Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ljubljana, 16 November '07 Breda Mulec, PhD Head of Department Section of legal affairs European Affairs and Investments Directorate Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning Slovenia 12 June 2008 Financing Strategies and Challenges in the Financing of Environmental Infrastructure-Slovenian Experience
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ljubljana, 16 November '07 Introduction: Financial resources at the field of environment a)National financial resources: State budget, Local community budget, Waste disposal tax, Environmental Found of the RS credits b) European and other financial resources EU Cohesion fund, pre-accession aid (ISPA), Environmental financial fund Life + Other loans (BRD, EBRD, EIB)
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ljubljana, 16 November '07 1.The Cohesion fund Pre - accession funds (ISPA): (22 projects), 86 million Euro, Financial perspective (7+11 from ISPA projects) (Cohesion fund):168, 6 million ear, Financial perspective (Cohesion fund): 1.5 billion EUR (48 projects).
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ljubljana, 16 November '07 Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 of 11 July 2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No. 1260/1999, Commission Regulation (EC) No 1828/2006 of 8 December 2006 setting out rules for the implementation of Council regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and of Regulation (EC) No 1080/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Regional Development Fund, Council Regulation (EC) No 1084/2006 of 11 July 2006 establishing a Cohesion fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1164/94, Council Regulation (EC) No 1085/2006 of 17 July 2006 establishing an Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA). 1.1 European legislation concerning the Cohesion fund in at the field of environment
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ljubljana, 16 November '07 Strategy of the Development of Slovenia Plan for Preparation of national Development Programme , National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), Operational Programme of Environmental and Transport Infrastructure Development for the period (OP ETID), The National Decree on Implementing of the Processes Concerning the Implementation of Financial Support of the Slovenian Cohesion Policy in the Financial period Fundamental Slovenian national documents concerning the Cohesion fund
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ljubljana, 16 November ' Cohesion fund – Slovenian implementing structure European Commission, Managing Authority: Government Office for Local-Self Government and Regional Policy, Intermediate bodies: Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Environment and Spatial planning, Implementing bodies: Municipalities, Certifying Authority: Ministry of Finance, National fund, Audit Authority: Ministry of Finance-Budget Supervision Office.
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ljubljana, 16 November '07 MESP, as the intermediate body, is responsible for the implementation of the first, second and third development priority of the operational programme (OP ETID), as following: I. Development priority: Municipal Waste Management, II. Development priority: Environment Protection-Water Sector, III. Development priority: Sustainable Use of Energy. 1.4 The role of Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) in the implementation process of the Cohesion Fund
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ljubljana, 16 November ' Financial support of the cohesion environmental projects in the Applications Activity fields of the developments’ priorities: Reduction of detrimental activities of water 80 mio EU Potable water supply140 mio EU Collection and treatment of urban waste water 100 mio EU Urban waste management200 mio EU Sustainable use of energy160 mio EU
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ljubljana, 16 November ' Regional centres in Slovenia
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ljubljana, 16 November ' Indicative list of projects – applications Beneficiaries: municipalities Indicative list of projects at the field of waste management Regional waste management centers (9) Estimated value of total investment with VAT in mio EUR: 357 Indicative list of projects at the field of Collection and treatment of urban waste water Collection and treatment of waste water in the basin of the respective rivers and areas (18) 301 Indicative list of projects at the field of Drinking water supply Integral protection and regulation of supplying the respective regions with drinking water (18) 334 Indicative list of projects at the field of Reducing damaging effects of water Ensure the protection against flood in the particular river basin (6) 125
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ljubljana, 16 November ' Sustainable use of energy-list of calls for applications Sustainable use of energy, Energy restoration and sustainable construction of buildings, Efficient use of electrical power, Innovative local energy supply systems, Demonstration projects, informing and energy consulting. Beneficiaries: public institutions, companies, etc
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ljubljana, 16 November '07 The comprehensive European and national cohesion legislation requires the complex structure of Cohesion fund implementation at its different phases: 1. The project identification (agreement between local communities; lack of the regions or proper regionalisation, however, contribute to less efficient project identification; it has to be stressed, that the scientific point of view has to prevail above some particular other (political) interests...), preparing of Project documentation, preparing of Application for financial support from the Cohesion fund by the Communities (preparing of the comprehensive application, however, requires corresponding knowledge by the local human resources, therefore often the more expensive consulting companies prepare the applications= the conflict of private and public interest), 1.6 The experiences and Challenges in the implementing process of the Cohesion fund respectively pre-accession fund
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ljubljana, 16 November ' The experiences and Challenges in the implementing process of the Cohesion fund respectively pre-accession fund Financial resources: Local and national budget reconciliation, Determination of corresponding budgetary items in the programming phase (a part from the Cohesion fund and a part from the state’s own participation) it is not an easy task; it is difficult to foresee the exact amount of money for the project, needed in one year: Transfer of the rights of expenditure from one budgetary year into another, has not been allowed accordingly to the Slovenian national law; the problem has been, however, evident because of the frequent use of revisions by unsatisfied costumers (non selected offerers ) at the field of public procurement. The revisions, namely, have contributed to no timely used expected amount of financial support for the project, which has been foreseen in the budget. Therefore, no timely used financial support could be lost, Preparing of Call for applications and its implementation (strict rules at the field of public procurement contribute to delays in project implementation), Project implementation (supervision of financial and technical part of implementation), Final report, The question of ownership and maintenance’s costs after the project is accomplished, etc.
