Energy Regulatory Partnership Program of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners with the National Commission Exercising State Regulation in the Sphere of Energy The fifth visit in the framework of the Partnership Program Transparency of activities of NERC and accessibility of information Kiev Speaker – head of the Public Relations, Communications and Information Analysis department of NERC Ivan Slobodyaniuk
According to the Law of Ukraine on Natural Monopolies, regulators have: To make public the agenda of meetings conducted in the form of open hearings putting on the web-site not later than 3 days before the meeting The made decisions and documents have to be placed on the web-site not later than 5 days after the meeting To publish on the official web-site the annual report on its work not later than April 1 of the year following the reporting year. 2
(continued) To cooperate with organizations that represent consumer interests, to inform about activities of subjects of natural monopolies and economic entities that operate in the adjacent markets To inform the general public about results of its work, to publish in mass media, including printed media, regulatory-legal acts, information stipulated in the legislation and other information pertaining to issues related to its activities/ 3
Transparency of activities of NERC is achieved through: Conducting meetings in the form of open hearings Placing information on the official web-site Transferring information for placement on the Governmental portal Transfer of texts of all made decisions to state and commercial legal electronic (computer) systems Publication of all decisions in the official printed media “Newsletter of NERC” Conducting press-conferences, briefings, interviews with management 4
(continued) Dissemination to mass media by means of s of notifications about pending events, of press releases, information about decisions made/ Functioning of a Forum on the web-site/ Conducting consultations with the general public: round tables, public hearings, electronic consultations. Placement of draft regulatory acts for discussion on the web- site of NERC, and the most important ones – on the governmental web-site “Civil Society and the Authorities”. 5
Interaction with mass media Interaction with mass media is regulated by Laws of Ukraine On Information, On Printed Mass Media (Press) in Ukraine, On TV and Radio Broadcasting, On the Procedure of Coverage of Activities of state power bodies and local self- governing bodies in Ukraine by,mass media. Interaction of NERC with mass media happens through: Dissemination of official information on activities of NERC (sending out press releases) Notifications about pending events (sending out press announcements) Sending out weekly information made decisions. 6
(continued) Participation of representatives of mass media in meetings held in the form of open hearings. Attraction to participation in official events (conferences, workshops, hearings) Conducting press conferences, briefings, interviews, direct telephone lines with participation of management. Monitoring of publications by mass media and responses to them. Accreditation of representatives of mass media for public events takes place by phone (as a rule, is over one day before) 7
Interaction with the general public Participation of the general public in forming and implementing the state policy is regulated by Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine On Ensuring Public Participation in Forming and Implementing the State Policy No. 996: Preparation of annual plans of public consultations. Carrying out consultations with the general public: round tables, public hearings, electronic consultations. Placement of draft documents for acceptance of proposals and comments on the web-site of NERC и and the governmental web-site “Civil Society and Authorities Functioning of the forum on the web-site of NERC 8
(continued) Special place belongs to cooperation with the Public Council of NERC. The Public Council includes representatives of public organizations, trade unions, employers, non-state owned mass media. The Public Council is elected at a constituent meeting of public organizations by means of preferential voting. The composition of the council is approved by NERC. The Public Council takes an active part in consultations, such as round tables, public hearings, other public events. Decisions of the Public Council have to be reviewed by NERC. At present, preparation is going on to the constituent meeting on forming the Public Council of the new Commission 9
Official web-site 10
Official web-site of NERC The content of the web-site is regulated by Laws of Ukraine On Access to Public Information, and On Natural Monopolies, and also by the relevant decision of the government. The following is placed on the web-site : - news - decrees, instructions by the Commission - draft documents for discussion - electronic consultations are held - Topic sections etc. At present, the new web-site has been elaborated, which operates in testing mode. 11
Official printed publication Newsletter of NERC 12
Official Printed Media Newsletter of NERC Was registered in May 2000 as printed mass media. The founder was NERC Is published on a monthly basis, the number of copies – up to 1200 copies, the number of pages – in average , format is А5. The newsletter is issued based on self-finance principle, it would be covered at the expense of subscription/ All decrees and instructions of NERC are published officially, as well as explanatory letters on pressing issues, etc. At this stage the newsletter undergoes the process of re- registration in connection with the change in the name of the founder. 13
Internal Electronic (File) Database of Made Decisions Formation of the document data base began in Includes decrees, instructions, orders, some letters by NERC. In operational order is supplemented by documents in Word format. Now there are documents in the database. All employees of the central office of NERC have access to the database. Changes are regularly introduced in texts of documents. Each second document contains changes. Previous versions of the documents are retained. 14
Thank you for attention! 15