First Aid Unit Skeletal System Skeletal System Emergency Preparedness Emergency Preparedness Caring for injuries and emergencies Caring for injuries and emergencies
Skeletal System Need to know: Need to know: -Upper and lower body bone names -Upper and lower body bone names -Location on skeleton -Location on skeleton -Common injuries associated -Common injuries associated -Other well known names to describe -Other well known names to describe
First Aid Supplies With a partner, With a partner, -Determine the use of the 25 items on your first aid supply checklist -Determine the use of the 25 items on your first aid supply checklist -Answer end of worksheet questions -Answer end of worksheet questions
Injury Prevention Injury Risk Factors Age Gender Location Economic Status **Injury rates highest among people younger than 38 years old. **People and 65 and older have the highest rate of DEATH related injuries
Reducing Your Risk Products that offer automatic protection Products that offer automatic protection Know your risk Know your risk Take measures that make a difference Take measures that make a difference Think safety Think safety Learn and use first aid skills Learn and use first aid skills
Vehicle Safety Buckle Up Buckle Up Infants facing rear of car Infants facing rear of car Objects secured Objects secured Animals on road Animals on road Be aware Be aware Keep eyes on road, not phone Keep eyes on road, not phone
Fire Safety Nearly 4,000 people die each year due to fires Nearly 4,000 people die each year due to fires In 2/3 of these fires, smoke alarms were missing or not working In 2/3 of these fires, smoke alarms were missing or not working
What you can do 2 nd floor ladder 2 nd floor ladder Check batteries regularly Check batteries regularly Fire escape route Fire escape route Space heaters away from fabric Space heaters away from fabric Fire extinguisher Fire extinguisher