University Libraries Library Systems Office. Life on MARS Mason Archival Repository Service Dorothea Salo Digital Repository Services Librarian Library.


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Presentation transcript:

University Libraries Library Systems Office

Life on MARS Mason Archival Repository Service Dorothea Salo Digital Repository Services Librarian Library Systems Office

Over many years, research libraries have developed and optimized a series of “best practices” for managing printed information.

For most of that time, there has been a rough balance between content creation (publishing) and the capacity of libraries to manage the information flow

But the pace and the nature of content creation is changing...

Scholarly Journals An important transition is underway...

The consumer price index rose 57% The unit cost for journals increased 226% The unit cost for books increased 66% Between 1986 and Faculty salaries increased 68% Health care costs increased 107% Why? Corporate mergers and consolidations reduced competition; pressure to publish on faculty fed submission-publication-subscription pressure on libraries; prices rise as libraries drop subscriptions; etc.

Libraries can’t preserve access to everything researchers need Researchers lose citation impact to publication delays and e- journal/database firewalls Can’t “publish” or preserve multimedia, data-sets Can you Google your own article? OAIster it? ar  iv it? Books? Small-society journals? Legal challenges to article use in e-reserves, distance-ed, etc. Well, so what?

Ideally, the solution would be web-based, support recognized metadata standards, be interoperable with other archival systems, support format migration, and expose our collections to users worldwide via popular search engines...

An institutional repository is a set of services that a university offers to the members of its community for the management and dissemination of digital materials created by the institution and its community members. -- Clifford Lynch, CNI

Institutional repositories like MARS provide an immediate and valuable complement to the existing scholarly publishing model, while stimulating innovation in a new disaggregated publishing structure that will evolve and improve over time. Further, they build on growing grassroots faculty practices of self-posting research online and sharing it with colleagues by .

So what does MARS mean to Mason? A reliable, professionally managed, persistent archive of scholarly digital objects of enduring value to the university A means to share the research work produced by Mason faculty with the broader community Improved citation impact for Mason research Improved visibility in virtual collections built via metadata exchange (e.g., OAIster, Google Scholar, Yahoo, etc.) Visible support for the open access movement which benefits the library and the university.

Education and Outreach Services – Promote digital preservation. Explain digital-repository policies. Consult on digital preservation issues. Accession and Data Storage – governed by submission agreements negotiated between the Library and object provider. Discovery and Access – Support identification and retrieval of materials. Provide OAI-compliant metadata to expose materials worldwide (subject to limitations negotiated with object contributors) Digital Object Integrity and Migration – Ensure the physical and intellectual integrity of repository materials. Perform transformative migration where required.... and in the future, more! Services we provide:

Tiers of Service Archived - Materials of significant and widespread value. Complex, normalized metadata. Periodic migration. Preserved – Materials have enduring value, but not enough to merit major investment. Basic metadata, supplied by content submitters. Preserve in current format, but not migrate. Stored - Materials not owned or managed by Mason, but which have long-term value to Mason scholarship. Mirrors of e-journals, other web sites, datasets, working papers, learning objects, etc. No commitment to migrate or preserve.

A quick look at how materials get into MARS

Read more about it SPARC Open Access Newsletter: os/newsletter/archive.htm Open Access Webliography: wb/oaw.htm SPARC Open Access Newsletter: os/newsletter/archive.htm Open Access Webliography: wb/oaw.htm

What can I do? Take a look! Be the MARS Coordinator for your department or research unit Submit work to MARS! Mention MARS to your Mason colleagues, formally and informally Monitor your own publication behavior What’s in your publication contract? What are the practices of the venues you write, edit, and review for? Talk to me: