Leadership Training Unit 4: Risk Management, Safety and Legal Issues
2 Identify Hazards Assess Risks Control Risks Risk Management BWV Walk Leader Training Unit 4 – Risk Management, Safety and Legal Issues
3 1. Risk Management Identification Environment – weather, climate, terrain People Equipment Risk Management BWV Walk Leader Training Unit 4 – Risk Management, Safety and Legal Issues
4 2. Planning your walk – assess the risks Climate - weather Terrain Distance Degree of Difficulty / Grade Participants Escape route(s)? Risk Management BWV Walk Leader Training Unit 4 – Risk Management, Safety and Legal Issues
5 3. Evaluate any risk Can the risk be avoided? Can the risk be overcome or controlled? Is the risk acceptable? Risk Management BWV Walk Leader Training Unit 4 – Risk Management, Safety and Legal Issues
6 4. Control the risk: examples Walkers’ health and fitness Suitable clothing and footwear Specific equipment First aid Communication in an emergency Monitor walkers and the environment. Risk Management BWV Walk Leader Training Unit 4 – Risk Management, Safety and Legal Issues
7 4. Example: discuss Risk Management BWV Walk Leader Training Unit 4 – Risk Management, Safety and Legal Issues
8 What is your club policy regarding: High Fire Danger? High Temperatures? Anticipated adverse weather? When the risks are too high: Plan something less ambitious, Cancel the Walk, Plan another Walk, Alter the Walk, Shorten the Walk. Safety BWV Walk Leader Training Unit 4 – Risk Management, Safety and Legal Issues
9 What does this mean for a leader ? What a reasonably prudent leader would do to take reasonable care to avoid exposing fellow walkers ( having regard to their age, experience, skill and other individual matters) to unreasonable risks of injury or loss. Legal issues: duty of care BWV Walk Leader Training Unit 4 – Risk Management, Safety and Legal Issues
10 Clubs which obtain cover under Bushwalking Victoria’s Public Liability and Personal Accident policies are required to ask members to sign an Acknowledgement of Risk upon joining the club and at least once a year thereafter Visitors are covered under Bushwalking Victoria’s current Public Liability Insurance Policy provided they are recognised as “Temporary Members” by the host club. Visitors must also be asked to sign an Acknowledgment of Risk each time they participate in a club’s activity to ensure that they are aware of the possible risks associated with bushwalking, and their responsibilities. Refer to “Risk Management Guidelines for Bushwalking Victoria Clubs” for further information. Legal issues: duty of care BWV Walk Leader Training Unit 4 – Risk Management, Safety and Legal Issues
11 Plan thoroughly Consult / seek advice Activity within everyone’s capabilities? Communications Health and fitness Specify clothing and equipment Walk Leader Considerations BWV Walk Leader Training Unit 4 – Risk Management, Safety and Legal Issues
12 Anticipate first aid Emergency situations Keep accurate records especially after an incident Check weather Access to communications Walk Leader Considerations BWV Walk Leader Training Unit 4 – Risk Management, Safety and Legal Issues
13 Safety is paramount Identify, evaluate and control risk Risk Management BWV Walk Leader Training Unit 4 – Risk Management, Safety and Legal Issues