Communication and Collaboration in the 21 st Century Parent Workshop Office of Gifted Education and Curriculum Development Spring 2012
Communication and Collaboration Workshop Goals To understand communication and collaboration as 21 st century skills To explore opportunities in cluster classes that highlight and increase students’ communication and collaboration skills To review gifted curriculum benchmarks through the lens of communication and collaboration Office of Gifted Education and Curriculum Development
Communication and Collaboration VBCPS Outcomes for Student Success Our primary focus is on teaching and assessing those skills our students need to thrive as 21st century learners, workers, and citizens. All VBCPS students will be: Academically proficient; Effective communicators and collaborators; Globally aware, independent, responsible learners and citizens; and Critical and creative thinkers, innovators and problem solvers. Office of Gifted Education and Curriculum Development
Communication and Collaboration 21st Century Skills in Action: communication, collaboration, listening, and information literacy Office of Gifted Education and Curriculum Development 20124
Communication and Collaboration Articulate ideas and information clearly and appropriately for the given context, medium, and audience. Office of Gifted Education and Curriculum Development 20125
Communication and Collaboration Interact with diverse groups to achieve an objective while displaying flexibility and willingness to understand alternate points of view. Office of Gifted Education and Curriculum Development 20126
Communication and Collaboration Edublog Myschool Mail PTSA newsletter Edmodo Sharepoint Outreach Office of Gifted Education and Curriculum Development 20127
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Communication and Collaboration Office of Gifted Education and Curriculum Development 20129
Communication and Collaboration “Allow students to challenge each other and to work together and for me to step back and watch them progress as a group.” “Allow students to challenge each other and to work together and for me to step back and watch them progress as a group.” “It excites me to know that preparing our future leaders for the global world that they are about to face is at the core of what we do here in Virginia Beach.” “It excites me to know that preparing our future leaders for the global world that they are about to face is at the core of what we do here in Virginia Beach.” “They have to be able to talk about what they have learned.”They have to be able to talk about what they have learned.” Office of Gifted Education and Curriculum Development
Communication and Collaboration “ The truth is – in the real world people don’t always agree, but I want to teach the students that it’s okay because through those disagreements we can communicate our ideas and we can learn through that.”The truth is – in the real world people don’t always agree, but I want to teach the students that it’s okay because through those disagreements we can communicate our ideas and we can learn through that.” Office of Gifted Education and Curriculum Development
Communication and Collaboration In what ways do the Gifted Curriculum Benchmarks reflect opportunities for communication and collaboration in gifted curriculum? Office of Gifted Education and Curriculum Development
Communication and Collaboration Thank you for attending the workshop. Please contact me at any time with comments, questions, or concerns. Lydia “Kay” Shows Roberson ext Please complete the exit ticket. Office of Gifted Education and Curriculum Development