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ljubljana, 16 November '07 2. The efficient administrative (implementing system should be established before the implementation starts, Human resources (big fluctuation, lack of sufficient human resources at the levels of communities and national state institutions, lack of experiences at the project managing ). 1.6 The experiences and Challenges in the implementing process of the Cohesion fund respectively pre-accession fund
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ljubljana, 16 November '07 The competent participants shall strive for amendments of the European and national cohesion legislation, which would enable more easiest and efficient implementing of Cohesion fund, All participants of the implementing process have to strive for efficient, transparent and simple system, The corresponding and timely establishment of the system of implementing processes in pre-accession phase is very important; therefore the projects from technical support have been available, The candidate states should continue to perform reforms at the different fields (local self - government, public administration, budget implementation of environment standards in pre-accession phase respectively stabilization process, which however have an influence to efficient use of EU Funds for the infrastructure environmental projects, after the accession of candidate states. 1.7 What are our general recommendations?
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ljubljana, 16 November '07 It has been established especially for the environmental projects Main objectives: the implementation and the development of environmental policy and EU legislation, Integration of environment into other EU policies and support of the permanent development, Financing of environmental projects. 2. Environmental financial fund Life
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ljubljana, 16 November '07 It supported, from 2000 the following fields: Nature (11 projects), which supported the protection of wild animals, birds and biotical diversity, Environment (2) It has great positive impact for Slovenia; however without its financial support many of important environmental projects could not have been performed. Slovenia decided to support projects mostly at the field of nature. Reasons: The projects at the field of environment were supported mostly by the ISPA Environmental infrastructure projects are more expensive. Slovenia received, namely, more financial support from ISPA. 2.1 Role of Environmental financial fund life in pre-accession
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ljubljana, 16 November '07 Financial support: Proportion of EU and Slovenia Co- financing different projects at the field of Nature for 11 projects: Total: EUR, Slovenia: EUR (21,66%), EU: EUR (62,15%). 2.1 Role of Environmental financial fund life in pre-accession
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ljubljana, 16 November '07 Centralized system: European commission: has been publishing yearly calls for applications, has been managing the financial support (the collection, supervision of the projects). National states: preparing of national priorities, preparing of projects proposals. 2.2 Environmental financial fund life
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ljubljana, 16 November '07 Fields of support: nature and biotic diversity, environmental policy and management, environmental communication. The measures financed by the fund: operational activities, Studies, researches, Vocational training, etc Regulation (EC) no. 614/2007 on financial instrument for environment (LIFE +)
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ljubljana, 16 November '07 Financial support: European Commission co-finances 50% of the projects, Slovenia received 4,2 million Euro for 2007, 5,3 million EURO in Beneficiaries: Public authorities, Regional and local authorities, universities, private institutions (profitable and un profitable). 2.2 Environmental financial fund life
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ljubljana, 16 November '07 The law on public –local partnership is new law; therefore, we do not have much experience with its implementation. 1. At the field of private investments into environmental infrastructure projects still the processes are in the beginning; 2. At the filed of public services the respective law enables to public companies, which perform public service and have been in 100 % property of Republic of Slovenia: the transformation into business company (the acquirement of the concession for the performance of public economic services), preservation of status of public company. Advantages and disadvantages of transforming of public companies The decision concerning the status of the companies, which perform public services, has to be based at the following principles: transparency, competitive position, efficiency, access to public services, the lowest possible costs for beneficiaries. 3. Public-private partnership
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ljubljana, 16 November '07 the transfer of financial and other risks at private sector, the acceleration of development of the infrastructure through the private capital, due to better competitive position, the better performing of public services is ensured. 3.1 The advantages of the transforming of public companies into private companies in accordance with public - private partnership:
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ljubljana, 16 November '07 the comparative surveys indicate to some problems of the institute of public – private partnership, greater critical assessment is however needed by the implementation of this institute, the crediting of private companies is however more expensive than the crediting of the state, the existence of risk for private capital, the lost of public influence at the performing of public services. And the most of all: the services of private companies are not always less expensive for the beneficiaries (despite of more economical operations, they are more expensive). 3.2 The advantages of preserving the status
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ljubljana, 16 November '07 The municipalities are at this field independent, however it should be considered: spatial, functional forms of the performing of public services, which perform the standards implementation at the field of public services, the principle that we do not destroy what is consider to be good, we are abolishing actual errors, the insurance of local services should remain by the public companies at the field of water supply, the transforming into private companies could be at the field of collection and cartage of waste management. Recommendations
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ljubljana, 16 November '07