North Carolina Online Test of Computer Skills UPDATE SESSION PASI Summer 2005 Presenter: Scott Ragsdale
Session Purpose This session will update the audience on recent developments with the North Carolina Online Test of Computer Skills and the North Carolina Computer Skills Alternate Assessment as the State prepares for operational implementation during the school year
The Five Ages The Age of Anxiety The world is coming to an end! The Age of Reason Why is world is coming to an end? The Age of Knowledge Facts you should know about the end of the world The Age of Wisdom Only the world as we know it is coming to an end The Age of Enlighten “up” Take a breath, smile, and enjoy the fruits of a brave new world
The Age of Anxiety Anxiety is the thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained. Arthur Somers Roche It has been said that our anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but only empties today of its strength. Charles Spurgeon
The End is Near! school year! That is this year! This is not feasible! LEAs and schools do not have the technological capacity nor the technology staff to administer a web-based test! Students do not know what they are doing! Taking the computer skills test online will only confuse and frustrate them! Why move to a web-based delivery? Why change what we already know works? Are we intentionally trying to make our lives painful? What about accessibility for ALL students?
The Age of Reason The past is our definition. We may strive, with good reason, to escape it, or to escape what is bad in it, but we will escape it only by adding something better to it. Wendell Berry Conscience is our magnetic compass; reason our chart. Joseph Cook
Why Change? Two Separate Tests Currently two separate tests required for student to fulfill computer proficiency requirement Student must pass each to demonstrate proficiency Multiple-Choice Performance In reality two tests are really one requirement!
Why Change? Time Current administration times* 1992 curriculum Multiple Choice – 105 minutes Performance – 90 minutes 1998 curriculum Multiple Choice – 110 minutes Performance – 133 minutes *Note: Administration times do not include distribution of material, printing and organizing of student printouts [performance], packaging, shipping, and other logistical activities Time is precious! There never seems to be enough!
Why Change? Test Files Currently supporting 26+ different software packages for performance test Distribution of test files to field Question of equity And more packages keep coming out each year!
Why Change? Paper Printing of test materials Test booklets Answer documents Header sheets and shipping lists Excess Ordering Printing of student work [performance] Handling of 6% deforestation last year of the Amazon rain forest!
Why Change? Hand Scoring Currently performance test booklets are hand scored by a scoring contractor at a central location Time Fall administration – approximately 2 months Spring administration – approximately 1 month Costs High Scorers, staffing, spacing, supplies
Why Change? Hand scoring continued Reliability Scores are reliable and valid Inter-rater reliability is high [93% +] Reliability monitoring, qualified scorers But… Potential for human error still exists Student work does not always provide evidence that student used correct methods to accomplish task Why dig a hole with your hands when you have access to a shovel?
Why Now? New Curriculum New curriculum adopted in February 2004 Implemented starting with school year New curriculum = new instrument for measurement Technology changing at an astonishing rate Traditional paper tests will be archaic before long Traditional hand scoring is outdated If you live in the past, the best you can hope for tomorrow is to look back at today!
Why Not? Merge two tests into one… Reduce the administration, testing, scoring, and logistical time required… Provide a universal delivery to increase equity for a “standardized” test… Eliminate costs of printing paper and reduce paper waste… Decrease frustration of handling so much paper… Maximize reliability and validity of scores… Theoretically return scores more efficiently and timely… Keep pace with the changing face of technology, testing, and scoring…
The Age of Knowledge If facts are the seeds that later produce knowledge and wisdom, then the emotions and the impressions of the senses are the fertile soil in which the seeds must grow. Rachel Carson The first step towards knowledge is to know that we are ignorant. Richard Cecil
The Test One test Combines multiple-choice and performance items 72 items total 4 sections: 18 items per section Items not delivered randomly, but also not divided into sections by specific strands/objectives [i.e., database section, etc.] A database performance item may be followed by a multimedia multiple-choice item, in turn followed by a word processing performance item, etc.
