2 OUTLINE CURRENT ANALYSIS: 1.An overview on run setups available for timing and optical properties after last tuning K sensitivities computation status. 3.The new ANTARES instruments “Christmas Beacon” (multi-wavelength L6F2 OB) + NanoBeacon. 4.Golden runs updated list available for optical properties studies. 5.General ANTARES MC: preliminary study on different MC productions based on optical properties parameters from real data (absorption length inputs and water models). PROSPECTS TO 2011: 1.Collaboration Meeting CERN (07/02/2011 – 11/02/2011). 2.Collaboration Meeting Moscow (06/06/2011 – 10/06/2011). 3.Collaboration Meeting Bamberg (12/09/2011 – 16/09/2011, preferred) 4.ANTARES / IceCube Joint meeting Uppsala (19/09/2011 – 23/09/2011) 5.Collaboration Meeting CERN (Last two weeks of November?)
3 CURRENT ANALYSIS: 1.Run setups available for timing and optical properties after last tuning: Timing Line 1-12 double LED Beacon (L1-F2+L1-F15) Nov2010 Line 1-12 double LED Beacon (L1-F9+L1-F21) Nov2010 Line 1-12 double LED Beacon (L2-F2+L2-F15) Nov2010 Line 1-12 double LED Beacon (L2-F9+L2-F21) Nov2010 Line 1-12 double LED Beacon (L3-F2+L3-F15) Nov2010 Line 1-12 double LED Beacon (L3-F9+L3-F21) Nov2010 Line 1-12 double LED Beacon (L4-F2+L4-F15) Nov2010 Line 1-12 double LED Beacon (L4-F9+L4-F21) Nov2010 Line 1-12 double LED Beacon (L5-F2+L5-F15) Nov2010 Line 1-12 double LED Beacon (L5-F9+L5-F21) Nov2010 Line 1-12 double LED Beacon (L6-F2+L6-F15) Nov2010 Line 1-12 double LED Beacon (L6-F9+L6-F21) Nov2010 Line 1-12 double LED Beacon (L7-F2+L7-F15) Nov2010 Line 1-12 double LED Beacon (L7-F9+L7-F21) Nov2010 Line 1-12 double LED Beacon (L8-F2+L8-F15) Nov2010 Line 1-12 double LED Beacon (L8-F9+L8-F21) Nov2010 Line 1-12 double LED Beacon (L9-F2+L9-F15) Nov2010 Line 1-12 double LED Beacon (L9-F9+L9-F21) Nov2010 Line 1-12 double LED Beacon (L10-F2+L10-F15) Nov2010 Line 1-12 double LED Beacon (L10-F9+L10-F21) Nov2010 Line 1-12 double LED Beacon (L11-F2+L11-F15) Nov2010 Line 1-12 double LED Beacon (L11-F9+L11-F21) Nov2010 Line 1-12 double LED Beacon (L12-F2+L12-F15) Nov2010 Line 1-12 double LED Beacon (L12-F9) Nov2010 USER Line 1-12 Laser Beacon Nov2010 Total available 24 for LED + 1 for LASER “Faulty” or “dead” OB’s L11F2, L11F21, L12F15, L7F0
4 Since 3 of the 4 OB’s of L11 are dead, what can we expect of the T0’s computation for this line? Special tests can be performed to revive dead OB’s, based on the tuning of the internal PMT voltage and LED intensity, as it was done for the L6 which is now working smoothly I could take lots of time and tests, but it could be done, is it a priority? About the T0’s computations, runs available to the computation in a “not tuned” and “tuned” setup: “Not tuned” setup: 53183(L1-F2+L1-F15) 53184(L1-F9+L1-F21) 53185(L2-F2+L2-F15) 53209(L2-F9+L2-F21) 53187(L3-F2+L3-F15) 53188(L3-F9+L3-F21) 53189(L4-F2+L4-F15) 53190(L4-F9+L4-F21) 53191(L5-F2+L5-F15) 53192(L5-F9+L5-F21) 53197(L6-F2+L6-F15) 53194(L6-F9+L6-F21) 53195(L7-F2+L7-F15) 53196(L7-F9+L7-F21) 53198(L8-F2+L8-F15) 53199(L8-F9+L8-F21) 53200(L9-F2+L9-F15) 53201(L9-F9+L9-F21) L9F21 delayed 70 ns 53202(L10-F2+L10-F15) 53203(L10-F9+L10-F21) 53208(L11-F2+L11-F15) L11F2 not working 53206(L11-F9+L11-F21) L11F21 not working 53204(L12-F2+L12-F15)L12F15 not working 53205(L12-F9) Alternative runs To test again L (L6-F2+L6-F15) To test again L9F (L9-F9+L9-F21) To test L9F21 on WaveForm 53387L9-F21 To test again L12F2+ L12F (L12-F2+L12-F15) Waiting to be analyzed AGUSTIN? CIRO? Do we need something else?
