Complete High Speed Data Collection System ROMDAS with LCMS Complete High Speed Data Collection System
ROMDAS System Overview Supplying data collection system for over 25 years Over 200 systems in 60 countries Modular design offering flexibility and wide variety of data Proven in wide variety of conditions
The ROMDAS system itself comprises of the central components and software licences that allow for data acquisition and analysis. The next step, is then choosing the add-on modules you require based on the type of data you require and level of accuracy
Systems - Tailored Design ROMDAS System Bump Integrator (Roughness – unpaved roads) High Res DMI (Distance/Chainage) GPS Receiver (capable of sub-meter DGPS) LCMS with Roughness + Geometry upgrades Multiple ROW cameras Computer system, power supplies and all other required accessories The configuration we have offered in the past includes these items; ROMDAS System – Central hardware and software which all modules are connected to an synced. Bump Integrator (Roughness – unpaved roads) – used for collecting roughness data on rough/unpaved/wet roads where laser equipment has the potential of being damaged or compromised accuracy. High Res DMI (Distance/Chainage) – HRDMI – required for the 1mm distance accuracy required for laser data collection. Collected around 12,000 pulses per revolution of the tire. GPS Receiver (capable of sub-meter DGPS) – Trimble SPS461 – If the client purchases Omnistar subscriptions for their GPS receivers then they will collect sub-meter GPS coordinates in real-time. We have validated the SPS461 in India for another client and found it had an average accuracy of 0.4m (when connected to Omnistar signal). All data can then be referenced to GPS coordinates. LCMS with Roughness + Geometry upgrades. See following slides for LCMS outputs. Multiple ROW cameras – 3 x cameras per system. Output max resolution of 1600x1200 from each camera. Videos can be simultaneously viewed and rated in the office using ROMDAS DataView software. Computer, power supplies and all other required accessories
TNRSP – Similar Systems Tamil Nadu Research Sector Project (TNRSP), have been using 2 almost identical systems since 2011 Successfully surveyed around 60,000km or roads to date Contract is about to be extended for another year
ROMDAS LCMS collects Automatic crack and defect detection and analysis including; cracking (width, length, depth), potholes and raveling/joint data, sealed crack detection. Pavement Images Transverse Profiles Rut Depth, Width & Cross-Sectional Area for each wheelpath, Macro-Texture (MPD) in 5 bands across the whole lane width, Optional Upgrade: Roughness (IRI) Geometry FOD Detection (Airports) Ravelling Joint/Faulting Cracking & Defects The ROMDAS Laser Crack Measurement System (LCMS) uses laser line projectors, high speed cameras and advanced optics to acquire high resolution 3D profiles of the road. The LCMS can acquire full 4 m width profiles of a highway lane at normal traffic speeds. The system uses two scanning laser profilers that digitize transverse sections of the pavement. Custom optics and high-power pulsed laser line projectors allow the system to operate in full daylight or in night-time conditions Using the profiles collected the system can accurately calculate the degree of pavement rutting and overcomes many of the drawbacks of other rut measurement systems that use less contact points and transverse range. Thanks to the exceptional speed of the scanning lasers, users of the ROMDAS LCMS are able to collect information on surface texture properties in terms of Mean Profile Depth (MPD). The LCMS offers great flexibility by providing optional upgrades. The LCMS can be expanded to collect Roughness (IRI) data by attaching sensitive IMUs. Using the same IMU’s as the roughness upgrade the LCMS is also able to output a variety of road geometry datasets, including Grade (%), Horizontal curvature (m) and Cross-slope (%).
ROMDAS LCMS Standards ASTM E950; Can collect longitudinal profile and compute IRI ASTM E1845; Can collect macro texture and compute MPD ASTM E965; Can collect macro texture and compute MTD ASTM E1703; Can compute rutting according to standard AASHTO PP67; Can quantify cracking AASHTO PP68; Can collect images of pavement surfaces AASHTO PP69; Can determine pavement deformations AASHTO PP70; Can collect transverse profiles Ravelling Joint/Faulting Cracking & Defects
ROMDAS LCMS Features Survey Speed 0 – 100km/h. Conforms to IP-65 (NEMA 4). Operates at 5,600 Hz (Profiles per second). 4 m profile width. Laser imagery allows for data collection in day or night conditions. Outputs generic MS Access (.mdb) files for raw data, as well as JPEG images which show the quantity and severity of defects at 10m intervals. The LCMS accurately measures the transverse profile across the full lane width up to 4m with the equivalent of 4096 points transversely which are used to calculate rut depth. The high frequency of transverse profiles (5,600 profiles per second) also allows the LCMS to measure other datasets like macro-texture (MPD), cracking/potholes and Ravelling/Joint Data. Optional upgrades are available which include collection of longitudinal profile (i.e. roughness – IRI) and road geometry.