The Test Measures 2004 curriculum Approximately 41 objectives tested Performance items vs. Multiple-Choice items 50% performance based 50% multiple-choice based Embedded field test items for future test development
The Test Web-based delivery NCDesk Integrated Java Applications Suite Delivery of performance items within testing environment Includes: text editor/word processing application database application spreadsheet application composer application – mimic application window management application
The Test Environment Secure Encrypted Save function disabled in Java applications Self-contained Browser parameters set No “surfing” of Internet within environment No “cut, copy, paste” functionality outside of environment Data Warehousing Student responses stored on server when moving between sections and questions Allows for recovery of test and data if workstations crash or other technical problems are encountered
The Test Environment Screen Division Frame contains functions and identifying information Two parallel sub-windows Item stem Foils [multiple-choice] or application [performance] Separate scroll bars for each
The Test Environment Functions Navigation Sections do not allow for navigation between and amongst them Returning to section is not permitted once section is completed Navigation within sections is permitted Navigational buttons [PREV (previous), NEXT] Linear movement backwards or forwards within section Navigation bar at end of section [section summary] Non-linear movement to any item in section
The Test Environment Functions Restore Clears item of changes and restores to original format Flag Identifies item on navigation bar at section end with a red question mark as an indicator that student may need to re-visit prior to exiting section Student can still exit section if items are flagged
The Test Environment Functions End Section Links to section summary page Pause Pauses the test at the immediate location for recovery without exiting test environment
The Test Environment Section number identified on each item page [i.e., Section 1] Item number within section identified on each item page [i.e., Question 2 of 18] Section summary Makes summary statement of how many items in the section were answered and/or flagged Navigation bar also identifies items answered and flagged Continue button moves to next section Displays warning message that once exiting section, return is not permitted Reconfirms intent to exit section
NCDesk Center of the Universe Test Access test at Log in page [School code, User name, Password] Test Simulation Practice activity to simulate real test environment Verify Connection Runs test to verify if secure connection to test server is established Documentation Links to website for information, updates, etc Applications Access to all applications integrated in test environment for use and familiarization
NCRegistration Administrative - User access rights functions. Users are state level administrators, regional level administrators, local district test coordinators, school test coordinators, test administrators, and possibly teachers. Bulk Registration - Function to allow bulk file uploads of student records to register large groups of students to a testing window. Single Registration - Function to allow registration of single student to a testing window. Test Session Scheduling - Indicating numbers of students at a school per test administration Student Information Questions (SIQ) -- additional data collection process Reports
Technical NCDesk is a locally installed client Java application Client computers must have Java runtime installed Quality Internet connection required for accessing test environment Internet connection not required for NCDesk applications when used for learning and practice NCDesk communicates with a central server for testing [not hosted locally] Auto-update system check for current NCDesk version Sufficient RAM recommended CPU of good clock speed and recent vintage recommended Minimum amount of drive space available Sufficient amount of bandwidth required during testing Best Resource for technical recommendations
Technical Notes - Proposed Client Computer Requirements Special Note: Client computer systems running the minimum 128Mb RAM need to reduce the number of background applications running when trying to use NCDesk. Background applications consume memory resources that can become critically low when other applications are running. These types of applications include hidden applications, system inits (Macintosh) and system tray applications (Windows). The following proposed client computer requirements are posted with the assumption that currently active background applications are at a minimum. Supported PlatformMinimum Java Runtime Oldest OS Version Minimum Processor Minimum Free Hard Drive Space Minimum RAM No Microsoft Windows 95 NA Yes Microsoft Windows 98 Java 2 Runtime Environment (JRE) Version 1.4.2_ st Edition Pentium 166 MHz 57 Mb128 Mb Yes Microsoft Windows Me Java 2 Runtime Environment (JRE) Version 1.4.2_ Me Pentium 200 MHz 57 Mb128 Mb No Microsoft Windows NT NA Yes Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro Java 2 Runtime Environment (JRE) Version 1.4.2_ SP3 Pentium 233 MHz 57 Mb256 Mb Yes Microsoft Windows XP Java 2 Runtime Environment (JRE) Verstion 1.4.2_ SP1 Pentium 200 MHz 70 Mb256 Mb No Macintosh "Classic" NA Yes Macintosh OS X Java 2 Runtime Environment Version Update 1 Jaguar OS X 10.2.xPowerPC x26 Mb128 Mb Yes Macintosh OS X Java 2 Runtime Environment Version Update 2 (based on 1.4.2_05 SDK) 2 2 Panther OS X PowerPC x26 Mb128 Mb Yes Macintosh OS X Java 2 Runtime Environment Version TBA Tiger OS X 10.4 PowerPC xTBA
Stages of Development Feasibility Studies/Trials Conduct research into feasibility of delivering web-based test environment Conduct research into performance of local and central technology during delivery Conduct research into overall performance of test environment and applications Conduct research into item performance within test environment and applications Receive feedback and implement debugging, redevelopment, or new development
Stages of Development Field Testing Conduct further research into overall performance of test environment and applications Conduct research into item performance Use data and items to construct operational form(s) Receive feedback and implement debugging or redevelopment where needed. Note: implementation of change can only occur where not affecting performance of item
Stages of Development Operational Form(s) built using viable items from field testing Based on item performance, feedback, analysis, IRT (Item Response Theory), psychometric review, etc. Implementation “locks” forms and items for future Standards/Proficiency indicators established Delivery as instrument for determining proficiency
The Past Fall 2003 Feasibility Study/Trial Volunteer sites Adults only 1,926 starts: 1,351 finishes 62 LEAs represented, 193 schools Ongoing debugging and development of technology, test environment, and items Fall 2004 Feasibility Study/Trial At minimum, 10 locally chosen students per school containing eighth-grade students 5,620 starts: 4,783 finishes Ongoing development and debugging of technology, test environment, and items
The Past Spring 2005 Field Test Sampled population of schools and students Window: April 11 – June 15 8,510 students chosen for sample 6,361 starts: 6,198 finishes Alternate Assessment also field tested Window: May 9 – June 15 2000 students chosen for sample Ongoing debugging and development of technology, test environment, and items
The Present Analysis of field test data Item performance, results, feedback from field Development and implementation of scoring parameters for items Analysis of technical issues arising during field testing Ongoing debugging and development of technology and test environment Creation of operational form(s) based on analysis of field test data Development of new items [item writing] for embedding in the future
The Future Operational implementation starting with the school year Students entering eighth-grade Testing Window Daily Administration Blocks Standard setting Determining proficiency Ongoing development of items [item writing] and technology Ongoing evaluation and monitoring of technical and infrastructure issues both at the central and local level
Computer Skills Alternate Assessment Why? Results of feasibility study and Federal mandates required development of an alternate assessment instrument for two distinct populations: Students with special needs who could not access the online test using available accommodations Students who could not access the online test as a result of technical/technology limitations [i.e., unable to meet minimum requirements for bandwidth, memory, etc.]
