TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD WELCOME! TRB State Representatives Business Meeting In conjunction with AASHTO RAC Meeting Kansas City, MO July, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD Long Term Visioning Trends and Issues Looking out years Those that affect, or will be affected by, transportation Implications for state DOTs. TRB. Other transportation organizations. July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD Laying the Foundation TRB “Critical Issues in Transportation” TRB Strategic Plan Activities of TRB Standing Committees July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD Last Call! Provide any last minute submissions to Tom Palmerlee July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD Wednesday Session Staff collate by major topic Group discussion/debate –Gaps –Common themes –Priorities July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD State DOTs & the TRB Annual Meeting July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD State DOTs & TRB Annual Meeting Current Challenge: Provide state DOTs with satisfactory return on their investment in the TRB Annual Meeting in an era of travel restrictions without increasing the costs to them. July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD TRB Annual Meeting: Recent Actions Authorizing state DOTs to post Compendium on DOT intranet Providing access to presenter slide presentations and posters Providing access to enhanced e-sessions July 28, 2010 Posting new Practice Ready Papers database on TRB website
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD TRB Annual Meeting: 2011 Initiatives Covering costs for communications packages on a sustainable basis Pilot testing for conference calls and/or internet access for standing committee meetings Replacing Compendium DVD w/posting on TRB website July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD State DOTs & TRB Annual Meeting Longer Term Challenge: Provide TRB state representatives with information that can be used to help justify state DOT employee attendance. July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD Resources for Keeping Your CEO Informed State DOT Return-on-Investment (general white paper) “Reaping the Benefits of Attending TRB Annual Meeting” (TRNews) Justifying Your State’s Investment in TRB (under development) July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD Justifying Your State’s Investment in TRB Developed under guidance from STRAP Will allow TRB State Rep to customize for his/her state/CEO July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD Justifying Your State’s Investment in TRB Overall state investments Core program NCHRP Tangible Benefits Intangible Benefits Leveraged Benefits July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD Other Opportunities for Keeping Your CEO Informed TRB staff visits to your state DOT TRB State Reps/CEO Luncheon at TRB Annual Meeting AASHTO Annual Meeting – TRB Luncheon for CEOs CEOs serving on TRB Executive Committee July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD Other Opportunities or Tips for Keeping Your CEO Informed? July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD TRB State DOT Partnership Visits: Guidelines Enhanced to incorporate suggestions for 2009 Orlando meeting Shopping list for potential meetings & activities Checklist for planning the visit Assuring that the visit yields mutual benefits Option for short written summary July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD Including Staff from Other TRB Divisions in Visits Pilots during 2010 –Massachusetts (general w/CRP) –California (safety w/NCHRP) –Illinois (highway renewal w/SHRP2) Evaluate for 2011 July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD Other Experiences or Tips for TRB State DOT Partnership Visits? July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD TRB Budget and Implications for State DOTs Current Challenge: Enhance TRB services to state DOTs within the TRB budget and without increasing the costs to state DOTs July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD Enhanced TRB Services That Meet this Criteria TRB Annual Meeting communications package (discussed earlier) TRR Online TRB Webinars Practice – ready papers database Research Needs Statements database July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD TRB Core Income Sources by Triennium (%) July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD Suggestions for New or Enhanced Revenue Streams for TRB? July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD TRB Publications Online Most TRB publications accessible on TRB website at no charge TRR Online available by subscription –No charge to state DOT employees –Rely on state DOT IP address –Contact Andi Kisiner July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD Notification of Publications through TRB e-Newsletter General: “Recently Released TRB Publications” Subscription/notification by topic area July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD Getting Printed Publications to the Right People Initial task: Transition our publication selection system - categories (modes & functions) of publications - to a web-based solution whereby sponsors and other customers can manage their own accounts – i.e. who gets what, where it should be sent, and how. July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD Getting Printed Publications to the Right People (cont.) The increasing number of ways in which the “how” part of delivery is complicating things – specifically, the expanding possibilities for delivering electronic content to our sponsors and other customers. July 28, 2010 eReaders SONY
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD Getting Printed Publications to the Right People (cont.) July 28, 2010 TRB is developing a survey that will be sent to our state and federal sponsors to determine dissemination preferences. Bowker, B&T, et al
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD Getting Printed Publications to the Right People (cont.) The Challenge: How quickly (or slowly) should TRB move toward electronic delivery of our products? July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD Getting Printed Publications to the Right People (cont.) July 28, 2010 Excerpts from the Smithsonian Digitization Strategic Plan: “Mission: To digitize the resources of the Institution for the widest possible use by current and future generations.” “Empower staff and audiences to use the Smithsonian’s digital resources by developing user-friendly methods and tools.” “Raise awareness and increase use of Smithsonian digital resources, both within and outside the Institution. Use multiple web and new media venues to increase awareness of the value of the Smithsonian’s digital resources. Increase the Smithsonian community’s awareness of the availability of Institutional digital resources, through the use of multiple internal communication venues.” Example 1: Smithsonian goes electronic…
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD Getting Printed Publications to the Right People (cont.) July 28, 2010 Example 2: Stanford Engineering Library goes all digital.
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD Getting Printed Publications to the Right People (cont.) July 28, 2010 Summary: Developing a web-based system for our sponsors to manage what hard copy publications they get from TRB is complicated by the growing desire for various e- versions. TRB is developing a survey for sponsors to provide input into the future delivery of TRB products.
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD Earning Continuing Education Credits for TRB Activities Self certifying PDHs offered for Annual Meeting and conferences AICP CM units offered for Annual Meeting and planning conferences CLEs offered for Legal Resources Workshop July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD More Record Keeping Criteria for Education Providers Distance Learning (webinars) Growing number of state licensing boards for PEs –New York –Florida –Others July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD More Record Keeping Criteria for Education Providers General policies: International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET): –Individual attendance (by session) –Learning objectives –Evaluation/assessment that learning objectives met –Instructor bios/approvals –Individual transcripts July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD TRB Investigating Options to Expand Education Credits Use outside service(s) (fee) –IACET –National Council of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors (NCEES) Registered Continuing Education Program (RCEP) –Other? Build TRB recordkeeping system July 28, 2010
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD TRB Priorities for Expanding Education Credits 1.Webinars 2.Conferences 3.Annual Meeting –PDH self certification still valid for most states –AICP CM credits introduced in 2010 –Satisfy higher criteria for PDHs (future) July 28, 2010