Innovations in Learning and Teaching: e-learning Tim Fawns Clinical Psychology e-learning coordinator & chair of learning innovation committee
Presenters Susen Rabold: Video-based competency assessment project Fiona Littleton: Virtual worlds (realistic uses) Guro Huby: Reaching wider audiences through technology
Panel of experts Charlotte Waelde Wilma Alexander Alex Carter Fiona Littleton
Some current projects… Health promotion project Stuttgart project Online courses
Health promotion project
Confluence wiki used for collaboration Wiki sends notification of activity Trainees tend to use wiki as discussion board
Health promotion project
Health promotion project - outcomes “ May I say what a pleasure it has been to read them. They are excellent examples of creative, leading edge practice, grounded in good community psychology principles, that enables trainees to think into the prevention literature, in ways that will help them stay mindful of the relationship between education, support, prevention and intervention. Wonderful! I particularly wish to commend the group based approach to the task and how it both supports and promotes collaborative working practices.” Professor Arlene Vetere AcSS (external examiner 2009).
Stuttgart project
Collaboration: Univeristy of Edinburgh and Media University Stuttgart. Information design students created narrative for Clinical Psychology online activity. Clinical Psychology provided “real” client group for German students.
Stuttgart project
Stuttgart project - outcomes Sound theoretical basis Clear structure and progression Rich characters and background Cultural / contextual problems Some problems with learning content
Stuttgart project - outcomes Re-run project, incorporating what we’ve learned. Ongoing evaluation of inter-cultural collaboration.
Online courses
Understanding learning disability Approaches to challenging behaviour in people with an intellectual disability Both courses will feature: –12 weeks of learning activities offered through WebCT. –Access to resources, activities and discussion board.
Questions? Please hold on to them for the panel session