member of German Institute for Adult Education (DIE) EU Project visuaLearning – CP – 1 – DE – GRUNDTVIG – G - 1 4th partner meeting Group Discussions – Impressions/Trends Monika Tröster Ireland
member of German Institute for Adult Education (DIE) Poland:English Course (foreign language) German Course (foreign language) English and German Course (foreign language) Romania: “Soft skills for adults” (professional education) Training course for professional activities (HR skills) History training for adults Germany:Literacy course (functional German speaking illiterates) German literacy course (migrants) German course of integration (migrants) Ireland:‘Literacy and computers’ course (basic literacy) Adult literacy course Countries / Courses
member of German Institute for Adult Education (DIE) The method group discussion was suitable for exploring experiences of learners in every day life regarding visual learning and experience (synergy effects). The preferences are showing a clear visual tendency in all discussions. The use of the television predominates in most of the courses (Radio in second place; exeption Romania). Television is combined with other media like radio or newspaper. TV is an important link, e. g. Articles in the newspaper can better be grasped or understood by watching the respective topics on TV before. Impressions / Trends:
member of German Institute for Adult Education (DIE) TV is often used with the aim to educate and/or to inform oneself (to learn a language and/or to learn reading). Gathering information with a specific aim is extremely difficult for illiterates and migrants. In this case one depends on the help of friends and relatives or on media like TV or radio. It is remarkable that the examples of the discussion group derive of the direct and individual participants world of experiences.
member of German Institute for Adult Education (DIE) The orientation function of pictures is especialy mentioned in all courses. Colours have an important orientation function (e. g. the colour of a certain underground station; method to structure informations). Dependence on non-written information explains in certain respects the higher preference of visual and auditive impressions. The personal contact is important in target groups too (literacy courses). Especially pictures have a special activation potential for all target groups. Things in every day life are chosen with the help of pictures and visual impressions (literacy courses). Some participants have their own computer a home. However, it is often not used. The participants fear to load a wrong programme (literacy courses and elder learners in foreign language courses).
member of German Institute for Adult Education (DIE) Generally all participants of the groups have significant problems in filling in forms. Some participants are explaining that more symbols could be helpful (literacy courses). The visual learning style dominates very much in all group discusions. However, it is combined very often with other preferences. Learning styles very often become spontaneously evident in the course of the discussion. To learn reading and writing is clearly regarded as the most important gain by the learners. To be able to read and write is connected with freedom, independence and self-fulfilment (literacy courses). Regarding the formal learning in most of the groups it is striking that most learning biographies are influenced by short school attendances or by school and course attendances, which are often interrupted to a great extend (literacy courses).
member of German Institute for Adult Education (DIE) The importance of informal learning has a great significance in all learning biographies and the learners are very much aware of it (literacy courses). Media, especially TV and radio are used to collect information and have a considerable function in the education (literacy courses). In the informal strategies of learning especially the pictures of the television are supporting the understanding of foreign languages, however, as well the reading of newspapers afterwards. As a strategy of help visual learning has a special position in all life and learning histories.