How Do You Benchmark Your Dentists?
Do your measures give you leverage and access to improving your dentists’ practices?
Do your measures give you leverage and access to improving your relationships and services to your dentists?
You can only manage what you measure.
onPARConPARC is an ASP - Application Service Provider. onPARConPARC custom designs and delivers surveys that assess the performance of a dental practice and its personnel. onPARConPARC provides the training and direct support for its customers to use these tools effectively. What is onPARC?
onPARC instruments assess the most critical areas of dental practice: Business / Business Performance Assessment Patients / Patient Satisfaction Survey Dentist / Dentist Satisfaction Assessment Employees / Staff Satisfaction Survey Marketing / Referral Satisfaction Survey Dentist Satisfaction with PPO, Payer or Vendor onPARC’s Assessments
onPARC can deliver its assessments as a stand- alone, outside third party - the onPARC Company. onPARC’s Assessment Delivery Options
onPARC can deliver its assessments as a stand- alone, outside third party - the onPARC Company. onPARC can deliver its assessments as a backroom provider, setting up the assessments so they appear to be delivered and processed via your Website - your logo, font and style are recreated. onPARC’s Assessment Delivery Options
onPARC can deliver its assessments as a stand- alone, outside third party - the onPARC Company. onPARC can deliver its assessments as a backroom provider, setting up the assessments so they appear to be delivered and processed via your Website - your logo, font and style are recreated. onPARC can deliver some of the assessments as an independent party, while the customer appears to provide other assessments. onPARC’s Assessment Delivery Options
Enterprises whose management of dentists & their associated practices is tied to their success. Companies that require performance improvement from dentists and their practices. Companies that want to enable dentists to be more successful. Who Is onPARC Working With?
Enterprises looking for better ways to measure and manage their dentists and dental networks. Companies who want to be effective in improving loyalty and relationships with their participating dentists. Companies that see improving their participating dentists’ practices as real value-added while enhancing their competitive advantage. Who Is onPARC Working With?
Dental Practice Management Consulting Companies PPOs Dental 3rd Parties Private Practice Dentists Dental Internet Companies DPMs, DHMOs, Large Group Practices onPARC’s Customers
Suppliers with practice management software Dental Schools Government Agencies Professional National or State Dental Organizations Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology onPARC’s Customers
Provides immediate feedback not delivered by the industry or the dental practice itself. Reveals to dentists, executives and consultants, specifically where the problems exist within a dental practice’s core business functions. onPARC’s Value Proposition
Provides dentists, executives and consultants with real-time, “actionable” information on what is or isn’t working. Provides a means of measuring and comparing activities of dentists and their practices for more effective management, enhanced provider relations and continuous quality improvement. onPARC’s Value Proposition
Saves losing patients. Enhances attracting new ones. Improves staff retention. Improves dentist’s satisfaction. Clearly informs dentists where and what to work on to improve practice performance and practice revenues. For specialists, it increases referrals. onPARC’s Value Proposition - Dentists
Informs 3rd party what is working and not working in their transactions with dentists. Improves retention of dentists in their networks. Improves dentist’s satisfaction with 3rd party. Informs 3rd party what to handle to improve relationships and services to their dentists. onPARC’s Value Proposition - Payers
Informs PPO what is working and not working in their relationship and service with their dentists. Allows legitimate benchmarking of practices. Identifies ‘best practices.’ Enables better member practice performance and results. Enhances transactions with 3rd parties. onPARC’s Value Proposition - PPOs
CONVEYANCE There are several ‘access’ options for utilization: Any Internet-ready computer or handheld Web access via office or home computer “Dumb” PC in the practice waiting room Pre-configured PC Pad Personal Digital Assistant (PDAs)
Dental Practice Staff Satisfaction Survey Sample Report of Findings: Drs. John.…... & Steve.……….. February 11, 2002 Report of Findings
Four Interconnected Elements Data Reporting Data Analysis Issues Identification Recommendations Report of Findings
Here is how you scored by category on a scale of 1-10 (1=Completely Disagree and 10 = Completely Agree):OVERALL……………..81% Service………………..82.4% Appreciation………….77.9% Leadership………… % Marketing…………… % Communication…… % Management……… % Scale Good to Excellent Fair Poor Failing Scale Good to Excellent Fair Poor Failing Staff Satisfaction Results
Scale Good to Excellent Fair Poor Failing Scale Good to Excellent Fair Poor Failing Comparison Staff vs. Doctor - Overall Categories
Comparison (Front & Back) and Doctor
Staff Satisfaction “Snapshot” Overall Score: Each Category - “Struggling” Practice
The Practice Performance Dashboard
For More Information Contact: Dr. Marc Cooper