Academy of Human Resource Development March 2007 Introduction to the Academy of Human Resource Development “A Member Orientation” – Darren Short, VP membership
Academy of Human Resource Development March 2007 "Leading Human Resource Development through Research" AHRD was formed in 1993 to: Encourage systematic study of human resource development theories, processes, and practices. Disseminate information about HRD. Encourage the application of HRD research findings. Provide opportunities for social interaction among individuals with scholarly and professional interests in HRD from multiple disciplines and from across the globe.
Academy of Human Resource Development March 2007 Members Faculty and researchers Students Scholar-Practitioners
Academy of Human Resource Development March 2007 In 13 years …. Over 700 members worldwide Over 20 international conferences Four quarterly journals Over 1500 refereed articles in published conference proceedings New standards on ethics and integrity ( Recognition of hundreds of HRD scholars through annual awards A new professional home for HRD
Academy of Human Resource Development March 2007 Membership benefits Opportunity to advance the field of HRD through the work of the Academy A subscription to all four Academy-sponsored scholarly journals – –Human Resource Development Quarterly –Human Resource Development International –Advances in Developing Human Resources –Human Resource Development Review Subscription to the monthly on-line newsletter, The Digest Subscription to AHRD listserv for timely academic conference and employment information Reduced rates on the annual AHRD Research Conference in the Americas Opportunities for professional publishing and research dissemination Opportunities to meet, collaborate, and socialize with other scholars in HRD
Academy of Human Resource Development March 2007 Membership levels Regular Memberships are available to any individual scholar or practitioner who supports The Academy's mission ($220 annually). Members receive discounted registration rates for the annual AHRD Research Conference in the Americas. Student members must be enrolled full-time in educational programs at institutes of higher education. Documentation of full-time student status is required ($130 annually, Limited to three (3) years). Student members receive discounted registration rates for the annual AHRD Research Conference in the Americas. International Trial Memberships are available to individuals who reside outside of the U.S. and wish to join AHRD for the first time. They receive a discounted rate of $80 for the first year. Renewal will be at the regular member rate ($220 annually).
Academy of Human Resource Development March 2007 As a member …. Stay current – by being on top of HRD research and its implications for practice Network - extend your professional network at our international conferences Support - contribute to AHRD standing and award committees ( Share your work - write and review conference papers and articles Organize - Design and run pre-conferences and innovation sessions
Academy of Human Resource Development March 2007 Four Journals
Academy of Human Resource Development March 2007 Conference in the Americas: February 2008
Academy of Human Resource Development March 2007 Conference in the Americas: February 2009
Academy of Human Resource Development March 2007 Other conferences Europe – Conference on HRD Research & Practice across Europe. Annual conference co-sponsored with the University Forum for HRD. Asia – Annual conference of the AHRD Asia Chapter.
Academy of Human Resource Development March 2007 For more information Visit the membership page at
Academy of Human Resource Development March 2007 Thank you Thank you for considering the possibility that the Academy of Human Resource Development could become your professional home.