This application note is based on the work held by Ankur Agarwal at Computer Science and Engineering Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton, FL “Multi threads Producer – Consumer application” with Envision UML-C++ ® by CASE-France and Future Tech System Technical contact : Jean-Claude Jacquiot
Forewords Comment about the demo This package includes a running threads Windows demo, based on the Producer – Consumer project. The demo has been generated with UML-C++ from UML diagrams shown in the following pages. Code has been compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ compiler using MFC Windows library for the Windows user’s interface. To run the demo, decompress the file in a temp directory, then double click on producer.exe. Click on the button to start the demo then watch and wait until it finishes. It should run OK. Please let me know otherwise. This is a full threads running Windows application using Producer – Consumer project
Components view A physical design was chosen based on the component view This design implies classes are generated in three bodies.cpp files and headers placed in three.h files.
Logical view Producer and Consumer class contain a threaded updateX() States machine operation
Producer class States/Transitions diagram
Consumer class States/Transitions diagram
Code generated A directory including 3 bodies files (.cpp) with corresponding headers files (.h) have been generated according to component view A log file containing generation steps with various details, errors and warnings has also been produced.
Code generated files structure ProducerConsumer directory was created including : MicrosoftCppMFCClassLibComponent.cpp was created MicrosoftCppMFCClassLibComponent.h ProducerConsumer.cpp was created ProducerConsumer.h was created ProviderConsumer.cpp was created ProducerConsumer.log steps generation log file was created Attached to this presentation and compressed in the file are the C++ source files, the project log file (ASCII), the executable “Producer.exe” and Microsoft DLLs to run the embedded Windows interface.
Conclusion The running code faithfully represents assumptions made in UML diagrams with respect to requirements. The code generated was compiled successfully with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ compiler : NO ERROR and runs fine on Windows XP or 2K systems. Producer thread code can access Consumer’s data and Consumer thread code can access Producer’s data. No difficulty what so ever during code generation which takes less than a second.
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