Special Features Scanning Laser; accurately measures the transverse profile across the full lane width. Macro-texture Measurement; can be measured over whole pavement. Lane tracking; eliminates data variability and inaccuracies due to vehicle wander ‘year-on-year’. Roof Mounted Equipment; mounted 2.2 m above pavement surface, at rear of vehicle. Roughness Inertial Measuring Unit (IMU); instead of traditional accelerometers. Validation tool; unique tool which validates the calibration. Laser based pavement imaging; automated defect detection, lane marking detection, high quality pavement images (with optional defect overlay). There are several unique features to this system which significantly enhance the data reliability and accuracy over other traditional data collection systems. This type of equipment represents where the industry is heading and offers great future proofing. See “LCMS Special Features” document on the ROMDAS website for full explanations.
Benefits of using the LCMS Very high accuracy data making it perfect for analysis of major highways, High operating speed (up to 100km/h), Wide variety of data collected, Identification of lane markings mean the unit can automatically adjust the position of data (like MPD bands and Roughness) to match user-defined locations. In turn giving increased accuracy (i.e. removes the influence of the driver on the collection of data), Raw data profiles are recorded allowing for re-processing using different parameters. Real time status provided to operators
Operation Principle Data Collection: Real-Time Status Display High accuracy pavement profiles Real-Time Status Display Real-time status display. Giving operators immediate feedback on correct operation of system. Real-time status of LCMS are displayed during the survey and raw data is automatically saved by the ROMDAS system allowing for further analysis and calculations based on raw data. The ROMDAS software does not require any operator interaction during LCMS data collection. Post-Processing Pavement Analysis Outputs a wide variety of pavement analysis data used in deterioration modeling and maintenance planning
The LCMS Measures Every mm Of The Roads Surface The LCMS has a variety of advantages and benefits that far exceed traditional multifunctional data collection devices. The high powered scanning lasers are capable of profiling every millimetre on the road surface and identifying a wide variety of pavement characteristics.
What Makes 3D Sensors Perfect For Crack Detection? Excellent 3D accuracy (0.5mm), Good lateral resolution (1mm), High acquisition rate (5,600 profiles/s), 45 million 3D and 2D points/s
Lane Tracking LANE MARKINGS are used to correct profiles and compensate for driver wander Simplifies certification procedures Eliminates the need to certify operators A key advantage to using the LCMS system is the ability for data sets to be referenced to the lane markings and curb positions instead of the vehicle’s driving line which will vary from year to year. This unique feature can be used when calculating the wheelpath and lane roughness, Macrotexture Measurement and rutting scan width.
Macro Texture Network survey is possible at 100kmh Full lane width is measured 5 AASHTO bands Great repeatability Automatic lane marking detection The LCMS is unique in that with the very high transversal scan rate of the laser the Macro texture can be calculated for all parts of the complete pavement area. The LCMS reports the Mean Profile depth (MPD) macro texture and / or Road Porosity Index (RPI) in 5 adjustable width longitudinal bands across the whole lane width (the 5 AASHTO bands are: central band, two wheel path bands, and two outside bands).
Transverse Profiles and Rutting Most accurate transverse profiler on the market with 4,000+ points per profile Calculate Rut Depth, Rut Width and Cross Sectional Area or wheel path depressions. Traditional Transverse Profilers only collect around 7-24 points per transverse profile meaning they can potentially miss high and low points.
Post – Processing: DataView ROMDAS Software ROMDAS Data Acquisition & Processing Post – Processing: DataView
ROMDAS Data Acquisition & Processing Software Supplied with the purchase of the ROMDAS system, Used for 2 primary functions: During ROMDAS surveys to display and integrate all modules and interfaces, Process raw .rbf files into Microsoft Access files (.mdb) The ROMDAS system itself comprises of the central components and software licences that allow for data acquisition and analysis (except the Note Book computer required to run the system in the vehicle and Microsoft Access which is required to open the processed ROMDAS data files). ROMDAS has been designed as a flexible system that allows for easy customisation through the addition of data measuring instruments (e.g. Bump integrators, laser profilers, TPL or video systems etc.). Furthermore, it includes software features like; key coding, location referencing system, display of real-time IRI etc.
