NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 1 NIPHAD meeting June 27,2001 Freya Blekman D0 S ilicon C alibration and R eadout M anagement
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 2 Outline This presentation will contain: 1.A short intro to D0 and its readout system 2.A status report 3.A more elaborate introduction to the Silicon Micro strip Tracker 4.Readout tests at the 10% test 5.SMT calibration overview (with some results)
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 3 Part 1: D0 and its Readout System
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 4 The D0 Experiment Tevatron Upgrade (Run II a) Improved/new: Linac, main injector, pbar storage ring and source p-pbar, 2.0 TeV 36 x 36 bunch spacing 396 ns (132 ns) 2.3 interactions/crossing Integrated Luminosity 17 pb -1 /week Detector Upgrade New in D0: upgraded tracking, with B-field! (2 T solenoid), pre-shower Readout Hardware upgraded Most software re-written in C++ or python
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 5 The Detector
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 6 The Detector (IRL)
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 7 Upgraded Tracking Silicon Micro strip Tracker 4 layer barrels (double/single sided) Disks (in between and forward reg.) 793,000 channels Central Fiber Tracker 8 cylinders with axial and stereo doublet layers of scintillating fibers 76,800 channels with VLPC readout 2T magnetic field Central Pre-shower 8,000 channels 3 layers triangular strips behind solenoid and 1 X 0 Pb Forward Pre-shower 4 layers triangular strips, in front of and behind 2 X 0 Pb 16,000 channels
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 8 Part 2: Detector Status
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 9 First p-pbar Collisions of Run 2 at DØ: April 3, 2001 Luminosity counters Vertex distribution along z of min bias events: [cm] Luminosity ( coincidence) Proton halo ~5 cm -2 sec -1 Antiproton halo M. Begel, Rochester
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam % Muon Trigger 45% 100%L1 Muon 0% 100%FPS 60% 98.5%ICD 100% Muon MDTs 80%100% Muon PDTs 33%80% CAL-Trigger 95% 100%Calorimeter 6% 100%CFT/CPS 90%100% SMT OperationalInstrumentedInstalled Sub- system Global D0 status June 1, 2001 J. Womersley Fermilab
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 11 Assume: Some access time during July & August, but mainly running. Shutdown in September Run uninterrupted after September shutdown Projections & Goals: Install ~50% of CFT electronics during July/August Increase bandwidth continuously ( trigger completion) in June/July/August Start alignment & calibration in June Complete the detector in September Establish stable operations during October & November Start stable physics running on Dec 1, 2001 First results for spring conferences 2002 First physics results for summer conferences 2002 Projections and Goals J. Womersley Fermilab
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 12 Calorimeter Triggered Events EM Energy in Calorimeter Towers Hadronic Energy in Calorimeter Towers Lego plot L. Groer Columbia
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 13 CFT (FPS) Status Instrumented region in Fiber Tracker Problem with readout electronics: AFE boards for CPS and CFT are still in prototype stage. A small part of the detector is now instrumented with ‘hacked’ prototype boards. Guesstimates for arrival (and instrumentation) of the boards vary from July to sometime in the fall. T. Nunneman, fermilab
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 14 SMT Status 100% of the SMT is now cabled. 95 % of the barrels has been read out. For the F-disks and H-disks, this is a bit lower (85%). Still some HV problems, nothing major. Cooling not operational. Still only running in full-readout mode. Total : 90 % OK 8 % readout problems 2 % HV problems E. Kajfasz, CPPM
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 15 SMT Status (2) HV monitoring (screenshot) E. Kajfasz, CPPM Problem HDI statistics
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 16 Tracks! Track has 5 CFT hits, 5 3D SMT Hits Run , Event L3 Global Tracking D. Whiteson, Berkeley
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 17 Part 3: The Silicon Micro Strip Tracker
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 18 The D0 SMT Silicon micro strip detectors SVX IIє chips channels 5 different detector types 3, 6, 9 chips on ladders 6, 8 chips on F-H disk wedges
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 19 SMT Data Acquisition
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 20 SMT readout management Mapping the readout chain Cabling was stored in Excel DAQ works on Unix DAQ needs cabling info Cabling information stored and maintained (by me) in an ORACLE database
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 21 SMT Readout Mapping ORACLE database (use SQL) Stores readout components, and their connections No 1-1 mapping because of STT Cable names and numbers also in DB Wrote python to enter the basic map structure into the database Used VB to get exact mapping from excel documents used by engineers Mapping has been changed often
