Updated 21/11/03 International Society for Condensed Matter Nuclear Science A new Cold Fusion Society - ISCMNS! At the consultation stage your comments are invited! Draft constitution ready Not for profit
Objectives To organize meetings To educate and inform To publish To lobby government To liaise with sponsors To facilitate IP exchange To recognize excellence
Interim Constitution Informal Association - unlimited liability! Easy and cheap to create and change Accounts are not published Not a legal person Should incorporate with limited liability with consent of its members as soon as practical (March 2004?)
Limitations of the Interim Society Difficulty in opening bank accounts in some jurisdictions. Difficulty making contracts, paying deposits, obtaining insurance Personal liability may foster unambitious management No clear legal structure Informal organizations lack prestige
Constitution English Company limited by guarantee Democratically elected officers Public financial accounts Clear legal structure English language
Management Nobody owns the Society. All assets belong to the public Controlled by members - 1 vote each Managed by an elected committee Controls on conflicts of interest Honorary officers are unpaid
Why do we need a Society? Continuity Legal personality Official status Credibility Journal
Legal Personality Bank accounts Insurance – what if a demo injures someone? Official invitations (e.g. for VISAs) Can shoulder financial risks that individuals currently take when organizing meetings. Limited liability
Credibility 15 years have gone by since the first public announcement of Cold Fusion. We need to show the public, industry, fellow scientists and our governments that Cold Fusion is consolidating. Sponsors need an official body to approve CF projects as they are unable to make technical judgements.
Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science Electronic Journal. Editor in Chief: Dr Peter Hagelstein Peer reviewed papers Cheap and fast publication Will be used by next Asti workshop and other ISCMNS conferences
Finance Modest subscription fee (to be decided) Different categories of membership Subscription fee may be tax deductible! Society itself should pay no income tax! Society must publish accounts but they do not need to be audited (unless members vote to do so).
Services for members Discounts to meetings sponsored by the Society – €25 off ICCF-11! Electronic Newsletter Electronic Journal Access to expertise. The Society will NOT publish your address on www without permission!
Keeping Costs down Incorporate in England Communicate electronically to avoid postage costs No auditor required Honorary officers are not paid a fee (but may be paid limited, reasonable expenses) Avoid bureaucracy of ‘Charitable Status’
Further Information The draft constitution is complete and ready for consultation. There will be a web site There will be a FAQ document.
We need your input Society logo Society letter head Society Web Site Newsletter editor Nominations for Officers….
5 th Asti Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen / Deuterium Loaded Metals March 2004 Call For Papers Nominations for Prize “Il Reale”, central Asti (come by train!) To be sponsored by ISCMNS!