‘Out and Up’ Next This PowerPoint is a advertisement for people aged 17-23. The company which will be ‘Out and Up’. A new company which runs team building. By Natasha Morris
Content’s Page Link To all of the slides. Title Page Information Slide: Activity Centre Information Slide: Assault Course Information Slide: Café Map Slide Gallery Slide Feedback Slide Contact Slide
Information Slide: Activity Centre Next The ‘Out and Up’ company have recently bought a plot of land were they have built a activity centre. This centre will be available for young adults aged 17-23. The activity centre is a large building which is able to fit 100 people. In the activity centre everyone would be separated into groups for the activities. In the rooms you can fit about 3 to 4 groups in each room depending on the size of the groups. Back Content Page
Information: Assault Course Next The assault course is one of the main activities in this centre and is also the biggest and most popular with the public. The assault course is used to build teamwork between each group or pair that tries it. A member of staff will always accompany the assault course to help anyone who is stuck or scared. Content Page Back
Information Slide: Cafe Next The Café is a place for you to take a quick break to get a drink or have a snack between activities. The café is open from 6am to 5pm. The café staff is very welcoming to the public and will treat you will respect. The café will be open through out actives but you must only use it in a emergency, for example if you really need the bathroom or if you are dehydrated but try not to take advantage of this. Back Content’s Page Food & Drink Prices Sandwiches (Ham, Cheese, Tuna) £1.00 Drinks (Soft & Fizzy) 50p Cookies & Biscuit 20p
A Map Slide Next The ‘Out and Up’ Company has bought a plot of land as you know. This slide will show you where actually ‘Out and Up’ is. ‘Out and up is located near the city of Liverpool. ‘Out and Up’ Is in Formby, Near the Formby Golf Club Professional Shop. Content’s Page Back Click Map For Interactive
Gallery Next Content Page Back
Feedback Next Back Content Page If you would like to leave feedback on this PowerPoint You can sent your opinion to the ‘Out and Up’ company. outandup2014@hotmail.co.uk I am 17 years old and This company helped me improve my confidence towards new people. Content Page Name: Leave your name and comment in the box below: Back
Contact Slide To Contact us use this following information. Email: outandup2014@hotmail.co.uk Facebook: Facebook.co.uk/Out and Up Phone Number: 0800 456 2378 Q: How is the presentation suitable for purpose? A: My presentation is suitable for the purpose because it has followed the Success Criteria and what the company wanted me to do. My presentation has included information on the Activity Centre, Assault Course, Café, Map Slide, Gallery, Feedback and Contact Slide. I have included the main parts on each which includes the prices on food. This helps the public know how much money to bring and helps them not to worry about bringing a packed lunch. The Assault Courses is the main part of Out and Up so that is why I have included so much information about it. The Activity Centre is the first thing the public will see so I have included as much information as possible. The Map Slide and the Contact Slide are equally important. The Map Slide is important because it shows the public where Out and Up is located and the Contact Slide tells the public how to contact and book with Out and Up. The Gallery Slide and Feedback are important also. The Gallery Slide shows images which will advertise the company and the Feedback slide shows the public how other people have reacted to Out and Up which could persuade them to come. Q: What has been included to meet the needs of the audience? A: I have met the needs of the audience with my PowerPoint by including colour, layout, animations, buttons, transitions and sounds. With colour I had to make sure the same colour was persistent through out the presentation and fitted in with the age group and Out and Up. The layout had to be persistent and fit the audience so I settled with a basic theme. My buttons are linked to each slide which makes the presentation flow better for the audience. My transitions are to add effect to my presentation and it will catch he audiences eye. Finally, my sound is a camera click because it fits in with the Gallery theme. Q: How have I checked my presentation for accuracy? A: I have checked my presentation for accuracy by proof reading, spell checking and feedback from peers. While I was creating my PowerPoint I was proof reading my slides repeatedly. Also, I used spell checker through out my presentation. Finally, I had collected feedback from peers which helped me change and add new information to my PowerPoint. Q: Describe how I checked for problems and corrected them. A: To find problems I looked through my feedback sheets that my peers had wrote for me. Once I had found them I immediately changed them and check through the presentation multiple times. Such as the fact I forgot to add a chart for my presentation - added a simple chart to show feedback for last month. Tittle Page Content Page Back