5 “Tuned” setup: 53324(L1-F2+L1-F15) 53326(L1-F9+L1-F21) 53327(L2-F2+L2-F15) 53328(L2-F9+L2-F21) 53329(L3-F2+L3-F15) 53330(L3-F9+L3-F21) 53331(L4-F2+L4-F15) 53332(L4-F9+L4-F21) 53333(L5-F2+L5-F15) 53334(L5-F9+L5-F21) 53335(L6-F2+L6-F15)L6F2 not working 53336(L6-F9+L6-F21) 53337(L7-F2+L7-F15) 53338(L7-F9+L7-F21) 53339(L8-F2+L8-F15) 53340(L8-F9+L8-F21) 53341(L9-F2+L9-F15) 53342(L9-F9+L9-F21) L9F21 delayed 70 ns 53344(L10-F2+L10-F15) 53345(L10-F9+L10-F21) 53346(L11-F2+L11-F15) L11F2 not working 53347(L11-F9+L11-F21) L11F21 not working 53348(L12-F2+L12-F15)L12F2+L12F15 not working 53349(L12-F9) Alternative runs To test again L6F (L6-F2+L6-F15) To repeat, now with the successful modification: L6F2+L6F15 ;L12F2+L12F15 What else? To be analyzed by... A full set of runs has been taken yesterday (15/12/2010), What set to use?
6 Optical properties: USER Line 1-12 LED Beacon - Optical Properties HI L1F2 - Nov2010 USER Line 1-12 LED Beacon - Optical Properties HI L2F2 - Nov2010 USER Line 1-12 LED Beacon - Optical Properties HI L2F9 - Nov2010 USER Line 1-12 LED Beacon - Optical Properties HI L4F2 - Nov2010 USER Line 1-12 LED Beacon - Optical Properties HI L4F9 - Nov2010 USER Line 1-12 LED Beacon - Optical Properties HI L6F2 - Nov2010 USER Line 1-12 LED Beacon - Optical Properties HI L8F2 - Nov2010 USER Line 1-12 LED Beacon - Optical Properties HI L8F9 - Nov2010 USER Line 1-12 LED Beacon - Optical Properties HI L12F2 - Nov2010 USER Line 1-12 Laser Beacon Nov2010 Total available 9 for LED + 1 for LASER Runs for OB’s placed on F15 are being tested at low intensity to complete the study on the transmission length deep dependence. Runs at low and medium intensity have to be tested also towards the creation of an “official” setup. What new OB’s can be used in a short future as a function of the updated official dead channels list. Detector covered range for transmission length measurements
7 Other purposes: Tests for the revival of the dead OB’s and for timing - optical properties special purposes; Tests on WaveForm. USER Line 1-12 LED Beacon – Only test - Nov2010 USER Line 1-12 LED Beacon – Only test on WF- Nov2010 Final remarks from Jean-Pierre Ernenwein: > Labels on the tables on the DB when the run setups are being created (as wasn’t done it before), example of the correct way: “dble_LED_beacon_config_nov2010_L1F2-L1F15” For LED_CONFIG table > In the creation of new run setups, NEVER use links to old tables (as was done it before) if they are tables which are often changing. For instance, concerning to a previous LPB table setup, the PRODUCTID (sismo, SCM L12) have to be disabled (put to 0 => ). ELOG Other tables have been changed as the ARS table for the new L6, L12 OB thresholds, internal PMT voltage, LED intensity and faces which are flashing for LED table. As remarks for us, remember that only face 3 (the most powerful blue LED) is flashing on L12F2 and face 4 (blue LED) on L6F2 for timing.
