Strategies to strengthen the distribution system to improve the availability of medicine Dr Wael Inmair Director Assistant, Central Medical Supply Store, MOH
Content 1.Supply directorate organ gram 2.Directorate responsibility 3.Departments related to supply chain process Obstacles 4.Procedure done to overcome obstacles 1.Future plan
Supply Directorate Organ gram Director Assistant North regional Store depart Stationary Department Storage & Distribution Inspection Department Receiving Department I.T Department
Supply Directorate Responsibilities Managing drug selection, qualitative and quantitative Quantifying drug requirement Inventory management Contributing in the tender process
Supply Directorate Responsibilities Drug donations Managing drug distribution Medical stores management Drug management for health facilities Transport management
Supply Directorate Responsibilities Contribution in promoting rational prescribing Ensuring good dispensing practices Stock monitoring and evaluation Community participation Security management
Departments Related to Supply Chain Ministry of finance General supply department Joint procurement department Jordan food & drug administration Procurement department, MoH
Departments Related to Supply Chain Finance department, MoH Health insurance administration Health facilities Suppliers Human resources department, MoH
Obstacles Low budgeting Lead time for tender process Lead time for direct purchasing Delay in quality controls release Poor dispensing practice Tender awarding practice
Obstacles Delivery delays by the supplier Information system deficiencies Staff training programs Monitoring and feed-back mechanism Electronic communication deficiencies between health facilities. Auditing program deficiency
Directorate Accomplishment Budget increase Updating tender terms and conditions Better stock management to accommodate emergency stocks Distribution of JNDF and RDL Improvement in information system management
Directorate Accomplishment Drug efficacy reporting mechanism Mechanism for updating JNDF,MoH EDL, and RDL Communication improvement between health facilities
Future Plans Supply directorate web enabled website to facilitate interdepartmental information exchange Unifying procurement process through one department (JPD) Distribution standards development and implementation Staff training programs Updating directorate organ gram
Future Plans Storing capacity increase. Implement of a new modern security system Transport system improvement Staff continues education program Improve collaboration with national and international organization
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