Riact Intro RiACT Intro RiACT Intro R i a c t I n t r o RiACT Ap plica tio S$ # * & Real Time Integrated Real Time Integrated Accounting System Accounting System
RiCS Systems India Pvt Ltd #80 Genting Lane #09-10 Ruby Industrial Complex Singapore Tel : "Ceebros Arcade" 4th Floor, No:1, 3rd Main Road, Kasturba Nagar, Adyar Chennai India. Tel : Rics Intro
RiACT Real Time Integrated Accounting System Riact Logo
High Profile System Flawless Day to Day Operation Painless Reporting Online Queries Analysis of Operational Data Effective Planning Smooth Conduct of Business Features S Speed in Performance F Friendly Configuration E Easy to Install & Maintain L Less Computer Knowledge T Training & Support Gen eral Feat ures
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Trading Manufacture Finanace Banking Small & Med. Enterprises Industry Balance9
Trading Manufacture Finanace Banking Small & Med. Enterprises Industry Balance10
Trading Manufacture Finanace Banking Small & Med. Enterprises Industry Balance11
Trading Manufacture Finanace Banking Small & Med. Enterprises Industry Balance12
Trading Manufacture Finanace Banking Small & Med. Enterprises Industry Balance13
Trading Manufacture Finanace Banking Small & Med. Enterprises Industry Balance14
Trading Manufacture Finanace Banking Small & Med. Enterprises The One Step Solution to all the Commercial Needs… One Step Solution
Multi User Environment C reation of Multiple User & Groups U ser to Group Segregation G roup wise function allocation C ontrol of User Login
Multi Currency Operation H andles complex transactions of international trade and commerce A utomatically computes Base currency from transaction currency D efault currency option C urrency wise accountability Multi Currency
Multiple Location M anage unlimited number of location O ption to transfer stock from one location to another L ocation wise detailed reports Multi Location
Online Help H elp facility for required column Complete application operational help facility F acility to view additional details A dvanced find and filtering option to create complex quries Online Help
Multi Zooming D etails about the particular data in enquiry mode Z ooming from top level to entry level in all enquiries O ption to print entire or zoomed content T racking of Data Changes
Graphical Representation Customized graphical information, aids decision making Customized graphical information, aids decision making Option to change graphical data in various types Option to change graphical data in various types Option to select the series to display Option to select the series to display Graphical Representation
Easy Migration Converting RiACT data into 3 rd party application like spread sheets, word documents and others… Converting RiACT data into 3 rd party application like spread sheets, word documents and others… Centralized data conversion, which enables to share data with other application Centralized data conversion, which enables to share data with other application Facility to Save Reports in a inbuilt PSR format and sending through /softcopy Facility to Save Reports in a inbuilt PSR format and sending through /softcopy Converting the report into HTML format to host into website directly with less effort Converting the report into HTML format to host into website directly with less effort Easy Migration
System Control Base currency defaulting Base currency defaulting Default Account code like Gain/Loss, Receivable, Payable, Bank, Cash, Sales, Purchase, Remit and P&L Contra Default Account code like Gain/Loss, Receivable, Payable, Bank, Cash, Sales, Purchase, Remit and P&L Contra Control Access Info Control Access
System Control A utomatic and manual numbering configuration with prefix option for documents like receipt, payment, bank remit and customers. Document Numbering
System Control V ariety of option to print with different format styles Printing Format E nable the user to add/truncate printings
System Control F reezing and purging of modules with year and period Freezing/Purging and Job Costing J ob costing control for tracking of job wise accountability Job Costing
System Control Complete control of document numbering, defining own document number, costing methods and online costing, updating negative stock option, controlling GRN with PO, Invoicing without DO and online master creation and more… Complete control of document numbering, defining own document number, costing methods and online costing, updating negative stock option, controlling GRN with PO, Invoicing without DO and online master creation and more… Module Control
Module Intro
Multi User Environment Creation of Multiple User & Groups
Multi User Environment User to Group Segregation
Multi User Environment Group wise function allocation
Multi User Environment Control of User Login