Unit 1 Living in the Digital WorldChapter 2 How do we connect? This presentation will cover the following topic: How can we connect? Name:
Unit 1 Living in the Digital WorldChapter 2 How do we connect? Chapter Objectives: By the end of this lesson you should be able to: Explain what is meant by of ‘cyber cafes' and ‘wireless hotspots’ and how to locate them Explain how to use the Internet for ‘staying in touch’ when travelling Describe the use of online albums Explain the advantages and disadvantages of ‘cloud computing’. Name:
Unit 1 Living in the Digital WorldChapter 2 How do we connect? Starter Satya and Simon have already looked at the different devices they can use to stay in whilst travelling but to do this they must connect to the Internet Accessing the Internet How many different ways can we connect when travelling? There are more than you think… Wi-Fi hotspots Cyber cafés 3G/4G connection Some trains Taxis Restaurants
Unit 1 Living in the Digital WorldChapter 2 How do we connect? Cyber Cafés Using the website or any others you can find look for Cyber Cafés in local cities and in Paris (Where Satya and Simon will be). CityCafé detailsPrices / comparison Doncaster Baileys internet cafe£5.00 per hour Sheffield Elektra internet café: 6 computers £3 for 30 minutes £5 for 1 hour Paris A Accessnet cybercafe: 15 computers, printers, scanners 5 Euros per hour What is a Cyber Café? A Café where there is internet access that costs a certain amount to use depending on how long you use it for.
Unit 1 Living in the Digital WorldChapter 2 How do we connect? Staying safe in Cyber Cafés Use the website: Plus anymore you can find to create a digital poster that advices Satya, Simon and anyone else wishing to use cyber café facilities of the precautions they should take. Create your poster below or paste a screenshot of it when complete.
Unit 1 Living in the Digital WorldChapter 2 How do we connect? Wireless Hotspots In addition to cafés, Satya and Simon could use wireless hotspots to access the Internet. Complete the description below and then find 2 local and 2 Paris-based hot spots. LocationHot SpotTerms of usage Doncaster Trafford way DN1 3BX Petrol Station Provider: T-Mobile Free Doncaster Hall gate DN1 3PB Pub Provider: BT Free Paris 11 Sq De Châtillon Paris, France Hotel Free Paris 22 Rue Hippolyte Maindron Paris, France Cafe Free What is a Hotspot? A public area where you can access the internet for free or a small price depending on how long you use it for. It may be supplied by a certain provider e.g. Bt
Unit 1 Living in the Digital WorldChapter 2 How do we connect? Cloud Computing Use text2mindmap.com or the computer to create a mind-map of all the possible features and uses of cloud computing. Include personal and business use. Paste a screenshot of your map below:
Unit 1 Living in the Digital WorldChapter 2 How do we connect? Cloud Computing Complete the table below with modern examples of cloud computing Modern examplesHow it can be used?How might Satya and Simon use them? Documents Google Docs Adobe Acrobat Create documents Storage Drop box Google Drive Store documents online Access on other devices Photos Photo Stream Amazon cloud Access photos online Video Drop Box iCloud Access and save videos online and access things on other devices Music iTunes Spotify iCloud Listen to music, save it and download it online
Unit 1 Living in the Digital WorldChapter 2 How do we connect? Cloud Computing Using some of the websites and articles, broadcasts provided, list and describe the advantages and disadvantages of Cloud Computing. AdvantagesDisadvantages