Established 1989 Biggest selling foliar nutrients in the Oz Strawberry industry Modified organic chelating agent 5-10 times more available than sulfates Excellent pesticide compatibility Binds to leaves for prolonged absorption High level of crop safety
Tropical growing conditions High rainfall promotes disease outbreaks High soil nitrogen promotes excessive vigour Quick fruit development compromises berry quality Tank mixes with up to 8 different products Crop safety with ‘hot’ cover sprays
Complete nutrient spray with chelated trace elements Ideal for crop establishment & early growth Aids recovery of stressed, waterlogged plants Compatible with insecticides/fungicides Use as a soil drench when transplanting Excellent leaf binding properties Promotes even growth not excessive vigour
Fully chelated for optimum foliar efficiency Quick correction of major 1.5 qt/ac Can be applied on emerging crops sooner than sulfates or oxides Zn & B promote even fruit setting Boron increases fruit sugar & calcium levels Excellent binding properties minimises wash-off Good chemical & nutrient compatibility
Good balance of essential micronutrients + N, Mg, S Improve growth of young plants & runners Low 1 qt/ac will correct deficiencies Fully chelated cations (Mn, Zn, Fe, Mg, Cu) Excellent binding properties minimises wash-off Improves plant health & disease resistance High boron content enhances flowering & fruit quality Good chemical & nutrient compatibility
Chelated calcium with polyborate complex Added boron improves root uptake of calcium Enhances flowering & fruit set Immediately available source of calcium for fast growing crops Improves fruit firmness & shelf life Excellent leaf binding properties High level of crop safety & chemical compatibility
Quick translocation to developing fruit Increases sugar production & movement to berries Much more effective than soil potassium particularly later in the season Promotes berry size, weight & colour Counters the detrimental affects of high nitrogen Excellent leaf binding properties Good chemical & nutrient compatibility
Quick leaf uptake Optimises photosynthesis & sugar production More effective late season than soil application Enhances berry color Improve growth of young plants High analysis complex Excellent chemical & nutrient compatibility