American Nuclear Society Fuel Cycle Waste Management Division Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Paul Wilson, Chair 11/14/2012 San Diego, CA
FCWM Mission Devoted to all aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle including waste management, worldwide. Division specific areas of interest and involvement include uranium conversion and enrichment; fuel fabrication, management (in-core and ex-core) and recycle; transportation; safeguards; high- level, low-level and mixed waste management and disposal; public policy and program management; decontamination and decommissioning environmental restoration; and excess weapons materials disposition.
FCWM Governance Chair: Paul Wilson Vice-Chair: Guillermo “Bill” DelCul Secretary/Treasurer: Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar (*) Program Chair: Jack Law (Fausto Franceschini) Executive Committee –Samuel E. Bays (2014)- Jeffrey L. Binder (2014) –Amanda J. Casella (2014)- Emory D. Collins (2013) –Dominique Greneche (2014)- Charles W. Forsberg (2013) –Alan D. Pasternak (2013)- Mark T. Peters (2013) –Daniel P. Stout (2013)- Ruth F. Weiner (2013) –Leah Spradley-Parks (2015)- Denise Lee (2015) –Maryanne Stasko (2015) Board Liaison: Gene Grecheck (*) Appointed replacement following resignation
FCWM Governance Bylaws & Rules are up-to-date Division strategic plan review underway –Changes to succession plan –Old plan Required 6 year commitment Program chair rotation too rapid Didn’t necessarily match professional/career development of candidates –New plan Decouple Program succession (3 yrs) from Executive succession (4 yrs) Allow selection of candidates better suited to each succession Newsletter revival –Spring 2012 first newsletter in 3 years –Plans for Spring 2013
Division Membership Trend
Expecting some impact from NNTG formation
Division Membership <1% Test Lab Medical Institution Unknown
Division Finances Highlights Primary income is GLOBAL meeting 6 year cycle Some other meeting income IHLWM TopFuel Support technical sessions at each Annual/Winter meeting
Division Finances Highlights Randall scholarship fully endowed Travel support for winner Lauren Bolden (RPI) Additional student support: $7600/a Congressional Fellow: $5000 Radwaste Magazine: $4500 Free 1 yr subscription to all new FCWM members Teachers workshop: $1000
FCWM Program Highlights Primary topical meeting –GLOBAL series rotates to US every 6 years (Co)sponsorship of other topicals –TopFuel –IHLWM Transitioning to Class 1 topical technical sessions per national meeting
Recent FCWM Contribution to Society Objective A: ANS as Thought Leader –Extensive contributions to BRC response Objective B: Outreach & Policy –Lead role in 8-10 position statements Supporting role in 3-4 additional statements –Congressional briefing on fuel cycles –Fuel cycle & waste management presentation at Teachers’ Workshops
Recent FCWM Contribution to Society Objective D: Knowledge Dissemination –Radwaste Solutions subscriptions for new members Objective E: Continuous Improvement –Housed technical aspects of SCNN for many years Supported launch of NNTG
Future FCWM Contribution to Society Objective B: Outreach & Policy –Update and reorganize position statements Objective C: Professional Development –Create first FCWM Award –Explore creation of PD workshop(s) and/or short courses –Undergraduate curriculum content
Future FCWM Contribution to Society Objective E: Continuous Improvement –Improve newsletter frequency Consider division-specific social media coordinated with ANS –Amend officer succession –Review financial sustainability –More structure for national meeting program offerings
Summary Second largest division with broad connection to members Concrete opportunities for ongoing improvement –Professional development –Outreach & Policy –Division governance