CTS130 Spreadsheet Lesson 3 Using Editing and Formatting Tools
The AUTOCORRECT Feature The AutoCorrect feature helps in making spelling corrections while typing. AutoCorrect recognizes common errors. New entry TOOLS MENU > AUTOCORRECT
Using the TRACE ERROR Feature Excel automatically displays a green triangular error indicator in the top-left corner of the cell if formulas are incorrect. An Error Checking Options button appears when the user clicks the cell with an error indicator. The user can review the type of error, fix it, or ignore it.
Shortcut menu Drop-down arrow Trace Error Option
The SPELLING Feature The Spelling feature scans a worksheet and finds words that do not match the entries in its dictionaries. The Spelling feature also finds repeated words. The Spelling dialog box provides options for handling errors. Excel starts spell-checking at the active cell and checks to the end of the worksheet. When the spell-checker reaches the end of the worksheet, a dialog box asks the users if they want to continue spell-checking from the beginning of the worksheet.
The Spelling Feature See next slide for details
The Spelling Feature
FIND and REPLACE Options The Find command locates a character string, a sequence, or symbols, or formats. The Replace command locates occurrences of character strings and replaces them with replacement strings.
FIND Option Cell identifiers Selected cell Edit Menu > Find Option “or” CTRL + F
REPLACE Option Edit Menu > Replace Option “or” CTRL + H
Replacing a Function in a Formula In the “Find What” box – key in something like sum In the “Replace With” box – key in something like average Note: To correct an error such as incorrectly keying in the text avg instead average, you could use replace to do this for you.
Replacing Formats In addition to finding or replacing characters, you can locate formats and change them. When you replace formats, you should not show any text or numbers in the Find What and Replace with boxes.
It is recommended that the settings be removed after replacing formats. The Clear Find Format and Clear Replace Format options can be used for removing the settings.
Wildcards A wildcard is a character that represents one or more numbers or letters. A wildcard is used when the user is unsure about the spelling or wants to find a group of data. The wildcard character * represents any number of characters. Example: Report 19* would find any number that starts with 19. The number could be any number of digits in length. The wildcard character ? represents a single character. Example: Report 200? Would find any number that starts with 200 and has only one digit following.
Using the SERIES feature A series is a list of labels, numbers, dates, or times that follows a pattern. The AutoFill command uses a Fill handle for copying and extending data from a cell or range of cells to adjacent cells. The Fill handle is a small rectangle at the lower- right corner of a cell or range. When you place your cursor over the handle, the curse will change to a solid black cross.
Creating Months and Week Series Click on the handle and pull down. Note that it tells you what month you are on as you drag down. When you let go of the mouse, the months are displayed and a popup menu displays as shown here.
Creating a Number Series Step 1 - Type QTR 1 and QTR Step 2 - Highlight both cells. Step 3 – Click and drag handle. This is what will appear. Note the popup menu again.
Series – Changing Step Values Step value was changed to 2 here.
Using Fill to Copy a Function Click in the cell where the function is located. Click and drag down or across depending on which way you want to copy.
Applying AUTOFORMATS An AutoFormat is a set of built-in formatting instructions. It applies formatting features such as fonts, colors, borders to a range of cells. It enables the user to quickly change the appearance of the worksheet. Format Menu > AutoFormat
Changing AutoFormat Options Click on the OPTIONS button will display the portion of the screen shown at the bottom of the window. This doesn’t display by default.
Print a Selection Sometimes, you may want to print only a portion of a spreadsheet. First, select the range of cells you want to print. Then, open the Print dialog box and choose SELECTION in the “Print What” dialog box.
Changing Page Setup Headers and Footers
Format Menu > Page Setup
Font Sheet name File name Date Page Number Format Picture Insert Picture Path and File Time Total Pages
Printing Gridlines Printing Row and Column Headings Gridlines and row and column headings do not print by default. They can be printed by checking the respective box in the Print section of the Sheet tab. Printing a worksheet with the gridlines and row and column headings makes it easy to locate data or to recreate a worksheet, if needed.
File Menu > Page Setup > Sheet Tab
Changing Page Margins and Column Widths in PRINT PREVIEW Column markers Left margin Bottom margin Footer margin Right margin Header margin Top margin Status bar indicates setting