And STD’s. Breast cancer—screening is a mammogram Special x-ray recommended annually for woman over 40 Treatment: surgery, chemo, radiation, hormone therapy,


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Presentation transcript:

And STD’s

Breast cancer—screening is a mammogram Special x-ray recommended annually for woman over 40 Treatment: surgery, chemo, radiation, hormone therapy, biological therapy (using body’s own immune system to fight the cancer) Female Cancers

Endometrial cancer—cancer lining inside of uterus Affects women after menopause (change of life—stop having menustral periods) usually between ages of Ovarian cancer—leading cause of cancer death in women usually between ages of Cervical cancer--screen using Pap Smear annually Female Cancer continued

Mastitis: breast becomes swollen, red and tender occurs with breastfeeding mothers Endometriosis: endometrial tissue outside of the uterus surrounding the ovaries and other organs in the abdominopelvic cavity become inflammed, bleed and scar Symptoms include pain with menstruation & sex, and heavy/irregular bleeding Female Disorders

PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease): spread of infection (usually gonorrhea or chlamydia) into the peritoneal cavity Symptoms: severe abdominal pain & high fever TSS (toxic shock syndrome): bacterial infection caused by staph Symptoms: fever, rash, hypotension from shock Yeast Infections: can occur after use of antibiotics or wearing tight wet clothing Symptoms: white cottage cheese discharge, itching, burning and redness Female Disorders

Testicular Cancer: usually occurs in young males Symptoms: scrotal heaviness, back pain, and development of breast BPH (Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy): enlarged prostate in men over 60; prostate gets larger capsule over the prostate doesn’t expand places increased pressure over urethra Symptoms: frequent urination with only small amounts of urine (Dribbling) Male Disorders

Gonorrhea: bacterial infection painful urination and pus treat with antibiotics Chlamydia: bacterial infection; most common curable STD, causes painful urination and discharge; treat with antibiotics STD’s

HPV (genital warts): hard, round cauliflower spots on penis or on vulva; certain strains can cause cancer in cervix, throat, anus or penis STD

Herpes; viral infection causes lesions (blisters) that are very painful and generally last 2 weeks. No cure have recurrences. STD

Syphilis: bacterial infection Life threatening; causes a chancre (or lesion) after infection occurs and then can go years with no symptoms then you rot from inside out Treat with penicillin if caught early STD