mailbox.makeEwsRequest( ); Message forwarded by ExchangeEndpoint retrieves attachments App in Outlook
Outlook APP Exchange App Backend App requests attachment metadata, callback token and EWS URL via JS APIs
Outlook APP Exchange App Backend App passes attachment id, token and EWS URL to its backend
Outlook APP Exchange App Backend App backend calls EWS to get attachment
Outlook APP Launch OAuth Azure AD App Backend SP
Outlook APP Launch OAuth App’s redirect html page App Backend SP
Outlook APP Launch OAuth App’s redirect html page App Backend SP
Outlook APP Launch OAuth App Backend SP Azure AD 1. Exchange for refresh and access token 2. Call SP with access token
User Identity Token Make EWS requests Settings User Profile
Get/set/add recipients or attendees Get/set the subject
Add file or item attachments
Prepend to the body Overwrite current selection in body
Get/set start or end time Get/set location Get/set/add attendees
Saved on the sent item Can be used to mark a composed message (eg “Tracked” in CRM)
ReadWrit box ReadWriteItem ReadItem Restricted
Book Workspace Address Book Bob Costas Jane Smith John Doe
Newsletter Approval Select documents for approval:
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var item = Office.context.mailbox.item; item.subject.setAsync(“Hello”);
var item = Office.context.mailbox.item; item.body.setSelectedData( “ Hello! ”, { coercionType : ‘HTML’ }); item.body.prependAsync(“Hello World!”);
var item = Office.context.mailbox.item; item.addFileAttachmentAsync( “ item.addItemAttachmentAsync(“EWS item id”);
var item = Office.context.mailbox.item; var now = new Date(); item.start.setAsync(now); item.location.setAsync(“My office”);