2. 40 K sensitivities computation status: It is not the topic of the Roland Ritcher (ECAP) work. Dmitry Zaborov suggests the next procedure based on 5 steps to compute 40 K sensitivities: I. Run an analysis code on physics files (series of 7 files) 40 K coincidence histograms for each run and pair of OM/ARS’s ( + event rates and dead time corrections ( II. Analysis script fits 40 K histograms, applies dead time corrections Dump results in a root file (TTree). III. Best runs selection Low background + near to the dates of interest + consistency among them (special Dmitry’s tool). IV. Sensitivity computation script (one over each run). V. Average over the used run series. For our particular analysis, 40 K sensitivities for 13/12/2010 are missing (last data taking). = Codes given by Dmitry and processed correctly = Waiting for the code … (Dmitry is cleaning them for the release…)
9 3.The new instruments of ANTARES: “Christmas Beacon”: A multi-wavelength Optical Beacon placed on L6F2 OB face [nm] Tested on November 2010 and works! Two sets of runs (1 set = 6 runs, one for each face) available for analysis until now optical properties analysis + measurement of velocity of light. Reachable and editable via: USER Line 1-12 LED Beacon - Optical Properties HI L6F2 - Nov2010
10 The run setup is a run setup for an internal LED. A run setup for test has been designed based on a previous one from June 2009: USER Line 1-12 nanobeacons and a first run will be launch today to test the setup People involved: Bertrand + Jean-Pierre + Me “NanoBeacon”: An internal LED embedded on L9F1OM0
11 Data taking for L6F2 OB at very low background conditions: Transmission length exponential fit at BKG ~ 60kHz. 40 K sensitivities updated. [nm] R min [m]R max [m] R min (470 nm) for x-mas beacon ≠ R min (470 nm) standard OB !!!! above value corresponds to the standard OB (difference of ~30 m). In this direction, a deep check suggest that for the most of golden runs, R min should be 130 m instead of 140 m Also proved by time distributions.
12 Data taking for L6F2 OB at very low background conditions: Time evolution ONLY for L6F2 OB measurements (2 months). Time stability for transmission length at all wavelengths is clear. Last set of data (Dic2010) has used the sensitivities of one month ago (Nov2010). No sensitivity files available yet for 13/12/2010.
13 * A Margiotta, CM Amsterdam, Nov2010 * H Yepes, Dic2010, Christmas beacon (only transmission length in data; one set of runs) Transmission length spectrum (data) Vs absorption length spectrum (KM3 MC):
4.Golden runs updated list: Always available at: Total golden runs at 15/12/2010: 176LED 132LASER 44 Once by month, golden runs with more than 200k events are being taken for scattering studies. Other interesting things (sometimes the people doesn’t know where can they find it quickly): Online calibration sets (the ones used in optical properties analysis): Offline calibration sets: LCM’s map: Dead channels: The “ * ” means the update.
16 5.General ANTARES MC STATUS: First attempts to perform the impact of the water optical properties parameters sugested by the OB data (absorption length and water models) on the neutrino reconstruction. Comparisson between different MC productions: Absorption length: 55 m, 60 m and 63 m. Scattering models: PARTIC = 0.075, 0.01, 0.02 MEDSEA 0.075/0.01/0.02 ?? Angular acceptance. ARS threshold files checking. Aligments. Noise file with Aart selection for point like sources. Include simulations of after pulses in TriggerEfficiency....
17 My status on the simulation chain: 1 st stage2 nd stage3 rd stage MCEW + TriggerEfficiency OK Reconstruction of tracks direction(AAfit) + ntuples information arrangement: number of hits, zenith distribution…(AntDST) TO DO Final stage
18 Some outputs have been checked shallowly with Annarita and Juan Pablo, and it suggest to me i’m in the correct direction.
19 PROSPECTS (MY EXPECTATIONS) TO 2011: MEETINGDATEGOAL Collaboration Meeting CERN07/02/2011 – 11/02/2011Enough results to give 2 talks based on: Calibration: Full transmission length analysis based on the new instrumentation; systematics OB-OB, OB-faces. MC: Comparisson among different productions for absorption length and scattering inputs, and influence of the angular acceptance and electronics (TriggerEfficiency). Collaboration Meeting Moscow06/06/2011 – 10/06/2011 Calibration: Official value of the absorption length, and possibly also an estimation of scattering length at all wavelengths. MC: Direct impact of optical properties OB data on reconstruction efficiency and other quality parameters. Collaboration Meeting Bamberg12/09/2011 – 16/09/2011, preferred Calibration: Consolidate the results; open to new ideas, suggestions and comments. > Write internal notes. MC: Try to cover most of the ongoing physics results which could be affected by the correct optical properties parameters. ANTARES / IceCube Joint meeting Uppsala 19/09/2011 – 23/09/2011A full talk based on the “Detection medium characterization: from data to MC”. Collaboration Meeting CERNLast two weeks of November?New ideas, new analysis… Think about to write some papers?
20 FINAL REMARK: Is it convenient to include most relevant information of our analysis into the wikipage? Links to talks, plots, available setups for optical properties and more.