Computer Skills Alternate Assessment Field tested Spring 2005 Different delivery from online test, but equal rigor of standard [item difficulty level, thinking skills, etc.] One test consisting of two distinct sections
Computer Skills Alternate Assessment Multiple-Choice Section 36 items Traditional Performance Section 27 total items 26 performance-based, administrator rated [yes or no] items 1 administrator rated [yes or no] item evaluating student proficiency with computer over course of time Computer-based Individualized administration Use supplied files and local applications [i.e., word processing, database, etc.] to complete tasks required by items Files provided in text format for conversion into local applications [PDFs provided to serve as blueprints]
Computer Skills Alternate Assessment Item performance, results, and feedback being analyzed at this time Possibility [probability] of being field tested again in the Fall 2005 Some issues with local administrators and technology staff having to convert text files into local applications Probability that necessary test files will be provided for State supported platforms/packages in future administrations
Accessibility Issues Definite accessibility issues with online testing! Standard accommodations are still available Choice of large or regular font size for NCDesk Keyboard and mouse actions functional Currently developing the ability to integrate and support assistive technology [i.e., screen readers] Exploring multiple options for accessibility [zoom functions, etc.] Implementation of additional assistive technology likely an extended process
Support Helpdesk Activated for feasibility studies/trials, field testing, and will be available for operational administration Assistance provided prior to, during, and after testing Addresses NCRegistration, NCDesk, Computer Skills Alternate Assessment, and any other issues involved in delivery and implementation of online test Mobile Labs Available for schools/systems unable to test because of technical limitations By request only [actual process for requests still in development] Availability issues and division of time
The Age of Wisdom It is no longer enough to be smart — all the technological tools in the world add meaning and value only if they enhance our core values, the deepest part of our heart. Acquiring knowledge is no guarantee of practical, useful application. Wisdom implies a mature integration of appropriate knowledge, a seasoned ability to filter the inessential from the essential. Doc Childre and Deborah Rozman Learn wisdom from the ways of a seedling. A seedling which is never hardened off through stressful situations will never become a strong productive plant. Stephen Sigmund
The Meaning? Online testing is the future Most states are in the process of either implementing or maintaining an online testing program North Carolina is moving forward with online testing…this is only the beginning Students are far more positive about online testing than administrators/teachers/staff Trends suggest students more comfortable and engaged with online testing…overwhelming support from them Technology concerns are warranted, but… Implementation of technology will become seamless over time as traditional options for testing are exhausted Systems/schools have been successful in implementing this test
Basic Necessities for Success Dissemination and sharing of information Local, State, National, International Use resources available and act as a resource Communication Question Online testing is a new world so do not be afraid to question things or offer your opinion Support There will be some growing pains, but never waver in your support Support at all levels, between all divisions and peoples is absolutely required Learn Do not be complacent in your knowledge, always seek more Familiarity = Understanding = Less frustration, stress, and anxiety for all
The Age of Enlighten “up” This I conceive to be the chemical function of humor: to change the character of our thought. Lin Yutang Humor is perhaps a sense of intellectual perspective: an awareness that some things are really important, others not; and that the two kinds are most oddly jumbled in everyday affairs. Christopher Morley
A Brighter Future Yes, anxiety is expected, normal, and okay Yes, change can be painful Yes, this is a serious matter not to be taken lightly But… Never lose perspective on what is important Think about why we are really doing this and who it ultimately benefits Understand that we are all in this together, for better or worse, so let us all be friends, not enemies And lastly… Smile and be confident in knowing that, though pioneers, we are moving in the right direction
Websites Link to home page of the North Carolina Online Test of Computer Skills Direct link to the home page for the NCDesk application suite Link to Computer/Technology Skills Standard Course of Study on the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction website Link to Computer/Technology Skills page for Curriculum and School Reform on the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction website Link to computer skills testing information on the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction website Link to Technology Implementation & Planning Services page on the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction website Link to Technology Services page on the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction website
Contact Information Scott Ragsdale Project Manager, North Carolina Computer Skills Assessments Randy Craven Technical Manager Jim Kroening Program Manager, Performance Assessments
Final Thought The important thing in life is not where we are, but in which direction we are moving. Oliver Wendell Holmes