)
Q UESTIONS Peter Lynch Freight Operation Program Manager (608)