ROMDAS Data Acquisition & Processing Software Key built in features: Calibration Processes that step the user through how to calibrate specific module, Powerful Keycode System: a very flexible feature that allows users to define manual ratings and events at the touch of a button, Location Referencing (LRP) at the touch of a button, Travel-Time surveys, View the status and data collection of devices in real-time,
ROMDAS Data Acquisition & Processing Software Microsoft Access (.mdb) files created contain a number of tables that reference all data to Chainage and/or GPS, Access databases are easily exported to most asset management, GIS mapping and highway maintenance planning software,
DataView: Post – Processing Software DataView is designed for simplicity and ease of sorting through tedious data. It Integrates multiple survey files into a single Access database which then organizes the data for you.
DataView DataView is used to perform several advanced data processing steps. These include; Process video images for asset and condition data, Integrate multiple survey files into a single database, Present data in customised charts, QA Data by viewing all datasets link to Video, GIS Map and Charts Simultaneously Create GIS maps with exportable layers Create GPS Maps from ROMDAS surveys Reduce pressure on operators and increases accuracy when conducting video logging surveys The image rating feature can also be used separately on each survey file without having to go through the rest of the data integration process Create distinct map layers for roads, video rating keycodes, Survey Events and Location Reference Points. Create custom graphs, charts and strip maps Custom templates can be designed to accommodate a number of data processing needs.
DataView This is a diagram to show how DataView connects through the ROMDAS software
DataView View a variety of survey data in a linked display, GPS Map Stripmaps Survey Videos LCMS Images
ROMDAS Support Overview: ROMDAS offers a number of post sale support systems, these including: Annual Maintenance Subscription (AMS) ROMDAS Remote Support (RRS) Training and Installation Services Newsletter Users of technical data collection equipment will inevitably face some kind problems or issues that require more expert understanding to resolve than locally available. Moreover, with the majority of ROMDAS users being in developing countries the equipment is often used in some of the roughest and rugged road condition imaginable. These issues may involve, but not limited to, damaged hardware, software settings or compatibility issues. This is why DCL (ROMDAS) offers a number of support tools in their support system. Annual Maintenance Subscription (AMS) ROMDAS Remote Support Training and Installation Services Members’ Page Newsletter
ANNUAL MAINTENANCE SUBSCRIPTION (A.M.S.) The ROMDAS AMS offer customers a range of entitlements to help keep their systems in optimal condition. Entitlements include: ► Free Technical Support ► Discount on Spare/Replacement Parts ► Discount on any follow up Training & Installation Services ► Free Software Updates ► Access to Secure Member's Page ► Free Annual System Audit ► Free Technical Support: Includes ROMDAS Remote Support which allows for one of our technicians to log onto a survey computer in order to check settings and resolve issues. In addition the AMS includes 5 hours of technical phone support along with unlimited email correspondence. We aim to ensure that ROMDAS users have the support they need to maintain their systems. ► Discount on Spare/Replacement Parts: Current AMS holders will receive a 10% discount on spare or replacement parts. ► 50% Discount on Training & Installation Services: All follow up training and installation visits will be discounted by 50% for AMS holders.* ► Free Software Updates: During the subscription period you are permitted to download any new software updates and technical documentation from our website for free. This ensures that you will always be working with the latest version of the software and supporting documentation. ► Access to Secure Member's Page: The ROMDAS member's page includes a database of free information, from manuals and industry articles to software updates and drivers. ► Free Annual System Audit: Have a ROMDAS technician remotely connect to your ROMDAS system to inspect settings, perform training and fix any issues. AMS holders are entitled to one free remote audit per year. Simply email us to request a remote audit session.
ROMDAS REMOTE SUPPORT Technical support in real-time Have a ROMDAS technician remotely connect to the survey computer to; Check settings, Diagnose faults, Assist with installation and setup, Perform online training, View the system operating in real-time. ROMDAS Remote Support (RRS) uses remote viewing software and allows a ROMDAS technician to access any survey computer with an internet connection. With this tool technicians can check settings, diagnose faults and assist with installation and setup of a system. If the survey vehicle has mobile internet (e.g. data stick) the technicians can even view the system operating. This helps especially with online training and diagnosing problems. ROMDAS Remote Support is the most effective and efficient tool in the system for supporting users.
ROMDAS Training And Installation On-site installation of all equipment Expert training of operators on operations and maintenance Skilled and experienced ROMDAS engineers The training and installation service involves a ROMDAS engineer travelling to visit you on site. They will assist and train your operators with the installation and use of ROMDAS equipment. Training on survey methodology and practical tests will also be conducted during the visit. The aim is to make your operators comfortable with collecting and processing data (into MS Access databases) as well as using and maintaining the equipment.
ROMDAS ROad Measurement Data Acquisition System Manufactured by Data Collection Limited, New Zealand