Time Series Databases (TSDBs) A new tool for storing time series data within InfoWorks ICM and ICMLive Provides intermediate storage between external data sources (e.g. telemetry, RADAR and loggers) and the hydraulic simulation engine in InfoWorks ICM. Stores different types of times series data: Scalar (1D) and spatial (2D) Observed data and forecast data Supports user editing: Add missing data or delete/change invalid data Create custom overrides of the base data (what-if scenarios)
Time Series Databases Benefits High performance Retrieving data from external data sources for every run would be impractical and inefficient Preserves historical data Runs can use recent and historical data for analysis of past events Quality control Provides a place in which to flag and correct errors in the data for future runs Version control Enables use of data as it existed in the TSDB at any past time, makes it possible for any run to use exactly the same input data as any previous run
TSDB Spatial TSDB Telemetry System Observed rainfall (RADAR) Forecast rainfall ICM clients ICMLive & Simulation servers Operator clients
New objects in the network connect time series database streams to hydrological and hydraulic components 1. Spatial rain source objects: 1 Rain gauges 2 Radar 3 Met. model prioritise and merge spatial rainfall data from multiple sources
2. TVD connector objects: Telemetry & control data connect and combine data streams for model input or results comparison level flow gate pump ICM Live users can create ‘what-if’ edits of future inputs and control settings and mix’n’match these to simulate different forecast and response scenarios