Mollie Fitzpatrick Stacie Ellerbrock Brianna Miller Maps Resource Unit Mollie Fitzpatrick Stacie Ellerbrock Brianna Miller
Table of Contents Introduction Objectives Vocabulary/Concepts Activities Teacher References Student References Media References Evaluation
Introduction Ohio academic content standards tell us that students should be able to use the knowledge of geographic locations, patterns and processes to show the interrelationship between the physical environment and human activity, and to explain the interactions that occur in an increasingly interdependent world. This week-long resource unit will help students understand the skills required to read and create maps for a variety of purposes. This unit is filled with hands-on activities to better the mastery of map skills.
Objectives Students will use a map to find given locations. Students will identify components of a map, such as title, key, compass, and symbols. Students will identify and describe the landforms, climate, vegetation, population, and economic characteristics.
Objectives Con’t Students will use a compass rose and cardinal directions to describe the relative direction of places.
Vocabulary/Concepts Map Map Key Landforms Plateau Mountain Valley River Lake
Vocabulary/Concepts Desert Continent Globe Equator North South East West
Activity #1 Read aloud Me on the Map by Joan Sweeny. Discuss as a group the location of their town on the map.
Activity #2 Read Flat Stanley by: to the children. Have the children make their own Flat Stanleys to mail to two relatives. Include a letter with the Flat Stanleys asking for the relatives to write about a day they spent with Flat Stanley. Also ask the relatives to mail the Flat Stanleys back to the class.
Activity #2 Continued When the class starts receiving the Flat Stanley’s back place them on a map to see where Stanley has traveled. Discuss as a class where Stanley has all traveled and if he had been at one place more than once.
Activity #3 Using a map grid, have the children design a map of an imaginary country including all the required symbols: Compass Rose Key Grid labels Title One water source Five cities Three different landmarks
Activity #4 Read aloud Introducing Landforms and discuss as a class. Have children make a flip book of the various landforms (mountains, valleys, plains, rivers, etc) using various materials.
Activity #5 Provide students with a map of their city. Have the students use coordinates to determine locations of important places in their city. Have the students describe the relative direction of various places in the city from their school
Activity #6 Have the children design a map of their classroom in small groups. Have the students follow their maps to find objects located around the classroom.
Activity #7 Have students create a fire escape plan for their houses with their parents. Students will draw their plan. Students will explain their fire escape route to the class.
Activity #8 Give each table several containers of Play Doh. Instruct the students to form the various types of landforms (mountains, valleys, plateaus, etc). Have the students create a name for their landform environment.
Activity #9 The teacher will read aloud How I Became a Pirate. Have the students create a “treaure map” as one of their centers. Have the students trade and follow a friend’s map to find the “treasure.”
Teacher References
Student References
Media References VIDEOS: Dora the Explorer - Map Adventures The Magic Map The Geography Tutor, Map Skills, Vol. 3 Types of Maps & Map Projections The Geographic Tutor; Maps and Globe Terms
Media References, Con’t BOOKS: Me on the Map by Joan Sweeny Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown and Scott Nash Introducing Landforms Bobbie Kalman
Evaluation Students will be evaluated on the work they complete for each activity. After the unit, the students will be given a comprehensive map test, designed by the teacher.