Think tanks, networks and participatory planning in the public policies process : the Italian experience Arab Regional Conference on reinventing government.


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Presentation transcript:

Think tanks, networks and participatory planning in the public policies process : the Italian experience Arab Regional Conference on reinventing government Dubai, April 2006 Marco Meneguzzo Public and non profit mgmt

International benchmarking and benchlearning on public policies process management A REFERENCE FRAMEWORK UNDESA Governance for a better life for all : building trust partnerships and capacity EUROPEAN UNION Academic/professional networks Best practices and pilot projects Policy analysis and evaluation ITALY as part of EU Policy making think tanks Impact evaluation Stakeholders mapping Strategic planning Social and participative planning Communities of innovators 1

Academic Research centers network Cross fertilization, exchange of practices and experience at European level  EGPA “public administration”  IRSPM “public management”  IPMN “public management governance”  European evaluation society (policy analysis and evaluation) 3

The Italian experience : Key issues THINK TANKS FOR ADMINISTRATIVE AND SOCIAL INNOVATION Innovation awards EU quality awards Benchmarking Benchlearning STRATEGIC PLANNING Regional, Metropolitan and Local strategic plans Network of “strategic cities” PARTICIPATORY PLANNING Agenda 21 for Environment Health improvement Plans Participatory Budgeting Social reporting NEW TOOLS FOR PUBLIC POLICIES ANALYSIS AND IMPLEMENTATION EU structural funds MEANS 2000/06 4

Italy : Key actors in the public policies process Public sector Think tanks at national and regional level Indipendent profit and non profit think tanks Consulting firms Universities, Professional Networks (civil servants), Informal networks  Public Entrepreneurs,  Communities of Innovators  City managers SSPA National school of public adminstration, Regional and Local public administration schools, National Agencies ( Formez, DIT egovnmt ) 2 Centers of competence

Typology of think tanks  Pure advocacy groups (financial independence)  Political party foundations  Government research and policy planning IPSG  Corporate consultancy (for profit) PWC Accenture  University / research centers (academic studies) Center of Competence government Public sector “open” Think tanks Profit And non profit Think tanks Network of think tanks 6 Bertelsmann Foundation Speier Academy - Germany

Participatory planning in Italy: civil society and local stakeholders involvement Accountability Social reporting and Environmental reporting Participatory planning Local democracy Social capital in cities and communities Management of participatory budgets Social venture capital and non profit incubators Participatory monitoring and evaluation Performances evaluation 17

EU MEANS: public policies analysis and evaluation From ex ante and ex post tools and methods …. To an integrated strategy of: organizational development, managerial techniques, public/private partnerships, interistitutional cooperation, formal and informal networking, best practices diffusion, data and process benchmarking in public administrations and agencies Managerial education and training Development of new tools Experiences and know how sharing 11

 Best practices and peer review  Action targets for realistic change  Pilot projects / reference models  Monitoring tools 16

System dynamics Scenarios Stakeholders mapping Participative planning Evaluability assessment Implementation scenarios PERFORMANCEINDICATORS: Efficiency Effectiveness Equity Quality Transparency Accountabilty Ethics Sustainability Impact on social capital Creation of public value Multicriteria analyis Social environmental impact New tools in public policies analysis and evaluation. Recent trends in Italy 12

Al Masdar initiative Gulf project exceed 1tr $ value UAE International hub for transport, tourism and international business (Economist march 4th 2006) Strategic planning and scenarios Social impact analysis Environmental impact analysis Environmental report Strategic thinking New tools in public policies analysis and evaluation 13