SIGCOMM 2010 VIABILITY REVIEW Henning Schulzrinne, SIGCOMM Vice-Chair
SIG Finances Fund-balance $1148k vs $316k required Up from $591k in 2006 We use profits for SIG activities such as awards, geodiversity grants, travel grants, publications, etc. We’ve actively tried to put more $$ back into the community this year (publications, travel grants) 17 of 18 sponsored conferences profitable since Jan 2007
SIG Member Benefits Print copy of "Computer Communication Review" (CCR), five times a year, including print proceedings of the annual SIGCOMM conference Monthly with announcements of SIGCOMM- related conferences and other relevant announcements Discounted subscription rate for ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking Discounted registration rate for all SIGCOMM sponsored/co-sponsored conferences Access to all SIGCOMM sponsored/co-sponsored conference proceedings in the Digital Library
SIGCOMM Goals Portfolio of top-notch conferences and publications for the networking community Outreach to the global community of computer networking researchers, educators and practitioners Increasing linkage between academic researchers and industrial practitioners in our field Recognition of achievements in computer networking
Meeting the goals (1) We sponsor 3 conferences (Sigcomm, CoNEXT, HotNets), co- sponsor 3 (IMC, SenSys, ANCS), in co-operation with ~8 Sigcomm conf has very high impact rating (top 10 in CS)* HotNets the recognized “early work” networking conference CoNEXT growing in stature SIG funding to increase student travel to conferences Significant global presence: CoNEXT, SIGCOMM outside North America 2 years in 3 SIGCOMM 2010 in New Delhi Financial support for Latin American Networking Conference, Asian Internet Engineering Conference “Geodiversity” grants to fund attendance at our conferences from under-represented countries *#2 ranking on microsoft academic, #3 arnetminer, #8 citeseer
Meeting the goals (2) CCR (Newsletter) flourishing under new editor Increasing financial support for ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking Enthusiastic new Education Chair Working to increase industrial relevance/interaction Industry panel planned for CoNEXT 2010 Considering similar options for SIGCOMM 2011 Comprehensive website redesign Role-based navigation for various communities (educators, researchers, etc.) Expanded awards and recognition Best paper award, Rising Star award, Student Research Competition, etc.