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 22 SMT Downloading SVX chips have loads of adjustable parameters, which can be set when the chip is in a separate mode Examples: ADC threshold, gain, set of zero- surpression (‘sparse mode’), # of neighboring channels to be read out in sparse mode When downloading these parameters, the SVX and VME bus have to be free : NO DATA TAKING Download uses database information, to direct VME components to the appropriate SVX chip Downloads preferred to take place when there is no beam, and not too often
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 23 Part 4: The SMT 10% Test
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 24 The SMT 10% Test (Theory) Testing of components of readout, separately: Cables Readout Components SVX chip settings Data flow Data integrity Calibration
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 25 The SMT 10% Test (IRL) Detector Adapter cards VRBs Sequencers Cables HV control Interface Boards Cables PC for readout
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 26 Our guinea pig: F-Disk 14
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 27 This is what happened: (DØ news ) The achieved data integrity was excellent ( data without any errors). 44,928 Channels could be read out. 57 ladders (30 9-chip HDIs, 27 3-chip HDIs), this number was mainly limited by the number of working VME components) 10% test results
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 28 Part 5: SMT Calibration Overview
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 29 What is the next step? We can now only run whilst reading out all (=95% of 800,000) channels of the SMT This load is not possible for the DAQ (nor will it ever be) SMT will eventually be running in sparse mode ‘sparse’ = with pedestal subtraction on the svx readout chip (~= ADC) and zero- suppression
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 30 What to Do: Get Those Pedestals! Every channel has its own ADC The pedestal values have only been measured in lab, and even there not very well When downloading the chip, the pedestals can be set Pedestal values are retrieved (per channel) in the calibration database and in the online (=‘hardware’) database
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 31 Pedestal measurement At D0, there are two ways to measure the pedestal values of the silicon 1. Take data and look at the average data per channel (= Primary Data Acquisition) 2. When not running, put charge on every channel and do a raw pedestal measurement (=Secondary Data Acquisition)
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 32 SDAQ vs. PDAQ PDAQ + : Use the data you already have to compensate. ‘Standard’ way to do it. PDAQ - : You need data ! (and lots of it) PDAQ - : Cannot readout full SMT unless sparse mode: will only be reading out channel with hit and two neighbors. SDAQ + : It’s relatively quick.(few hours) SDAQ - : It’s not clear that charge deposition on Si strips has the same result as real life. SDAQ - : Remove SMT from global run. SDAQ - : Program still unreliable (for instance, it ignores the 9 th chip on 9-chip ladders. 50% of the SMT barrel detectors are 9-chip ladders.)
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 33 Several SDAQ runs (unbiased ladders) Runs with biased detectors are being done now (I haven’t seen the results yet) smt_ped_tools © freya (in cvs) ROOT-based gui Create_ntuple program Some macros for common tasks (like channel vs. pedestal plotting) Current Status SDAQ
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 34 Smt_ped_gui.C Uses ROOT ROOT has gui classes Is essentially one big ROOT Macro Plots averages as a function of run number Options for HDI type selection
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 35 Results (1) Direct output of smt_ped_tools/ smt_ped_gui.C
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 36 Results (2) Run Ladder type Barrel 4 Layer 2 Ladder3 Double-sided, 6 svx chips one of the detectors closest to (0,0,0)
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 37 Results (3) Run Ladder type Barrel 4 Layer 3 Ladder3 Double-sided, 9 svx chips SDAQ 9 th chip problem visible
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 38 Part 6: Conclusion Future plans
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 39 The near future D0 is seeing collisions (the part that is instrumented, at least) By the end of this year, the detector is planned to be fully operational It’s very inspiring to work in an environment where so many people are working 24-7 towards one single goal Some major changes in data acquisition are coming up after that: The implementation of the Silicon Track Trigger in L2 The transfer from windows NT to Linux-based farms
NIPHAD June 27, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam 40 The near future By the start of June, I have finished most of my SMT database work I am still responsible for maintenance of the SMT readout database, but this only takes time when there is actually re-cabling being done Putting my DAQ expertise to work for the experiment: Spending time in the Control Room, as a DAQ expert It’s time to start thinking about physics t-tbar to all jets (difficult but interesting, neural networks necessary, lots of correlated variables)